* The LiveSearch Utility allow real-time filtering for DOM elements based on
* a input query.
* @module aui-live-search
var L = A.Lang,
isString = L.isString,
isObject = L.isObject,
isFunction = L.isFunction,
isValue = L.isValue,
trim = L.trim,
BLANK = '',
DATA = 'data',
DELAY = 'delay',
HIDE = 'hide',
INDEX = 'index',
INPUT = 'input',
LIVE_SEARCH = 'live-search',
MATCH_REGEX = 'matchRegex',
NODES = 'nodes',
SEARCH_VALUE = 'searchValue',
SHOW = 'show',
STAR = '*',
UI_SRC = A.Widget.UI_SRC,
isNodeList = function(v) {
return (v instanceof A.NodeList);
* <p><img src="assets/images/aui-live-search/main.png"/></p>
* A base class for LiveSearch, providing:
* <ul>
* <li>Real-time filtering for DOM elements based on a input query</li>
* </ul>
* Quick Example:<br/>
* <pre><code>var instance = new A.LiveSearch({
* input: '#input',
* nodes: '#search .entry'
* });
* </code></pre>
* Check the list of <a href="LiveSearch.html#configattributes">Configuration Attributes</a> available for
* LiveSearch.
* @param config {Object} Object literal specifying widget configuration properties.
* @class LiveSearch
* @constructor
* @extends Base
var LiveSearch = A.Component.create({
* Static property provides a string to identify the class.
* @property LiveSearch.NAME
* @type String
* @static
* Static property used to define the default attribute
* configuration for the LiveSearch.
* @property LiveSearch.ATTRS
* @type Object
* @static
* <p>Function to extract the content from the node for the indexing. The
* default uses the <code>node.html()</code>. In case if you need to
* index the id of the nodes, here goes one example:</p>
* Example indexing the id of the node instead of the HTML:
* <pre><code>function(node) {
* return node.attr('id');
* }
* </code></pre>
* @attribute data
* @default function(node) { return node.html(); }
* @type function
data: {
value: function(node) {
return node.html();
validator: isFunction
* Number of milliseconds the filter will be applied to the node list
* after the user stop typing.
* @attribute delay
* @default 250
* @type Number
delay: {
value: 250
* Function to be executed to hide the node when the data of that node
* not matches with the filter.
* @attribute hide
* @default function(node) { return node.hide(); }
* @type function
hide: {
value: function(node) {
return node.hide();
validator: isFunction
* Index for the nodes content.
* @attribute index
* @default []
* @type Array
index: {
value: [],
validator: isObject
* The <code>value</code> of this input node is used to filter the
* results.
* @attribute input
* @type Node | String
input: {
setter: A.one
* The input <code>value</code> need to matches with this RegExp to be
* accept as a filter (i.e., in order to accept only digits you
* could use /\d+/g).
* @attribute matchRegex
* @default (.)*
* @type RegExp
matchRegex: {
validator: function(v) {
return (v instanceof RegExp);
value: /(.)*/g
* Nodes to be indexed for the filtering.
* @attribute nodes
* @type Node | NodeList
nodes: {
setter: '_setNodes'
* The text value to search for
* @attribute searchValue
* @type String
searchValue: {
getter: '_getSearchValue',
setter: String,
value: ''
* Function to be executed to show the node when the data of that node
* matches with the filter.
* @attribute show
* @default function(node) { return node.show(); }
* @type function
show: {
value: function(node) {
return node.show();
validator: isFunction
prototype: {
* Stores the normalized query value given from
* <a href="LiveSearch.html#config__normalizeQuery">_normalizeQuery</a>.
* @property normalizedQuery
* @type String
* @protected
normalizedQuery: BLANK,
* Stores the query value.
* @property query
* @type String
* @protected
query: BLANK,
* Handles the <a href="YUI.html#method_later">later</a> Object.
* @property timer
* @type Object
* @protected
timer: null,
* Construction logic executed during LiveSearch instantiation. Lifecycle.
* @method initializer
* @protected
initializer: function() {
var instance = this;
instance._fireSearchTask = A.debounce(instance._fireSearchFn, instance.get(DELAY), instance);
* Bind the events on the LiveSearch UI. Lifecycle.
* @method bindUI
* @protected
bindUI: function() {
var instance = this;
var input = instance.get(INPUT);
input.on('keyup', instance._inputKeyUp, instance);
instance.after('searchValueChange', instance._afterSearchValueChange);
'search', {
defaultFn: instance._defSearchFn
* Destructor lifecycle implementation for the LiveSearch class.
