Module: datatable-highlight
Parent Module: datatable

Available since 3.13.0



() protected

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:256

Available since 3.13.0

Used to transform the _colNameRegex to a Regular Expression when the column highlighting is initially turned on. If _colNameRegex is not a string when this method is called, no action is taken.


  • e

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:241

Available since 3.13.0

Method called to turn on or off the cell highlighting when the mouse enters or leaves the cell. This is determined by the event phase of the hover event. Where over will turn on the highlighting and anything else will turn it off.



  • e

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:220

Available since 3.13.0

Method called to turn on or off the column highlighting when the mouse enters or leaves the column. This is determined by the event phase of the hover event. Where over will turn on the highlighting and anything else will turn it off.



  • e

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:205

Available since 3.13.0

Method called to turn on or off the row highlighting when the mouse enters or leaves the row. This is determined by the event phase of the hover event. Where over will turn on the highlighting and anything else will turn it off.



  • val

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:175

Available since 3.13.0

Default setter method for cell highlighting. If the value is true, a delegate is created and stored in this._highlightDelegates.cell. This delegate will add/remove the cell highlight classname to/from the cell when the mouse enters/leaves a cell on the tbody


  • val Boolean




  • val

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:146

Available since 3.13.0

Default setter method for column highlighting. If the value is true, a delegate is created and stored in this._highlightDelegates.col. This delegate will add/remove the column highlight classname to/from the column when the mouse enters/leaves a column on the tbody


  • val Boolean




  • val

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:117

Available since 3.13.0

Default setter method for row highlighting. If the value is true, a delegate is created and stored in this._highlightDelegates.row. This delegate will add/remove the row highlight classname to/from the row when the mouse enters/leaves a row on the tbody


  • val Boolean





String protected

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:94

Available since 3.13.0

A string that will be used to create Regular Expression when column highlighting is set to true. Uses the css prefix ({prefix}) from the DataTable object to populate.


String protected

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:81

Available since 3.13.0

A string that is used to create a column selector when the column is has the mouse over it. Can contain the css prefix ({prefix}) and the column name ({col}). Further substitution will require _highlightCol to be overwritten.


Object protected

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:106

Available since 3.13.0

This object will contain any delegates created when their feature is turned on.


Object public

Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:65

Available since 3.13.0

An object consisting of classnames for a row, a col and a cell to be applied to their respective objects when the user moves the mouse over the item and the attribute is set to true.



Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:47

Available since 3.13.0

Setting this to true will create a delegate on the DataTable adding the default classname to the cell when the mouse is over it.

Default: false


Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:33

Available since 3.13.0

Setting this to true will create a delegate on the DataTable adding the default classname to the column when the mouse is over the column.

Default: false


Defined in yui3/src/datatable/js/highlight.js:19

Available since 3.13.0

Setting this to true will create a delegate on the DataTable adding the default classname to the row when the mouse is over the row.

Default: false