                             * The Pagination widget provides a set of controls to navigate through paged
                             * data.
                             * @module aui-pagination
                            var Lang = A.Lang,
                                isBoolean = Lang.isBoolean,
                                isFunction = Lang.isFunction,
                                isNumber = Lang.isNumber,
                                getCN = A.getClassName,
                                CSS_ACTIVE = getCN('active'),
                                CSS_DISABLED = getCN('disabled'),
                                CSS_PAGINATION_CONTROL = getCN('pagination', 'control');
                             * A base class for Pagination, providing:
                             * - Widget Lifecycle (initializer, renderUI, bindUI, syncUI, destructor)
                             * - Set of controls to navigate through paged data
                             * Check the [live demo](
                             * @class A.Pagination
                             * @extends A.Component
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                             * @example
                            <div id="jslarge" class="pagination pagination-large"></div>
                            <div id="jssmall" class="pagination pagination-small"></div>
                            <div id="jsmini" class="pagination pagination-mini"></div>
                             * @example
                              function(Y) {
                                new Y.Pagination(
                                    after: {
                                      changeRequest: function(event) {
                                          'getOffsetPageNumber:', this.getOffsetPageNumber()
                                    boundingBox: '#jslarge',
                                    offset: 999,
                                    page: 1,
                                    strings: {
                                      next: '&raquo;',
                                      prev: '&laquo;'
                                    total: 5
                                new Y.Pagination(
                                    boundingBox: '#jssmall',
                                    total: 15
                                new Y.Pagination(
                                    boundingBox: '#jsmini',
                                    total: 15
                            var Pagination = A.Component.create({
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
                                 * @property NAME
                                 * @type String
                                 * @static
                                NAME: 'pagination',
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration for
                                 * the `A.Pagination`.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * When enabled this property allows the navigation to go back to the
                                     * beggining when it reaches the last page, the opposite behavior is
                                     * also true. Incremental page navigation could happen clicking the
                                     * control arrows or invoking `.next()` and `.prev()` methods.
                                     * @attribute circular
                                     * @default true
                                     * @type {Boolean}
                                    circular: {
                                        validator: isBoolean,
                                        value: true
                                     * A formatter function to format each pagination item.
                                     * @attribute formatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    formatter: {
                                        validator: isFunction,
                                        valueFn: '_formatterValueFn'
                                     * Holds the page items as a `NodeList`. The list could be queried from
                                     * the DOM trough Widget `HTML_PARSER` or generated if
                                     * [total](A.Pagination.html#attr_total) is specified.
                                     * @attribute items
                                     * @default undefined
                                     * @type {NodeList}
                                    items: {},
                                     * Initial page offset.
                                     * @attribute offset
                                     * @default 1
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    offset: {
                                        setter: '_setInt',
                                        value: 1
                                     * Page to display on initial paint.
                                     * @attribute page
                                     * @default 0
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    page: {
                                        setter: '_setInt',
                                        value: 0
                                     * Total number of page links available. If set, the new
                                     * [items](A.Pagination.html#attr_items) node list will be rendered.
                                     * @attribute total
                                     * @default 0
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    total: {
                                        setter: '_setInt',
                                        value: 0
                                     * Determines if pagination controls (Next and Prev) are rendered.
                                     * @attribute page
                                     * @default true
                                     * @type {boolean}
                                    showControls: {
                                        validator: isBoolean,
                                        value: true
                                     * Collection of strings used to label elements of the UI.
                                     * @attribute strings
                                     * @type {Object}
                                    strings: {
                                        value: {
                                            next: 'Next',
                                            prev: 'Prev'
                                 * Object hash, defining how attribute values are to be parsed from markup
                                 * contained in the widget's content box.
                                 * @property HTML_PARSER
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @static
                                HTML_PARSER: {
                                    items: function(srcNode) {
                                        return this._queryItemsIfNotSet(srcNode);
                                    total: function() {
                                        return this._countItemsInDoc();
                                 * Static property used to define the attributes for the bindUI lifecycle
                                 * phase.
