                             * The Scheduler Component
                             * @module aui-scheduler
                             * @submodule aui-scheduler-view-agenda
                            var Lang = A.Lang,
                                isFunction = Lang.isFunction,
                                isNumber  = Lang.isNumber,
                                AArray = A.Array,
                                DateMath = A.DataType.DateMath,
                                _formatter = function(mask) {
                                    return function(date) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                        return A.DataType.Date.format(
                                            date, {
                                                format: mask,
                                                locale: scheduler.get('locale')
                                _numericSort = function(arr) {
                                    return, function(v) {
                                        return +v;
                                getCN = A.getClassName,
                                CSS_CONTAINER = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'container'),
                                CSS_EVENT = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'event'),
                                CSS_EVENT_COLOR = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'event', 'color'),
                                CSS_EVENT_CONTENT = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'event', 'content'),
                                CSS_EVENT_DATES = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'event', 'dates'),
                                CSS_EVENT_FIRST = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'event', 'first'),
                                CSS_EVENT_INFO = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'info'),
                                CSS_EVENT_INFO_BIGGIE = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'info', 'biggie'),
                                CSS_EVENT_INFO_CONTAINER = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'info', 'container'),
                                CSS_EVENT_INFO_LABEL = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'info', 'label'),
                                CSS_EVENT_INFO_LABEL_BIGGIE = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'info', 'label', 'biggie'),
                                CSS_EVENT_INFO_LABEL_SMALL = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'info', 'label', 'small'),
                                CSS_EVENT_LAST = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'event', 'last'),
                                CSS_EVENT_NO_EVENTS = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'no', 'events'),
                                CSS_EVENT_PAST = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'event', 'past'),
                                CSS_EVENTS = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'events'),
                                CSS_HEADER = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'header'),
                                CSS_HEADER_DAY = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'header', 'day'),
                                CSS_HEADER_EXTRA = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'header', 'extra'),
                                CSS_HEADER_FIRST = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'header', 'first'),
                                CSS_HEADER_LAST = getCN('scheduler-view-agenda', 'header', 'last'),
                                CSS_CLEARFIX = getCN('clearfix'),
                                TPL_CONTAINER = '<div class="' + CSS_CONTAINER + '">{content}</div>',
                                TPL_EVENTS_HEADER = '<div class="' + [CSS_HEADER, CSS_CLEARFIX].join(' ') +
                                    ' {firstClassName} {lastClassName}">' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_HEADER_DAY + '">{day}</div>' +
                                    '<a href="javascript:;" class="' + CSS_HEADER_EXTRA + '" data-timestamp="{timestamp}">{extra}</a>' +
                                TPL_EVENTS_CONTAINER = '<div class="' + CSS_EVENTS + '">{content}</div>',
                                TPL_EVENT = '<div class="' + [CSS_EVENT, CSS_CLEARFIX].join(' ') +
                                    ' {firstClassName} {lastClassName} {eventClassName}" data-clientId="{clientId}">' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_EVENT_COLOR + '" style="background-color: {color};"></div>' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_EVENT_CONTENT + '">{content}</div>' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_EVENT_DATES + '">{dates}</div>' +
                                TPL_NO_EVENTS = '<div class="' + CSS_EVENT_NO_EVENTS + '">{content}</div>',
                                TPL_INFO = '<div class="' + CSS_EVENT_INFO_CONTAINER + '">' +
                                    '<div class="' + [CSS_EVENT_INFO, CSS_CLEARFIX].join(' ') + '">' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_EVENT_INFO_BIGGIE + '">{day}</div>' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_EVENT_INFO_LABEL + '">' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_EVENT_INFO_LABEL_BIGGIE + '">{labelBig}</div>' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_EVENT_INFO_LABEL_SMALL + '">{labelSmall}</div>' +
                                    '</div>' +
                                    '</div>' +
                             * A base class for `SchedulerAgendaView`.
                             * @class A.SchedulerAgendaView
                             * @extends A.SchedulerView
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                            var SchedulerAgendaView = A.Component.create({
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
                                 * @property NAME
                                 * @type {String}
                                 * @static
                                NAME: 'scheduler-view-agenda',
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                 * configuration for the `SchedulerAgendaView`.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * Determines the content of Scheduler view agenda's body section.
                                     * @attribute bodyContent
                                     * @default ''
                                     * @type {String}
                                    bodyContent: {
                                        value: ''
                                     * The amount of days to be displayed in agenda view.
                                     * @attribute daysCount
                                     * @default 30
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    daysCount: {
                                        value: 30,
                                        validator: isNumber
                                     * Contains the function that formats the events date.
