                             * The ACE Editor Freemarker Plugin
                             * @module aui-ace-editor
                             * @submodule aui-ace-autocomplete-freemarker
                            var Lang = A.Lang,
                                MATCH_DIRECTIVES = 0,
                                MATCH_VARIABLES = 1,
                                 * A base class for Freemarker plugin.
                                 * @class A.AceEditor.AutoCompleteFreemarker
                                 * @extends A.AceEditor.TemplateProcessor
                                 * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying configuration
                                 *     properties.
                                 * @constructor
                                Freemarker = A.Base.create('aui-ace-autocomplete-freemarker', A.AceEditor.TemplateProcessor, [
                            ], {
                                     * Checks if the provided content contains directive or variable.
                                     * @method getMatch
                                     * @param {String} content The content which should be traversed for
                                     *     matches
                                     * @return {Object} An Object which contains the following properties:
                                     * content - the found content
                                     * start - the start index of the match
                                     * type - match type, could be 0 (DIRECTIVES) or 1 (VARIABLES)
                                    getMatch: function(content) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                        if ((matchIndex = content.lastIndexOf('<')) >= 0) {
                                            content = content.substring(matchIndex);
                                            if (instance.get('directivesMatcher').test(content)) {
                                                match = {
                                                    content: content.substring(2),
                                                    start: matchIndex,
                                                    type: MATCH_DIRECTIVES
                                        else if ((matchIndex = content.lastIndexOf('$')) >= 0) {
                                            content = content.substring(matchIndex);
                                            if (instance.get('variablesMatcher').test(content)) {
                                                match = {
                                                    content: content.substring(2),
                                                    start: matchIndex,
                                                    type: MATCH_VARIABLES
                                        return match;
                                }, {
                                     * Static property which provides a string to identify the class.
                                     * @property NAME
                                     * @type String
                                     * @static
                                    NAME: 'aui-ace-autocomplete-freemarker',
                                     * Static property provides a string to identify the namespace.
                                     * @property NS
                                     * @type String
                                     * @static
                                    NS: 'aui-ace-autocomplete-freemarker',
                                     * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                     * configuration for the Freemarker.
                                     * @property ATTRS
                                     * @type Object
                                     * @static
                                    ATTRS: {
                                         * Contains the list of supported directives according to Freemarker
                                         * specification.
                                         * @attribute directives
                                         * @default
                                         * value: [
                                         *  'assign',
                                         *  'attempt',
                                         *  'break',
                                         *  'case',
                                         *  'compress',
                                         *  'default',
                                         *  'else',
                                         *  'elseif',
                                         *  'escape',
                                         *  'fallback',
                                         *  'flush',
                                         *  'ftl',
                                         *  'function',
                                         *  'global',
                                         *  'if',
                                         *  'import',
                                         *  'include',
                                         *  'list',
                                         *  'local',
                                         *  'lt',
                                         *  'macro',
                                         *  'nested',
                                         *  'noescape',
                                         *  'nt',
                                         *  'recover',
                                         *  'recurse',
                                         *  'return',
                                         *  'rt',
                                         *  'setting',
                                         *  'stop',
                                         *  'switch',
                                         *  't',
                                         *  'visit'
                                         * @type Array
                                        directives: {
                                            validator: Lang.isArray,
                                            value: [
                                         * Contains the regular expression which checks for directive
                                         * presence.
                                         * @attribute directivesMatcher
                                         * @default /<#[\w]*[^<#]*$/
                                        directivesMatcher: {
                                            setter: '_setRegexValue',
                                            value: /<#[\w]*[^<#]*$/
                                         * The Editor in which the current instance is plugged.
                                         * @attribute host
                                         * @type Object
                                        host: {
                                            validator: Lang.isObject
                                         * Contains the supported variables.
                                         * @attribute variables
                                         * @type Object
                                        variables: {
                                            validator: Lang.isObject
                                         * Contains the regular expression which will check for variable
                                         * match.
                                         * @attribute variablesMatcher
                                         * @default /\${[\w., ()"]*(?:[^$]|\\\$)*$/
                                        variablesMatcher: {
                                            setter: '_setRegexValue',
                                            value: /\${[\w., ()"]*(?:[^$]|\\\$)*$/
                            A.AceEditor.AutoCompleteFreemarker = Freemarker;