                                 * @property BIND_UI_ATTRS
                                 * @type {Array}
                                 * @static
                                BIND_UI_ATTRS: ['offset', 'page', 'showControls', 'total'],
                                 * Static property used to define the UI attributes.
                                 * @property UI_ATTRS
                                 * @type {Array}
                                 * @static
                                UI_ATTRS: ['page'],
                                prototype: {
                                    CONTENT_TEMPLATE: '<ul class="pagination"></ul>',
                                    ITEM_TEMPLATE: '<li class="{cssClass}"><a href="#">{content}</a></li>',
                                    TOTAL_CONTROLS: 2,
                                    items: null,
                                    lastState: null,
                                     * Sync the `A.Pagination` UI. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncUI
                                     * @protected
                                    syncUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            page = instance.get('page');
                                        if (page > 0) {
                                                page: page
                                     * Bind the events on the `A.Pagination` UI. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method bindUI
                                     * @protected
                                    bindUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            boundingBox = instance.get('boundingBox');
                                        instance.on('pageChange', instance._onPageChange);
                                        instance.publish('changeRequest', {
                                            defaultFn: instance._defChangeRequest
                                        boundingBox.delegate('click', instance._onClickItem, 'li', instance);
                                     * Render the `A.Pagination` component instance. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method renderUI
                                     * @protected
                                    renderUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Retrieve the item node from the passesed item index parameter.
                                     * If passed item is a node instead of the index returns itself.
                                     * @method getItem
                                     * @param {Node|Number} i Index or Node reference.
                                     * @return {Node} pagination item
                                    getItem: function(i) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (isNumber(i)) {
                                            var items = instance.get('items');
                                            if (items) {
                                                i = items.item(i);
                                        return i;
                                     * Retrieve page number including offset e.g., if offset is 100 and
                                     * active page is 5, this method returns 105.
                                     * @method getOffsetPageNumber
                                     * @return {Number} current page number plus offset
                                    getOffsetPageNumber: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return instance.get('offset') + instance.get('page');
                                     * Retrieve total number of pages including offset e.g., if offset is
                                     * 100 and total 10, this method returns 110.
                                     * @method getOffsetTotalPages
                                     * @return {Number} total page number plus offset
                                    getOffsetTotalPages: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return instance.get('offset') + instance.get('total');
                                     * Retrieve total number of dom items representing the links, including
                                     * the arrow control items. Do not include the offset.
                                     * @method getTotalItems
                                     * @return {Number} number of pagination items
                                    getTotalItems: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return instance.get('total') + instance.TOTAL_CONTROLS;
                                     * Navigate to the next page.
                                     * @method next
                                    next: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            total = instance.get('total');
                                        if (total === 0) {
                                        var page = instance.get('page');
                                            page: (instance.get('circular') && (page === total)) ? 1 : Math.min(total, ++page)
                                        return instance;
                                     * Navigate to the previous page.
                                     * @method prev
                                    prev: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            total = instance.get('total');
                                        if (total === 0) {
                                        var page = instance.get('page');
                                            page: (instance.get('circular') && (page === 1)) ? total : Math.max(1, --page)
                                        return instance;
                                     * Set the new pagination state. The state is a payload object
                                     * containing the page number, e.g. `{page:1}`.
                                     * @method setState
                                     * @param {Object} state
                                    setState: function(state) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            page =;
                                        instance.set('page', page);
                                        instance.lastState = state;
                                     * Returns number of items in doc.
                                     * @method _countItemsInDoc
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Number} amount of items in doc
                                    _countItemsInDoc: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            srcNode = instance.get('srcNode');
                                        return Math.max(0, instance._queryItemsIfNotSet(srcNode).size() - instance.TOTAL_CONTROLS);
                                     * Default `changeRequest` function, sets new state of pagination.
                                     * @method _defChangeRequest
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _defChangeRequest: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Fires `changeRequest` event.
