                             * The IORequest Utility - Provides response data normalization for XML, JSON,
                             * JavaScript and cache option.
                             * @module aui-io
                             * @submodule aui-io-request
                            var L = A.Lang,
                                isBoolean = L.isBoolean,
                                isFunction = L.isFunction,
                                isString = L.isString,
                                defaults = A.namespace(''),
                                getDefault = function(attr) {
                                    return function() {
                                        return defaults[attr];
                                ACTIVE = 'active',
                                ARGUMENTS = 'arguments',
                                AUTO_LOAD = 'autoLoad',
                                CACHE = 'cache',
                                CFG = 'cfg',
                                COMPLETE = 'complete',
                                CONTENT_TYPE = 'content-type',
                                CONTEXT = 'context',
                                DATA = 'data',
                                DATA_TYPE = 'dataType',
                                EMPTY_STRING = '',
                                END = 'end',
                                FAILURE = 'failure',
                                FORM = 'form',
                                GET = 'get',
                                HEADERS = 'headers',
                                IO_REQUEST = 'IORequest',
                                JSON = 'json',
                                METHOD = 'method',
                                RESPONSE_DATA = 'responseData',
                                START = 'start',
                                SUCCESS = 'success',
                                SYNC = 'sync',
                                TIMEOUT = 'timeout',
                                TRANSACTION = 'transaction',
                                URI = 'uri',
                                XDR = 'xdr',
                                XML = 'xml',
                                PARSE_ERROR = 'Parser error: IO dataType is not correctly parsing',
                                ACCEPTS = {
                                    all: '*/*',
                                    html: 'text/html',
                                    json: 'application/json, text/javascript',
                                    text: 'text/plain',
                                    xml: 'application/xml, text/xml'
                             * A base class for IORequest, providing:
                             * <ul>
                             *    <li>Response data normalization for XML, JSON, JavaScript</li>
                             *    <li>Cache options</li>
                             * </ul>
                             * Quick Example:<br/>
                             * <pre><code>, config);</code></pre>
                             * Check the list of <a href="IORequest.html#configattributes">Configuration Attributes</a> available for
                             * IORequest.
                             * @param config {Object} Object literal specifying widget configuration properties.
                             * @class IORequest
                             * @constructor
                             * @extends Plugin.Base
                             * @uses io
                            var IORequest = A.Component.create({
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
                                 * @property IORequest.NAME
                                 * @type String
                                 * @static
                                NAME: IO_REQUEST,
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                 * configuration for the IORequest.
                                 * @property IORequest.ATTRS
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * If <code>true</code> invoke the
                                     * <a href="IORequest.html#method_start">start</a> method automatically,
                                     * initializing the IO transaction.
                                     * @attribute autoLoad
                                     * @default true
                                     * @type boolean
                                    autoLoad: {
                                        value: true,
                                        validator: isBoolean
                                     * If <code>false</code> the current timestamp will be appended to the
                                     * url, avoiding the url to be cached.
                                     * @attribute cache
                                     * @default true
                                     * @type boolean
                                    cache: {
                                        value: true,
                                        validator: isBoolean
                                     * The type of the request (i.e., could be xml, json, javascript, text).
                                     * @attribute dataType
                                     * @default null
                                     * @type String
                                    dataType: {
                                        setter: function(v) {
                                            return (v || EMPTY_STRING).toLowerCase();
                                        value: null,
                                        validator: isString
                                     * This is a normalized attribute for the response data. It's useful
                                     * to retrieve the correct type for the
                                     * <a href="IORequest.html#config_dataType">dataType</a> (i.e., in json
                                     * requests the <code>responseData</code>) is a JSONObject.
                                     * @attribute responseData
                                     * @default null
                                     * @type String | JSONObject | XMLDocument
                                    responseData: {
                                        setter: function(v) {
                                            return this._setResponseData(v);
                                        value: null
                                     * URI to be requested using AJAX.
                                     * @attribute uri
                                     * @default null
                                     * @type String
                                    uri: {
                                        setter: function(v) {
                                            return this._parseURL(v);
                                        value: null,
                                        validator: isString
                                    // User readOnly variables
                                     * Whether the transaction is active or not.
                                     * @attribute active
                                     * @default false
                                     * @type boolean
                                    active: {
                                        value: false,
                                        validator: isBoolean
                                     * Object containing all the
                                     * <a href="io.html#configattributes">IO Configuration Attributes</a>.
                                     * This Object is passed to the <code></code> internally.
                                     * @attribute cfg
                                     * @default Object containing all the
                                     * <a href="io.html#configattributes">IO Configuration Attributes</a>.
