                             * The Form Builder Field Types Modal Component
                             * @module aui-form-builder
                             * @submodule aui-form-builder-field-types-modal
                            var CSS_FIELD_TYPE = A.getClassName('field', 'type'),
                                CSS_FIELD_TYPES_LIST = A.getClassName('form', 'builder', 'field', 'types', 'list'),
                                CSS_FIELD_TYPES_MODAL_TITLE = A.getClassName('modal', 'title');
                             * `A.FormBuilder` extension, which is responsible for all the logic related
                             * to displaying the field types for the user.
                             * @class A.FormBuilderFieldTypesModal
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying layout builder configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                            A.FormBuilderFieldTypesModal = A.Base.create('form-builder-field-types-modal', A.Modal, [], {
                                TPL_HEADER_LABEL: '<h4 class="' + CSS_FIELD_TYPES_MODAL_TITLE + '">{addField}</h4>',
                                TPL_TYPES_LIST: '<div class="clearfix ' + CSS_FIELD_TYPES_LIST + '" role="main"></div>',
                                 * Construction logic executed during the `A.FormBuilderFieldTypesModal`
                                 * instantiation. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method initializer
                                 * @protected
                                initializer: function() {
                                    this.after('fieldTypesChange', this._afterFieldTypesChange);
                                 * Bind the events on the FormBuilderFieldTypesModal UI. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method bindUI
                                 * @protected
                                bindUI: function() {
                                    var bodyNode = this.getStdModNode('body');
                                    A.FormBuilderFieldTypesModal.superclass.bindUI.apply(this, arguments);
                                        bodyNode.delegate('click', this._onClickFieldType, '.' + CSS_FIELD_TYPE, this),
                                        bodyNode.delegate('key', A.bind(this._onKeyPressFieldType, this), 'enter', '.' + CSS_FIELD_TYPE)
                                 * Renders the FormBuilderFieldTypesModal component instance. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method renderUI
                                 * @protected
                                renderUI: function() {
                                    A.FormBuilderFieldTypesModal.superclass.renderUI.apply(this, arguments);
                                 * Fires after `fieldTypes` attribute changes.
                                 * @method _afterFieldTypesChange
                                 * @protected
                                _afterFieldTypesChange: function() {
                                 * Fired when a field type is clicked.
                                 * @method _onClickFieldType
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onClickFieldType: function(event) {
                                    var fieldType = event.currentTarget.getData('fieldType');
                          'selectFieldType', {
                                        fieldType: fieldType
                                 * Fired when the close button for the field types modal is clicked.
                                 * @method _onFieldTypesModalCloseClick
                                 * @protected
                                _onFieldTypesModalCloseClick: function() {
                                 * Fired when a field type is keypressed.
                                 * @method _onKeyPressFieldType
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onKeyPressFieldType: function(event) {
                                 * Updates the ui according to the value of the `fieldTypes` attribute.
                                 * @method _uiSetFieldTypes
                                 * @param {Array} fieldTypes
                                 * @protected
                                _uiSetFieldTypes: function(fieldTypes) {
                                    var fieldTypesListNode = A.Node.create(this.TPL_TYPES_LIST);
                                    A.Array.each(fieldTypes, function(type) {
                                    this.set('bodyContent', fieldTypesListNode);
                                 * Returns the template of the modal header.
                                 * @method _valueHeaderContent
                                 * @return {Object}
                                 * @protected
                                _valueHeaderContent: function() {
                                    return A.Lang.sub(this.TPL_HEADER_LABEL, {
                                        addField: this.get('strings').addField
                                 * Returns the configuration object for the field types modal
                                 * toolbar.
                                 * @method _valueToolbars
                                 * @return {Object}
                                 * @protected
                                _valueToolbars: function() {
                                    return {
                                        header: [
                                                cssClass: 'close',
                                                discardDefaultButtonCssClasses: true,
                                                labelHTML: '<span> \u00D7 </span>',
                                                on: {
                                                    click: A.bind(this._onFieldTypesModalCloseClick, this)
                            }, {
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * The collection of field types that can be selected as fields for
                                     * this form builder.
                                     * @attribute fieldTypes
                                     * @default []
                                     * @type Array
                                    fieldTypes: {
                                        validator: A.Lang.isArray,
                                        value: []
                                     * The content displayed in the modal header.
                                     * @attribute headerContent
                                     * @type String
                                    headerContent: {
                                        valueFn: '_valueHeaderContent'
                                     * The text strings displayed by this component.
                                     * @attribute strings
                                     * @type Object
                                    strings: {
                                        value: {
                                            addField: 'Add Field'
                                     * The toolbar configuration object.
                                     * @attribute toolbar
                                     * @type Object
                                    toolbars: {
                                        validator: A.Lang.isObject,
                                        valueFn: '_valueToolbars'
                                CSS_PREFIX: 'modal-dialog'