                             * Contains the Scheduler Component
                             * @module aui-scheduler
                             * @submodule aui-scheduler-base-view
                            var Lang = A.Lang,
                                isBoolean = Lang.isBoolean,
                                isFunction = Lang.isFunction,
                                isString = Lang.isString,
                                DateMath = A.DataType.DateMath,
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_NOSCROLL = A.getClassName('scheduler-view', 'noscroll'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_SCROLLABLE = A.getClassName('scheduler-view', 'scrollable');
                             * A base class for `SchedulerView`.
                             * @class A.SchedulerView
                             * @extends A.Component
                             * @uses WidgetStdMod
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                            var SchedulerView = A.Component.create({
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
                                 * @property NAME
                                 * @type {String}
                                 * @static
                                NAME: 'scheduler-view',
                                 * Static property used to define the augmented classes.
                                 * @property AUGMENTS
                                 * @type {Array}
                                 * @static
                                AUGMENTS: [A.WidgetStdMod],
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                 * configuration for the `SchedulerView`.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * Determines the content of Scheduler view's body section.
                                     * @attribute bodyContent
                                     * @default ''
                                     * @type {String}
                                    bodyContent: {
                                        value: ''
                                     * Applies a filter to `SchedulerEvent`s.
                                     * @attribute filterFn
                                     * @type {Function} The function to filter a `SchedulerEvent`.
                                    filterFn: {
                                        validator: isFunction,
                                        value: function() {
                                            return true;
                                     * Contains the height of a `SchedulerView` in pixels.
                                     * @attribute height
                                     * @default 600
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    height: {
                                        value: 650
                                     * Determines the initial scroll behavior for this view. If false,
                                     * there will be no scrolling when the view is first shown. When set
                                     * to true the view will scroll to the current date and time. If set
                                     * to a date the view will scroll to that date instead.
                                     * @attribute initialScroll
                                     * @default true
                                     * @type {Boolean | Date}
                                    initialScroll: {
                                        validator: function(val) {
                                            return A.Lang.isBoolean(val) || A.Lang.isDate(val);
                                        value: true,
                                        writeOnce: 'initOnly'
                                     * Indicates whether this `SchedulerView` should use international
                                     * standard time.
                                     * @attribute isoTime
                                     * @default false
                                     * @type {Boolean}
                                    isoTime: {
                                        value: false,
                                        validator: isBoolean
                                     * Determines the name for this view.
                                     * @attribute name
                                     * @default ''
                                     * @type {String}
                                    name: {
                                        value: '',
                                        validator: isString
                                     * Contains the function that formats the navigation date.
                                     * @attribute navigationDateFormatter
                                     * @default %A - %d %b %Y
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    navigationDateFormatter: {
                                        value: function(date) {
                                            var instance = this;
                                            var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                            return A.DataType.Date.format(date, {
                                                format: '%A, %d %B, %Y',
                                                locale: scheduler.get('locale')
                                        validator: isFunction
                                     * Contains the next `Date` in the `SchedulerView`.
                                     * @attribute nextDate
                                     * @type {Date}
                                     * @readOnly
                                    nextDate: {
                                        getter: 'getNextDate',
                                        readOnly: true
                                     * Contains the previous `Date` in the `SchedulerView`.
                                     * @attribute prevDate
                                     * @type {Date}
                                     * @readOnly
                                    prevDate: {
                                        getter: 'getPrevDate',
                                        readOnly: true
                                     * Contains this `SchedulerView`'s `SchedulerBase' object.
                                     * @attribute scheduler
                                     * @type {A.SchedulerBase}
                                    scheduler: {
                                        lazyAdd: false,
                                        setter: '_setScheduler'
                                     * Indicates whether this `SchedulerView` is scrollable.
                                     * @attribute scrollable
                                     * @default true
                                     * @type {Boolean}
                                    scrollable: {
                                        value: true,
                                        validator: isBoolean
                                     * Contains the `Node` that triggers.
                                     * @attribute triggerNode
                                    triggerNode: {
                                        getter: '_getTriggerNode',
                                     * Indicates whether the calendar is visible.
                                     * @attribute visible
                                     * @default false
                                     * @type {Boolean}
                                    visible: {
                                        value: false
                                 * Static property used to define the attributes
                                 * for the bindUI lifecycle phase.
                                 * @property BIND_UI_ATTRS
                                 * @type {Array}
                                 * @static
                                BIND_UI_ATTRS: ['scrollable'],
                                prototype: {
                                     * Construction logic executed during `SchedulerView` instantiation.