                                     * @readOnly
                                     * @type String
                                    cfg: {
                                        getter: function() {
                                            var instance = this;
                                            // keep the current cfg object always synchronized with the mapped public attributes
                                            // when the user call .start() it always retrieve the last set values for each mapped attr
                                            return {
                                                arguments: instance.get(ARGUMENTS),
                                                context: instance.get(CONTEXT),
                                                data: instance.getFormattedData(),
                                                form: instance.get(FORM),
                                                headers: instance.get(HEADERS),
                                                method: instance.get(METHOD),
                                                on: {
                                                    complete: A.bind(, instance, COMPLETE),
                                                    end: A.bind(instance._end, instance),
                                                    failure: A.bind(, instance, FAILURE),
                                                    start: A.bind(, instance, START),
                                                    success: A.bind(instance._success, instance)
                                                sync: instance.get(SYNC),
                                                timeout: instance.get(TIMEOUT),
                                                xdr: instance.get(XDR)
                                        readOnly: true
                                     * Stores the IO Object of the current transaction.
                                     * @attribute transaction
                                     * @default null
                                     * @type Object
                                    transaction: {
                                        value: null
                                    // Configuration Object mapping
                                    // To take advantages of the Attribute listeners of A.Base
                                    // See:
                                     * See <a href="">IO
                                     * Configuration</a>.
                                     * @attribute arguments
                                     * @default Value mapped on
                                     * @type Object
                                    arguments: {
                                        valueFn: getDefault(ARGUMENTS)
                                     * See <a href="">IO
                                     * Configuration</a>.
                                     * @attribute context
                                     * @default Value mapped on
                                     * @type Object
                                    context: {
                                        valueFn: getDefault(CONTEXT)
                                     * See <a href="">IO
                                     * Configuration</a>.
                                     * @attribute data
                                     * @default Value mapped on
                                     * @type Object
                                    data: {
                                        valueFn: getDefault(DATA)
                                     * See <a href="">IO
                                     * Configuration</a>.
                                     * @attribute form
                                     * @default Value mapped on
                                     * @type Object
                                    form: {
                                        valueFn: getDefault(FORM)
                                     * Set the correct ACCEPT header based on the dataType.
                                     * @attribute headers
                                     * @default Object
                                     * @type Object
                                    headers: {
                                        getter: function(value) {
                                            var header = [];
                                            var instance = this;
                                            var dataType = instance.get(DATA_TYPE);
                                            if (dataType) {
                                            // always add *.* to the accept header
                                            return A.merge(
                                                value, {
                                                    Accept: header.join(', ')
                                        valueFn: getDefault(HEADERS)
                                     * See <a href="">IO
                                     * Configuration</a>.
                                     * @attribute method
                                     * @default Value mapped on
                                     * @type String
                                    method: {
                                        valueFn: getDefault(METHOD)
                                     * A selector to be used to query against the response of the
                                     * request. Only works if the response is XML or HTML.
                                     * @attribute selector
                                     * @type string
                                    selector: {
                                        value: null
                                     * See <a href="">IO
                                     * Configuration</a>.
                                     * @attribute sync
                                     * @default Value mapped on
                                     * @type boolean
                                    sync: {
                                        valueFn: getDefault(SYNC)
                                     * See <a href="">IO
                                     * Configuration</a>.
                                     * @attribute timeout
                                     * @default Value mapped on
                                     * @type Number
                                    timeout: {
                                        valueFn: getDefault(TIMEOUT)
                                     * See <a href="">IO
                                     * Configuration</a>.
                                     * @attribute xdr
                                     * @default Value mapped on
                                     * @type Object
                                    xdr: {
                                        valueFn: getDefault(XDR)
                                EXTENDS: A.Plugin.Base,
                                prototype: {
                                     * Construction logic executed during IORequest instantiation. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method initializer
                                     * @protected
                                    init: function(config) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        IORequest.superclass.init.apply(this, arguments);
                                     * Destructor lifecycle implementation for the IORequest class.
                                     * Purges events attached to the node (and all child nodes).
                                     * @method destructor
                                     * @protected
                                    destructor: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.set(TRANSACTION, null);
                                     * Applies the <code></code> if defined and return the formatted data.
                                     * @method getFormattedData
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {String}
                                    getFormattedData: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var value = instance.get(DATA);
                                        var dataFormatter = defaults.dataFormatter;
                                        if (isFunction(dataFormatter)) {
                                            value =, value);
                                        return value;
                                     * Starts the IO transaction. Used to refresh the content also.