                                     * @attribute eventsDateFormatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    eventsDateFormatter: {
                                        value: function(startDate, endDate) {
                                            var instance = this,
                                                scheduler = instance.get('scheduler'),
                                                isoTime = scheduler.get('activeView').get('isoTime'),
                                                startDateMask = '%H:%M',
                                                endDateMask = '%H:%M',
                                            if (!isoTime) {
                                                startDateMask = '%l:%M';
                                                endDateMask = '%l:%M';
                                                if (startDate.getHours() >= 12) {
                                                    startDateMask += 'pm';
                                                if (endDate.getHours() >= 12) {
                                                    endDateMask += 'pm';
                                            if (DateMath.isDayOverlap(startDate, endDate)) {
                                                startDateMask += ', %b %e';
                                                endDateMask += ', %b %e';
                                            startDateFormatter =, startDateMask);
                                            endDateFormatter =, endDateMask);
                                            return [
                                      , startDate),
                                      , endDate)
                                                ].join(' ');
                                        validator: isFunction
                                     * Contains the function that formats the header day date.
                                     * @attribute headerDayDateFormatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    headerDayDateFormatter: {
                                        value: function(date) {
                                            var instance = this,
                                                todayDate = instance.get('scheduler').get('todayDate'),
                                            if (!DateMath.isDayOverlap(date, todayDate)) {
                                                mask = 'today';
                                            else {
                                                mask = '%A';
                                            formatter =, mask);
                                            return, date);
                                        validator: isFunction
                                     * Contains the function that formats the header extra date.
                                     * @attribute headerExtraDateFormatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    headerExtraDateFormatter: {
                                        validator: isFunction,
                                        value: _formatter('%B %e')
                                     * Contains the function that formats the info day date.
                                     * @attribute infoDayDateFormatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    infoDayDateFormatter: {
                                        validator: isFunction,
                                        value: _formatter('%e')
                                     * Contains the function that formats the info label date.
                                     * @attribute infoLabelBigDateFormatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    infoLabelBigDateFormatter: {
                                        validator: isFunction,
                                        value: _formatter('%A')
                                     * Contains the function that formats the info label small date.
                                     * @attribute infoLabelSmallDateFormatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    infoLabelSmallDateFormatter: {
                                        validator: isFunction,
                                        value: _formatter('%B %d, %Y')
                                     * Determines the name for this agenda.
                                     * @attribute name
                                     * @default 'agenda'
                                     * @type {String}
                                    name: {
                                        value: 'agenda'
                                     * Contains the function that formats the navigation date.
                                     * @attribute navigationDateFormatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    navigationDateFormatter: {
                                        value: function() {
                                            return '';
                                        validator: isFunction
                                     * Contains the collection of strings used to label elements of the UI.
                                     * @attribute strings
                                     * @type {Object}
                                    strings: {
                                        value: {
                                            noEvents: 'No future events.'
                                 * Static property used to define which component it extends.
                                 * @property EXTENDS
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @static
                                EXTENDS: A.SchedulerView,
                                UI_ATTRS: ['daysCount'],
                                prototype: {
                                     * Binds the events on the `SchedulerAgendaView` UI. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method bindUI
                                     * @protected
                                    bindUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            boundingBox = instance.get('boundingBox');
                                        boundingBox.delegate('click', instance._onSchedulerEventClick, '.' + CSS_EVENT, instance);
                                        boundingBox.delegate('click', instance._onEventsHeaderClick, '.' + CSS_HEADER_EXTRA, instance);
                                     * Returns the date interval in which this view shows events for.
                                     * @method getDateInterval
                                     * @return {Object} Object with 2 keys: startDate and endDate. Undefined
                                     *   keys are interpreted as unlimited sides of the interval.
                                    getDateInterval: function() {
                                        var interval = SchedulerAgendaView.superclass.getDateInterval.apply(this);
                                        delete interval.endDate;
                                        return interval;
                                     * Returns the value of the date that follows the agenda view's current
                                     * date.
                                     * @method getNextDate
                                     * @return {Date}
                                    getNextDate: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            viewDate = instance.get('scheduler').get('viewDate');
                                        return DateMath.toMidnight(DateMath.add(viewDate, DateMath.DAY, 1));
                                     * Returns the value of the date that preceeds the agenda view's current
                                     * date.
                                     * @method getPrevDate
                                     * @return {Date}
                                    getPrevDate: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            viewDate = instance.get('scheduler').get('viewDate');
                                        return DateMath.toLastHour(DateMath.subtract(viewDate, DateMath.DAY, 1));
                                     * Plots all events in the current view.
