                             * The Form Builder Field List Component
                             * @module aui-form-builder-field-list
                            var CSS_FIELD_LIST = A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list'),
                                CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list', 'add', 'button'),
                                CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_ICON =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list', 'add', 'button', 'icon'),
                                CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_LABEL =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list', 'add', 'button', 'label'),
                                CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_LARGE =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list', 'add', 'button', 'large'),
                                CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_PLUS_ICON =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list', 'add', 'button', 'plus', 'icon'),
                                CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_VISIBLE =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list', 'add', 'button', 'visible'),
                                CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_CONTAINER =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list', 'add', 'container'),
                                CSS_FIELD_LIST_CONTAINER =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list', 'container'),
                                CSS_FIELD_LIST_EMPTY = A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'list', 'empty'),
                                CSS_FIELD_MOVE_TARGET =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'move', 'target'),
                                CSS_FIELD_MOVE_TARGET_LABEL =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'move', 'target', 'label'),
                                CSS_LIST_MOVE_TARGET =
                                    A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'list', 'move', 'target');
                             * A base class for `A.FormBuilderFieldList`.
                             * @class A.FormBuilderFieldList
                             * @extends A.Base
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                            A.FormBuilderFieldList  = A.Base.create('form-builder-field-list', A.Base, [], {
                                TPL_ADD_FIELD: '<div class="' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_CONTAINER + '">' +
                                    '<a class="btn ' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON + '" href="javascript:;">' +
                                    '<span class="' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_ICON + ' ' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_PLUS_ICON + '">+</span>' +
                                    '<label class="' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_LABEL + '">' +
                                    '{addField}' +
                                    '</label>' +
                                TPL_FIELD_LIST: '<div class="' + CSS_FIELD_LIST + '">' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_CONTAINER + '"></div>' +
                                TPL_FIELD_MOVE_TARGET: '<button type="button" class="' + CSS_FIELD_MOVE_TARGET + ' ' + CSS_LIST_MOVE_TARGET +
                                    ' layout-builder-move-target layout-builder-move-col-target">' +
                                    '<label class="' + CSS_FIELD_MOVE_TARGET_LABEL + '">{pasteHere}</label></button>',
                                 * Construction logic executed during the `A.FormBuilderFieldList`
                                 * instantiation. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method initializer
                                 * @protected
                                initializer: function() {
                                    var content = this.get('content');
                                    content.delegate('click', this._onClickAddField, '.' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON, this);
                                    content.delegate('mouseenter', this._onMouseEnterAddButton, '.' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_CONTAINER, this);
                                    content.delegate('mouseleave', this._onMouseLeaveAddButton, '.' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_CONTAINER, this);
                                    this.after('fieldsChange', A.bind(this._afterFieldsChange, this));
                                    this.after('enableAddFieldsChange', A.bind(this._afterEnableAddFieldsChange, this));
                                 * Adds a new field to the `A.FormBuilderFieldList`.
                                 * @method addField
                                 * @param {A.FormBuilderFieldBase} field
                                 * @param {Number} index
                                addField: function(field, index) {
                                    var fields = this.get('fields');
                                    if (!this.get('enableAddFields')) {
                                    if (A.Lang.isNumber(index)) {
                                        fields.splice(index, 0, field);
                                    else {
                                        fields.splice(this._newFieldIndex, 0, field);
                                    this.set('fields', fields);
                                 * Removes the given field from the `A.FormBuilderFieldList`.
                                 * @method removeField
                                 * @param {A.FormBuilderFieldBase} field
                                removeField: function(field) {
                                    var fields = this.get('fields'),
                                        indexOf = fields.indexOf(field);
                                    fields.splice(indexOf, 1);
                                    this.set('fields', fields);
                                 * Executed to the last empty column.
                                 * @method _addEmptyColumnFieldClasses
                                 * @param {Node} content
                                 * @protected
                                _addEmptyColumnFieldClasses: function(content) {
                          '.' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_CONTAINER).addClass(CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_VISIBLE);
                          '.' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON).addClass(CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON_LARGE);
                                 * Fired after the `enableAddFields` attribute change.
                                 * @method _afterEnableAddFieldsChange
                                 * @protected
                                _afterEnableAddFieldsChange: function() {
                                 * Fired after the `fields` attribute is set.
                                 * @method _afterFieldsChange
                                 * @protected
                                _afterFieldsChange: function() {
                                    var fields = this.get('fields');
                                 * Appends add field on the given container.