                                     * @method start
                                    start: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.set(ACTIVE, true);
                                        var ioObj = instance._yuiIOObj;
                                        if (!ioObj) {
                                            ioObj = new A.IO();
                                            instance._yuiIOObj = ioObj;
                                        var transaction = ioObj.send(
                                        instance.set(TRANSACTION, transaction);
                                     * Stops the IO transaction.
                                     * @method stop
                                    stop: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var transaction = instance.get(TRANSACTION);
                                        if (transaction) {
                                     * Invoke the <code>start</code> method (autoLoad attribute).
                                     * @method _autoStart
                                     * @protected
                                    _autoStart: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (instance.get(AUTO_LOAD)) {
                                     * Parse the <a href="IORequest.html#config_uri">uri</a> to add a
                                     * timestamp if <a href="IORequest.html#config_cache">cache</a> is
                                     * <code>true</code>. Also applies the
                                     * <code></code>.
                                     * @method _parseURL
                                     * @param {String} url
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {String}
                                    _parseURL: function(url) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var cache = instance.get(CACHE);
                                        var method = instance.get(METHOD);
                                        // reusing logic to add a timestamp on the url from jQuery 1.3.2
                                        if ((cache === false) && (method == GET)) {
                                            var ts = +new Date;
                                            // try replacing _= if it is there
                                            var ret = url.replace(/(\?|&)_=.*?(&|$)/, '$1_=' + ts + '$2');
                                            // if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
                                            url = ret + ((ret == url) ? (url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + '_=' + ts : '');
                                        // formatting the URL with the default uriFormatter after the cache timestamp was added
                                        var uriFormatter = defaults.uriFormatter;
                                        if (isFunction(uriFormatter)) {
                                            url = uriFormatter.apply(instance, [url]);
                                        return url;
                                     * Internal end callback for the IO transaction.
                                     * @method _end
                                     * @param {Number} id ID of the IO transaction.
                                     * @param {Object} args Custom arguments, passed to the event handler. See <a href="">IO
                                     * @protected
                                    _end: function(id, args) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.set(ACTIVE, false);
                                        instance.set(TRANSACTION, null);
                              , id, args);
                                     * Internal success callback for the IO transaction.
                                     * @method _success
                                     * @param {Number} id ID of the IO transaction.
                                     * @param {Object} obj IO transaction Object.
                                     * @param {Object} args Custom arguments, passed to the event handler. See <a href="">IO
                                     * @protected
                                    _success: function(id, obj, args) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        // update the responseData attribute with the new data from xhr
                                        instance.set(RESPONSE_DATA, obj);
                              , id, obj, args);
                                     * Setter for <a href="IORequest.html#config_responseData">responseData</a>.
                                     * @method _setResponseData
                                     * @protected
                                     * @param {Object} xhr XHR Object.
                                     * @return {Object}
                                    _setResponseData: function(xhr) {
                                        var data = null;
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (xhr) {
                                            var dataType = instance.get(DATA_TYPE);
                                            var contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader(CONTENT_TYPE) || '';
                                            // if the dataType or the content-type is XML...
                                            if ((dataType == XML) ||
                                                (!dataType && contentType.indexOf(XML) >= 0)) {
                                                // use responseXML
                                                data = xhr.responseXML;
                                                // check if the XML was parsed correctly
                                                if (data.documentElement.tagName == 'parsererror') {
                                                    throw PARSE_ERROR;
                                            else {
                                                // otherwise use the responseText
                                                data = xhr.responseText;
                                            // empty string is not a valid JSON, convert it to null
                                            if (data === EMPTY_STRING) {
                                                data = null;
                                            // trying to parse to JSON if dataType is a valid json
                                            if (dataType == JSON) {
                                                try {
                                                    data = A.JSON.parse(data);
                                                catch (e) {
                                                    // throw PARSE_ERROR;
                                            else {
                                                var selector = instance.get('selector');
                                                if (data && selector) {
                                                    var tempRoot;
                                                    if (data.documentElement) {
                                                        tempRoot =;
                                                    else {
                                                        tempRoot = A.Node.create(data);
                                                    data = tempRoot.all(selector);
                                        return data;
                            A.IORequest = IORequest;
                             * Alloy IO extension
                             * @class
                             * @static
                             * Static method to invoke the <a href="IORequest.html">IORequest</a>. Likewise <a href="io.html#method_io">io</a>.
                             * @method
                             * @for
                             * @param {String} uri URI to be requested.
                             * @param {Object} config Configuration Object for the <a href="io.html">IO</a>.
                             * @return {IORequest}
                   = function(uri, config) {
                                return new A.IORequest(
                                    A.merge(config, {
                                        uri: uri