                                     * @method plotEvents
                                    plotEvents: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            strings = instance.get('strings'),
                                            scheduler = instance.get('scheduler'),
                                            viewDate = scheduler.get('viewDate'),
                                            eventsDateFormatter = instance.get('eventsDateFormatter'),
                                            headerDayDateFormatter = instance.get('headerDayDateFormatter'),
                                            headerExtraDateFormatter = instance.get('headerExtraDateFormatter'),
                                            infoDayDateFormatter = instance.get('infoDayDateFormatter'),
                                            infoLabelBigDateFormatter = instance.get('infoLabelBigDateFormatter'),
                                            infoLabelSmallDateFormatter = instance.get('infoLabelSmallDateFormatter'),
                                            events = [],
                                            eventsMap = instance._getDayEventsMap(),
                                            days = A.Object.keys(eventsMap),
                                            daysLength = days.length;
                                                TPL_INFO, {
                                                    day:, viewDate),
                                                    labelBig:, viewDate),
                                                    labelSmall:, viewDate)
                                        if (!A.Object.isEmpty(eventsMap)) {
                                                function(ts, index) {
                                                    var date = new Date(A.Lang.toInt(ts)),
                                                        schedulerEvents = eventsMap[ts],
                                                        schedulerEventsLength = schedulerEvents.length;
                                                        A.Lang.sub(TPL_EVENTS_HEADER, {
                                                            day:, date),
                                                            extra:, date),
                                                            firstClassName: (index === 0) ? CSS_HEADER_FIRST : '',
                                                            lastClassName: (index === daysLength - 1) ? CSS_HEADER_LAST : '',
                                                            timestamp: ts
                                                        function(schedulerEvent, seIndex) {
                                                            var today = DateMath.toMidnight(new Date()),
                                                                endDate = schedulerEvent.get('endDate'),
                                                                startDate = schedulerEvent.get('startDate');
                                                                A.Lang.sub(TPL_EVENT, {
                                                                    clientId: schedulerEvent.get('clientId'),
                                                                    color: schedulerEvent.get('color'),
                                                                    content: schedulerEvent.get('content'),
                                                                    dates:, startDate, endDate),
                                                                    eventClassName: ((date.getTime() < today.getTime()) || (endDate.getTime() < today.getTime())) ?
                                                                        CSS_EVENT_PAST : '',
                                                                    firstClassName: (seIndex === 0) ? CSS_EVENT_FIRST : '',
                                                                    lastClassName: (seIndex === schedulerEventsLength - 1) ? CSS_EVENT_LAST : ''
                                        else {
                                                A.Lang.sub(TPL_NO_EVENTS, {
                                                    content: strings.noEvents
                                        var content = A.Lang.sub(TPL_CONTAINER, {
                                            content: A.Lang.sub(TPL_EVENTS_CONTAINER, {
                                                content: events.join('')
                                        instance.set('bodyContent', content);
                                     * Returns the current day's `eventMap`.
                                     * @method _getDayEventsMap
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Object} The current day's `eventMap`.
                                    _getDayEventsMap: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            daysCount = instance.get('daysCount'),
                                            scheduler = instance.get('scheduler'),
                                            viewDate = DateMath.toMidnight(scheduler.get('viewDate')),
                                            limitDate = DateMath.add(viewDate, DateMath.DAY, daysCount-1),
                                            eventsMap = {};
                                            function(schedulerEvent) {
                                                var endDate = schedulerEvent.get('endDate'),
                                                    startDate = schedulerEvent.get('startDate'),
                                                    visible = schedulerEvent.get('visible'),
                                                if (!visible) {
                                                var displayDate = startDate;
                                                if (DateMath.before(limitDate, endDate)) {
                                                    endDate = limitDate;
                                                while (displayDate.getTime() <= endDate.getTime()) {
                                                    if (displayDate.getTime() >= viewDate.getTime()) {
                                                        dayTS = DateMath.safeClearTime(displayDate).getTime();
                                                        if (!eventsMap[dayTS]) {
                                                            eventsMap[dayTS] = [];
                                                    displayDate = DateMath.add(displayDate, DateMath.DAY, 1);
                                        return eventsMap;
                                     * Handles `eventsHeader` click events.
                                     * @method _onEventsHeaderClick
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onEventsHeaderClick: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                        var currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
                                        var timestamp = A.Lang.toInt(currentTarget.getData('timestamp')) || new Date().getTime();
                                        var date = new Date(timestamp);
                                        var dayView = scheduler.getViewByName('day');
                                        if (dayView) {
                                            scheduler.set('date', date);
                                            scheduler.set('activeView', dayView);
                                     * Handles `scheduler` click events.
                                     * @method _onEventsHeaderClick
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onSchedulerEventClick: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            currentTarget = event.currentTarget,
                                            scheduler = instance.get('scheduler'),
                                            recorder = scheduler.get('eventRecorder'),
                                            schedulerEvent = currentTarget.getData('schedulerEvent');
                                        if (!schedulerEvent) {
                                            schedulerEvent = scheduler.getEventByClientId(
                                            currentTarget.setData('schedulerEvent', schedulerEvent);
                                        if (schedulerEvent && recorder) {
                                            recorder.set('event', schedulerEvent, {
                                                silent: true
                                     * Updated the plotted events to display the new, right amount of days.
                                     * Note that the events should still be set into the scheduler. If, for
                                     * example, one sets events pertaining to 30 days into the scheduler and
                                     * then set `daysCount` to 60, obviously there is no way to the view to
                                     * know about more events.
                                     * @method _uiSetDaysCount
                                     * @param {Number} daysCount number of days to be displayed.
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetDaysCount: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                            A.SchedulerAgendaView = SchedulerAgendaView;