                             * The Carousel funcionality of swiping to go to the previous/next image.
                             * Will be mixed into the Carousel automatically when loaded.
                             * @module aui-carousel-swipe
                            function CarouselSwipe() {}
                            CarouselSwipe.prototype = {
                                WIDGET_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE: 'currentIndex',
                                WIDGET_ITEM_SELECTOR: '.image-viewer-base-image-container',
                                 * Construction logic executed during instantiation.
                                 * Lifecycle.
                                 * @method initializer
                                 * @protected
                                initializer: function() {
                                    A.after(this._afterAttachSwipeEvents, this, '_attachSwipeEvents');
                                 * Attaches more events related to the swipe functionality.
                                 * @method _afterAttachSwipeEvents
                                 * @protected
                                _afterAttachSwipeEvents: function() {
                                        this.on('animate', this._onAnimate)
                                 * Fired on the `animate` event. This prevents new image animations when
                                 * the current image was shown by scrolling.
                                 * @method _onAnimate
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onAnimate: function(event) {
                                    if (this._scrollView && this._scrollView.pages.get('index') === this.get(this.WIDGET_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                                        // If the scroll view is already at the new index, then it was already
                                        // scrolled there, so we don't want the carousel to animate it.
                            A.Base.mix(A.Carousel, [A.WidgetSwipe, CarouselSwipe]);