                             * The ParseContent Utility - Parse the content of a Node so that all of the
                             * javascript contained in that Node will be executed according to the order
                             * that it appears.
                             * @module aui-parse-content
                             * NOTE: The inspiration of ParseContent cames from the "Caridy Patino" Node
                             *       Dispatcher Plugin
                             *       /gallery-dispatcher/
                            var L = A.Lang,
                                isString = L.isString,
                                DOC = A.config.doc,
                                PADDING_NODE = '<div>_</div>',
                                SCRIPT_TYPES = {
                                    '': 1,
                                    'text/javascript': 1,
                                    'text/parsed': 1
                             * A base class for ParseContent, providing:
                             * - After plug ParseContent on a A.Node instance the javascript chunks will be
                             *   executed (remote and inline scripts)
                             * - All the javascripts within a content will be executed according to the
                             *   order of apparition
                             * **NOTE:** For performance reasons on DOM manipulation,
                             * ParseContent only parses the content passed to the
                             * [setContent](Node.html#method_setContent),
                             * [prepend](Node.html#method_prepend) and
                             * [append](Node.html#method_append) methods.
                             * Quick Example:
                             * ```
                             * node.plug(A.Plugin.ParseContent);
                             * ```
                             * @class A.ParseContent
                             * @extends Plugin.Base
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                            var ParseContent = A.Component.create({
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
                                 * @property NAME
                                 * @type String
                                 * @static
                                NAME: 'ParseContent',
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the namespace.
                                 * @property NS
                                 * @type String
                                 * @static
                                NS: 'ParseContent',
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                 * configuration for the ParseContent.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * A queue of elements to be parsed.
                                     * @attribute queue
                                     * @default null
                                    queue: {
                                        value: null
                                     * When true, script nodes will not be removed from original content,
                                     * instead the script type attribute will be set to `text/plain`.
                                     * @attribute preserveScriptNodes
                                     * @default false
                                    preserveScriptNodes: {
                                        validator: L.isBoolean,
                                        value: false
                                 * Static property used to define which component it extends.
                                 * @property EXTENDS
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @static
                                EXTENDS: A.Plugin.Base,
                                prototype: {
                                     * Construction logic executed during ParseContent instantiation.
                                     * Lifecycle.
                                     * @method initializer
                                     * @protected
                                    initializer: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        ParseContent.superclass.initializer.apply(this, arguments);
                                            new A.AsyncQueue()
                                     * Global eval the <data>data</data> passed.
                                     * @method globalEval
                                     * @param {String} data JavaScript String.
                                    globalEval: function(data) {
                                        var doc = A.getDoc();
                                        var head ='head') || doc.get('documentElement');
                                        // NOTE: A.Node.create('<script></script>') doesn't work correctly
                                        // on Opera
                                        var newScript = DOC.createElement('script');
                                        newScript.type = 'text/javascript';
                                        if (data) {
                                            // NOTE: newScript.set(TEXT, data) breaks on IE, YUI BUG.
                                            newScript.text = L.trim(data);
                                        //removes the script node immediately after executing it
                                     * Extract the `script` tags from the string content and
                                     * evaluate the chunks.
                                     * @method parseContent
                                     * @param {String} content HTML string
                                     * @return {String}
                                    parseContent: function(content) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var output = instance._extractScripts(content);
                                        return output;
                                     * Add inline script data to the queue.
                                     * @method _addInlineScript
                                     * @param {String} data The script content which should be added to the
                                     *     queue
                                     * @protected
                                    _addInlineScript: function(data) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                            args: data,
                                            context: instance,
                                            fn: instance.globalEval,
                                            timeout: 0
                                     * Bind listeners on the `insert` and `setContent` methods of the Node
                                     * instance where you are plugging the ParseContent. These listeners are
                                     * responsible for intercept the HTML passed and parse them.
                                     * @method _bindAOP
                                     * @protected
                                    _bindAOP: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var cleanFirstArg = function(content) {
                                            var args =;
                                            var output = instance.parseContent(content);
                                            // replace the first argument with the clean fragment
                                            args.splice(0, 1, output.fragment);
                                            return new A.Do.AlterArgs(null, args);
                                        this.doBefore('insert', cleanFirstArg);
                                        this.doBefore('replaceChild', cleanFirstArg);
                                        var cleanArgs = function(content) {
                                            var output = instance.parseContent(content);
                                            return new A.Do.AlterArgs(null, [output.fragment]);
                                        this.doBefore('replace', cleanArgs);
                                        this.doBefore('setContent', cleanArgs);
                                     * Create an HTML fragment with the String passed, extract all the
                                     * script tags and return an Object with a reference for the extracted
                                     * scripts and the fragment.
                                     * @method clean
                                     * @param {String} content HTML content.
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Object}
                                    _extractScripts: function(content) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            fragment = A.Node.create('<div></div>'),
                                            output = {},
                                            preserveScriptNodes = instance.get('preserveScriptNodes');
                                        // For PADDING_NODE, instead of fixing all tags in the content to be
                                        // "XHTML"-style, we make the firstChild be a valid non-empty tag,
                                        // then we remove it later
                                        if (isString(content)) {
                                            content = PADDING_NODE + content;
                                            // create fragment from {String}
                                            A.DOM.addHTML(fragment, content, 'append');
                                        else {
                                            // create fragment from {Y.Node | HTMLElement}
                                        output.js = fragment.all('script').filter(function(script) {
                                            var includeScript = SCRIPT_TYPES[script.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase()];
                                            if (preserveScriptNodes) {
                                                script.setAttribute('type', 'text/parsed');
                                            return includeScript;
                                        if (!preserveScriptNodes) {
                                                function(node) {
                                        // remove PADDING_NODE
                                        output.fragment = fragment.get('childNodes').toFrag();
                                        return output;
                                     * Loop trough all extracted `script` tags and evaluate them.
                                     * @method _dispatch
                                     * @param {Object} output Object containing the reference for the
                                     *     fragment and the extracted `script` tags.
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {String}
                                    _dispatch: function(output) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var queue = instance.get('queue');
                                        var scriptContent = [];
                                        output.js.each(function(node) {
                                            var src = node.get('src');
                                            if (src) {
                                                if (scriptContent.length) {
                                                    scriptContent.length = 0;
                                                    autoContinue: false,
                                                    fn: function() {
                                                        A.Get.script(src, {
                                                            onEnd: function(o) {
                                                                //removes the script node immediately after
                                                                //executing it
                                                    timeout: 0
                                            else {
                                                var dom = node._node;
                                                scriptContent.push(dom.text || dom.textContent || dom.innerHTML || '');
                                        if (scriptContent.length) {
                            A.namespace('Plugin').ParseContent = ParseContent;