                                 * @method _appendAddFieldNode
                                 * @param {Node} container
                                 * @protected
                                _appendAddFieldNode: function(container) {
                                    var addFieldNode;
                                    addFieldNode = A.Node.create(A.Lang.sub(this.TPL_ADD_FIELD, {
                                        addField: this.get('strings').addField
                                    return addFieldNode;
                                 * Appends move target button on the given container.
                                 * @method _appendAddMoveTargetNode
                                 * @param {Node} container
                                 * @param {Number} index
                                 * @protected
                                _appendAddMoveTargetNode: function(container, index) {
                                    var moveTargetNode;
                                    moveTargetNode = A.Node.create(A.Lang.sub(this.TPL_FIELD_MOVE_TARGET, {
                                        pasteHere: this.get('strings').pasteHere
                                    moveTargetNode.setData('field-list-index', index);
                                    return moveTargetNode;
                                 * Fired when the button for adding a new field is clicked.
                                 * @method _onClickAddField
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onClickAddField: function(event) {
                                    var emptyFieldList = this.get('content').all('.' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON);
                                    this._newFieldIndex = emptyFieldList.indexOf(event.currentTarget);
                                 * Fired when mouse enters the button for adding a new field.
                                 * @method _onMouseEnterAddButton
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onMouseEnterAddButton: function(event) {
                                    var addButtonNode = event.currentTarget;
                                    if (this.get('fields').length > 0) {
                                 * Fired when mouse leaves the button for adding a new field.
                                 * @method _onMouseLeaveAddButton
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onMouseLeaveAddButton: function(event) {
                                    var addButtonNode = event.currentTarget;
                                    if (this.get('fields').length > 0) {
                                 * Append a field and its necessaries elements into a given container.
                                 * @method _uiSetField
                                 * @param {Node} container
                                 * @param {Node} field
                                 * @param {Number} index
                                 * @protected
                                _uiSetField: function(container, field, index) {
                                    this._appendAddMoveTargetNode(container, index);
                                 * Updates the ui according to the value of the `fields` attribute.
                                 * @method _uiSetFields
                                 * @param {Array} fields
                                 * @protected
                                _uiSetFields: function(fields) {
                                    var content = this.get('content'),
                                        container ='.' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_CONTAINER),
                                    for (index = 0; index < fields.length; index++) {
                                        this._uiSetField(container, fields[index], index);
                                    this._appendAddMoveTargetNode(container, index);
                                    content.toggleClass(CSS_FIELD_LIST_EMPTY, !fields.length);
                                    if (fields.length === 0) {
                                 * Toggle disabled class to the add field button.
                                 * @method _uiToggleDisableAddField
                                 * @protected
                                _uiToggleDisableAddField: function() {
                                    this.get('content').one('.' + CSS_FIELD_LIST_ADD_BUTTON).toggleClass('disabled', !this.get('enableAddFields'));
                                 * Update removable property for layout cols.
                                 * @method _updateRemovableLayoutColProperty
                                 * @protected
                                _updateRemovableLayoutColProperty: function() {
                                    var fields = this.get('fields'),
                                        content = this.get('content'),
                                        col = content.ancestor('.col'),
                                    if (col) {
                                        layoutCol = col.getData('layout-col');
                                        layoutCol.set('removable', fields.length === 0);
                            }, {
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                 * configuration for the `A.FormBuilderFieldList`.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * Node containing the contents of this field list.
                                     * @attribute content
                                     * @type Node
                                    content: {
                                        validator: function(val) {
                                            return A.instanceOf(val, A.Node);
                                        valueFn: function() {
                                            return A.Node.create(this.TPL_FIELD_LIST);
                                        writeOnce: 'initOnly'
                                     * Attribute responsible for enabling or disabling the feature of adding fields.
                                     * @attribute enableAddFields
                                     * @type {Boolean}
                                    enableAddFields: {
                                        validator: A.Lang.isBoolean,
                                        value: true
                                     * List of field.
                                     * @attribute fields
                                     * @type {Array}
                                    fields: {
                                        validator: A.Lang.isArray,
                                        value: []
                                     * Collection of strings used to label elements of the UI.
                                     * @attribute strings
                                     * @type {Object}
                                    strings: {
                                        value: {
                                            addField: 'Add Field',
                                            pasteHere: 'Paste here'
                                        writeOnce: true