* Purges events attached to the node (and all child nodes).
* @method destroy
* @protected
destroy: function() {
var instance = this;
var input = instance.get(INPUT);
* Filter the <a href="LiveSearch.html#config_nodes">nodes</a> based on
* the input value.
* @method filter
* @param {String} query Query to filter results
* @return {Array} Matched results.
filter: function(query) {
var instance = this;
var results = [];
var nodes = instance.get(NODES);
var index = instance.get(INDEX);
instance.query = query;
instance.normalizedQuery = instance._normalizeQuery(query);
var regex = new RegExp(
A.each(index, function(content, index) {
var node = nodes.item(index);
content: content,
match: regex.test(content),
node: node
return results;
* Refreshes the <a href="LiveSearch.html#config_index">index</a>.
* @method refreshIndex
refreshIndex: function() {
var instance = this;
var indexBuffer = [];
var nodes = instance.get(NODES);
var dataFn = instance.get(DATA);
function(item, index, collection) {
var content = dataFn.call(instance, item);
instance.set(INDEX, indexBuffer);
* Searches for the user supplied value.
* @method search
* @param {String|Number} value The text to search for
search: function(value) {
var instance = this;
return instance.set(
value, {
* Fires after the value of the
* <a href="LiveSearch.html#config_searchValue">searchValue</a> attribute changes.
* @method _afterSearchValueChange
* @param {EventFacade} event
* @protected
_afterSearchValueChange: function(event) {
var instance = this;
if (event.SRC == UI_SRC) {
var input = instance.get(INPUT);
* Default method that handles the search event.
* @method _defSearchFn
* @param {EventFacade} event search event facade
* @protected
_defSearchFn: function(event) {
var instance = this;
var value = instance.get(SEARCH_VALUE);
var results = instance.filter(value);
A.Array.each(results, instance._iterateResults, instance);
var liveSearch = A.namespace.call(event, 'liveSearch');
liveSearch.results = results;
* Implementation for the debounced task to fire the search event.
* @method search
* @param {EventFacade} event the input key event object
* @protected
_fireSearchFn: function(event) {
var instance = this;
instance.set(SEARCH_VALUE, event.currentTarget.val());
'search', {
liveSearch: {
inputEvent: event
* Getter method for the
* <a href="LiveSearch.html#config_searchValue">searchValue</a> attribute.
* @method _getSearchValue
* @param {String} value
* @protected
_getSearchValue: function(value) {
var instance = this;
if (!isValue(value)) {
value = instance.get(INPUT).val();
return value;
* Iterator for the result set that determines
* whether to show or hide the result nodes.
* @method _iterateResults
* @param {Object} item The current result item
* @param {Number} index The current index of the result collection
* @param {Array} result The results array being iterated
* @protected
_iterateResults: function(item, index, collection) {
var instance = this;
var fnType = HIDE;
if (item.match) {
fnType = SHOW;
instance.get(fnType).call(instance, item.node);
* Normalize the input query. With <code>trim</code>,
* <code>matchRegex</code> and replace '*' to '' (on a regex empty match
* with everything like *).
* @method _normalizeQuery
* @param {String} query Query to filter results
* @protected
* @return {String}
_normalizeQuery: function(query) {
var instance = this;
var matchRegex = instance.get(MATCH_REGEX);
// trim the user query and lowercase it
query = L.trim(query.toLowerCase());
// match with the matchRegex
query = query.match(matchRegex).join(BLANK);
// replace on the query '*' to '', on a regex empty match with everything like *
query = query.replace(STAR, BLANK);
query = A.Lang.String.escapeRegEx(query);
return query;
* Fires the keyup event on
* <a href="LiveSearch.html#config_input">input</a>.
* @method _inputKeyUp
* @param {EventFacade} event keyup event facade
* @protected
_inputKeyUp: function(event) {
var instance = this;
if (event.isKey(ENTER)) {
* Setter for <a href="LiveSearch.html#config_nodes">nodes</a>.
* @method _setNodes
* @param {Node | NodeList | String} v
* @protected
* @return {Node | NodeList | String}
_setNodes: function(v) {
var instance = this;
if (!isNodeList(v)) {
if (isString(v)) {
v = A.all(v);
else {
v = new A.NodeList([v]);
return v;
A.LiveSearch = LiveSearch;