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Sortable List

The list elements below are not in order. Order them using simple drag and drop!

  1. Shape into 2" spheres and place on cookie sheet
  2. Add flour and baking powder
  3. Mix ingredients
    1. Blend butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla
    2. Bake
      1. Check every few minutes
    3. Should take around 10-12 minutes
  4. Remove when golden brown
  5. Preheat oven to 350°
  6. Enjoy!
  function(Y) {
    var placeholder = Y.Node.create('<li class="placeholder"></li>');

    new Y.SortableList(
        dropCondition: function(event) {
          return true;
        dropOn: 'myList',
        nodes: '#myList li',
        placeholder: placeholder