                                     * @method _dispatchRequest
                                     * @param {Object} state
                                     * @protected
                                    _dispatchRequest: function(state) {
                                        var instance = this;
                              'changeRequest', {
                                            lastState: instance.lastState,
                                            state: state
                                     * Formatter function that formats each pagination item.
                                     * @method _formatterValueFn
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {String} item template
                                    _formatterValueFn: function() {
                                        return function(index) {
                                            var instance = this;
                                            return Lang.sub(
                                                instance.ITEM_TEMPLATE, {
                                                    content: index,
                                                    cssClass: ''
                                     * Returns all child list items of `srcNode`.
                                     * @method _queryItemsIfNotSet
                                     * @param {Node} srcNode
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {NodeList} list items
                                    _queryItemsIfNotSet: function(srcNode) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (!instance.items) {
                                            instance.items = srcNode.all('li');
                                        return instance.items;
                                     * `onClick` handler for pagination items.
                                     * @method _onClickItem
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onClickItem: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            item = event.currentTarget;
                                        if (item.hasClass(CSS_DISABLED) || item.hasClass(CSS_ACTIVE)) {
                                        var items = instance.get('items'),
                                            index = items.indexOf(item),
                                            lastIndex = items.size() - 1;
                                        switch (index) {
                                            case 0:
                                            case lastIndex:
                                                    page: index
                                     * Removes active class from previously selected item on page change.
                                     * @method _onPageChange
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onPageChange: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (event.prevVal !== event.newVal) {
                                            var item = instance.getItem(event.prevVal);
                                            if (item) {
                                     * Renders pagination items UI.
                                     * @method _renderItemsUI
                                     * @param {Number} total
                                     * @protected
                                    _renderItemsUI: function(total) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            tpl = instance.ITEM_TEMPLATE,
                                            formatter = instance.get('formatter'),
                                            offset = instance.get('offset'),
                                            buffer = '';
                                        buffer += Lang.sub(tpl, {
                                            content: instance.getString('prev'),
                                            cssClass: CSS_PAGINATION_CONTROL
                                        for (i = offset; i <= (offset + total - 1); i++) {
                                            buffer += formatter.apply(instance, [i]);
                                        buffer += Lang.sub(tpl, {
                                            content: instance.getString('next'),
                                            cssClass: CSS_PAGINATION_CONTROL
                                        var items = A.NodeList.create(buffer);
                                        instance.set('items', items);
                                        // When show controls is false, remove the first and last items from
                                        // the DOM in order to hide the controls, but keep the references
                                        // inside items NodeList in order to handle the items index the same
                                        // way when they are visible.
                                        if (!instance.get('showControls')) {
                                     * Setter for `offset`, `page`, and `total` attributes.
                                     * @method _setInt
                                     * @param {Number} val
                                     * @protected
                                    _setInt: function(val) {
                                        return Lang.toInt(val);
                                     * Enables and disables next and prev items.
                                     * @method _syncNavigationUI
                                     * @protected
                                    _syncNavigationUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            items = instance.get('items');
                                            CSS_DISABLED, instance.get('page') === 1);
                                            CSS_DISABLED, instance.get('page') === instance.get('total'));
                                     * Renders items UI based off current `total`.
                                     * @method _uiSetOffset
                                     * @param {Number} val
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetOffset: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Sets current page and syncs navigation UI.
                                     * @method _uiSetPage
                                     * @param {Number} val
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetPage: function(val) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (!instance.get('circular')) {
                                        // Do not activate first and last items, they are used for controls.
                                        if (val === 0 || val === instance.getTotalItems()) {
                                        var item = instance.getItem(val);
                                        if (item) {
                                     * Setter for `showControls` attribute.
                                     * @method _uiSetShowControls
                                     * @param {Boolean} val
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetShowControls: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Setter for `total` attribute, renders pagination items UI.
                                     * @method _uiSetTotal
                                     * @param {Number} val
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetTotal: function(val) {
                                        var instance = this;
                            A.Pagination = Pagination;