var Lang = A.Lang,
AArray = A.Array,
* A base class for `ButtonSearchCancel`, providing:
* - Adds a button search cancel icon in order to clear the text on inputs and
* textareas. Similar behavior of the HTML5 search input that contains a cancel
* button to clear the current element value.
* @class A.ButtonSearchCancel
* @extends Base
* @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
* properties.
* @constructor
var ButtonSearchCancel = A.Base.create('btn-search-cancel', A.Base, [], {
* HTML template used on the button search cancel.
* @property TEMPLATE
* @type {String}
* @protected
TEMPLATE: '<div class="' + A.getClassName('btn-search-cancel') +
'" style="padding: 5px; position: absolute; z-index: {zIndex};">' +
'<i class="{iconClass}"></i>' + '</div>',
* Holds the created buttons for each element match from the trigger
* selector.
* @property _buttons
* @type {Array}
* @protected
_buttons: null,
* Holds the event handles for any bind event from the internal
* implementation.
* @property _eventHandles
* @type {Array}
* @protected
_eventHandles: null,
* Construction logic executed during `ButtonSearchCancel` instantiation.
* Lifecycle.
* @method initializer
initializer: function() {
var instance = this;
instance._buttons = [];
* Destructor lifecycle implementation for the `ButtonSearchCancel` class.
* @method destroy
* @protected
destroy: function() {
var instance = this;
AArray.each(instance._buttons, function(button) {
// To avoid memory leak caused by ghost button references, clear
// its reference from the input element first
(new A.EventHandle(instance._eventHandles)).detach();
* Bind events on the UI. Lifecycle.
* @method bindUI
bindUI: function() {
var instance = this,
container = instance.get('container'),
trigger = instance.get('trigger');
instance._eventHandles = [
['focus', 'input'],
A.debounce(instance._onUserInteraction, 50, instance), trigger),
A.debounce(instance._onBlur, 25, instance), trigger),
// YUI implementation for the windowresize synthetic event do not
// support Y.on('windowresize', fn, context) binding, therefore
// should be wrapped using Y.bind.
A.on('windowresize', A.bind(instance._onWindowResize, instance))
* Delegates events on the UI. Lifecycle.
* @method getButtonForElement
* @param {Node} element Input or textarea element align the created button.
* @return {Node} The `Button` node for the element.
getButtonForElement: function(element) {
var instance = this,
button = element.getData('btn-search-cancel');
if (!button) {
button = A.Node.create(
instance.TEMPLATE, {
iconClass: instance.get('iconClass'),
zIndex: instance.get('zIndex')
button.setData('btn-search-cancel', element);
element.setData('btn-search-cancel', button);
button.on('gesturemovestart', A.rbind('_onButtonClick', instance, element));
return button;
* Fires when the input loses focus.
* @method _onBlur
* @param {EventFacade} event
* @protected
_onBlur: function(event) {
var instance = this,
button = instance.getButtonForElement(;
if (button) {
* Fires when the user clicks on the cancel search button.
* @method _onButtonClick
* @param {EventFacade} event
* @param {Node} element Input or textarea element.
* @protected
_onButtonClick: function(event, element) {
var instance = this;
A.soon(function() {
* Fires when the user focus or input value on the host element.
* @method _onUserInteraction
* @param {EventFacade} event
* @protected
_onUserInteraction: function(event) {
var instance = this;
* Fires when the user resizes the browser window.
* @method _onWindowResize
* @param event
* @Protected
_onWindowResize: function() {
var instance = this;
AArray.each(instance._buttons, function(button) {
if (!button.hasClass('hide')) {
* Positions the cancel search button and aligns it with the passed
* `element`.
* @method _syncButtonUI
* @param {Node} element The input or textarea element align the button.
* @protected
_syncButtonUI: function(element) {
var instance = this,
button = instance.getButtonForElement(element),
if (!element.val()) {
element.insert(, 'before');
gutter = instance.get('gutter');
elementRegion = element.get('region');
buttonHeight = this.get('iconHeight');
if (!Lang.isNumber(buttonHeight)) {
buttonHeight = button.get('offsetHeight');
buttonWidth = this.get('iconWidth');
if (!Lang.isNumber(buttonWidth)) {
buttonWidth = button.get('offsetWidth');
elementRegion.right - buttonWidth + gutter[0], + elementRegion.height / 2 - buttonHeight / 2 + gutter[1]]);
}, {
* Static property used to define the default attribute configuration for
* the `ButtonSearchCancel`.
* @property ATTRS
* @type {Object}
* @static
* Defines the event delegation container of `ButtonSearchCancel`
* instance.
* @attribute container
* @type {Node}
* @writeOnce
container: {
value: _DOCUMENT,
writeOnce: true
* Defines the space surrounding the cancel icon rendered on the input.
* Useful when the user needs a different alignment. Gutter values are
* added to the X and Y alignment values of the button search cancel.
* @attribute gutter
* @default [-5, 0]
* @type {Array}
gutter: {
value: [-5, 0]
* Icon CSS class to be used on the search cancel button.
* @attribute iconClass
* @default 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove'
* @type {String}
iconClass: {
validator: Lang.isString,
value: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove'
* Defines the width of the button. Useful when an async request
* for resource file (image or font for example) may be necessary
* before calculating the button's width.
* @attribute iconWidth
* @default 24
* @type {Number}
iconWidth: {
value: 24
* Defines the height of the button. Useful when an async request
* for resource file (image or font for example) may be necessary
* before calculating the button's height.
* @attribute iconHeight
* @default 30
* @type {Number}
iconHeight: {
value: 30
* Defines the CSS selector for the input elements the button search
* cancel renders. Supports single or multiple node selector.
* @attribute trigger
* @type {String}
* @writeOnce
trigger: {
validator: Lang.isString,
writeOnce: true
* Defines the z-index of the button search cancel.
* @attribute zIndex
* @default 2
* @type Number
* @writeOnce
zIndex: {
value: 2,
writeOnce: true
A.ButtonSearchCancel = ButtonSearchCancel;