                                     * Lifecycle.
                                     * @method initializer
                                     * @protected
                                    initializer: function() {
                                        this.after('render', this._afterRender);
                                        A.after(this._afterBasePlotEvents, this, 'plotEvents');
                                     * Syncs the `SchedulerView` UI. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncUI
                                     * @protected
                                    syncUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Returns a date value of the date with its time adjusted
                                     * to midnight.
                                     * @method getAdjustedViewDate
                                     * @param {Date} date The value of the property.
                                     * @return {Date}
                                    getAdjustedViewDate: function(date) {
                                        return DateMath.toMidnight(date);
                                     * Removes all data from `evtDateStack`, `evtRenderedStack` and
                                     * `rowDateTableStack`.
                                     * @method flushViewCache
                                    flushViewCache: function() {},
                                     * Returns the date interval in which this view shows events for.
                                     * @method getDateInterval
                                     * @return {Object} Object with 2 keys: startDate and endDate. Undefined
                                     *   keys are interpreted as unlimited sides of the interval.
                                    getDateInterval: function() {
                                        return {
                                            endDate: DateMath.toLastHour(DateMath.subtract(this.getNextDate(), DateMath.DAY, 1)),
                                            startDate: this.getAdjustedViewDate(this.get('scheduler').get('viewDate'))
                                     * Returns the value of the date that follows the view's current
                                     * date.
                                     * @method getNextDate
                                     * @return {Date}
                                    getNextDate: function() {},
                                     * Returns the value of the date that preceeds the view's current
                                     * date.
                                     * @method getPrevDate
                                     * @return {Date}
                                    getPrevDate: function() {},
                                     * Returns the value of the current date.
                                     * @method getToday
                                     * @return {Date}
                                    getToday: function() {
                                        return DateMath.clearTime(new Date());
                                     * Returns a clone of a given `date` that will adjust to the `maxDate`
                                     * if it occurs after `maxDate`.
                                     * @method limitDate
                                     * @param {Date} date
                                     * @param {Date} maxDate
                                     * @return {Date}
                                    limitDate: function(date, maxDate) {
                                        if (DateMath.after(date, maxDate)) {
                                            date = DateMath.clone(maxDate);
                                        return date;
                                     * Plots all events in the current view.
                                     * @method plotEvents
                                    plotEvents: function() {},
                                     * Scrolls to given date.
                                     * @method scrollToDate
                                    scrollToDate: function() {},
                                     * Sync `SchedulerView` StdContent.
                                     * @method syncStdContent
                                    syncStdContent: function() {},
                                     * Sync `event` on the UI.
                                     * @method syncEventUI
                                     * @param {A.SchedulerEvent} evt A `Scheduler` event.
                                    syncEventUI: function() {},
                                     * Sets `date` on the UI.
                                     * @method _uiSetDate
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetDate: function() {},
                                     * Syncs the UI according to the value of the `initialScroll` attribute.
                                     * @method _afterBasePlotEvents
                                    _afterBasePlotEvents: function() {
                                        var initialScroll = this.get('initialScroll');
                                        if (initialScroll !== false && this.get('rendered') && this.get('visible') && !this._scrollDone) {
                                            this.scrollToDate(initialScroll === true ? new Date() : initialScroll);
                                            this._scrollDone = true;
                                     * Handles `render` events.
                                     * @method _afterRender
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterRender: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Returns the `Node` that triggers.
                                     * @method _getTriggerNode
                                     * @protected
                                    _getTriggerNode: function() {
                                        return this.get('scheduler').getViewTriggerNode(this);
                                     * Sets this `SchedulerView`'s `scheduler` object to the given value.
                                     * @method _setScheduler
                                     * @param {Scheduler} val A `Scheduler` instance.
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Object}
                                    _setScheduler: function(val) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                        if (scheduler) {
                                        if (val) {
                                            val.after(['*:add', '*:remove', '*:reset'], A.bind(instance.flushViewCache, instance));
                                        return val;
                                     * Sets `scrollable` on the UI.
                                     * @method _uiSetScrollable
                                     * @param {Boolean} val The value of the property.
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetScrollable: function(val) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var bodyNode = instance.bodyNode;
                                        if (bodyNode) {
                                            bodyNode.toggleClass(CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_SCROLLABLE, val);
                                            bodyNode.toggleClass(CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_NOSCROLL, !val);
                            A.SchedulerView = SchedulerView;