                             * The Scheduler Component
                             * @module aui-scheduler
                             * @submodule aui-scheduler-view-table-dd
                            var Lang = A.Lang,
                                isObject = Lang.isObject,
                                DateMath = A.DataType.DateMath,
                                WEEK_LENGTH = DateMath.WEEK_LENGTH,
                                getCN = A.getClassName,
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT = getCN('scheduler-event'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT_DISABLED = getCN('scheduler-event', 'disabled'),
                                CSS_SVT_COLGRID = getCN('scheduler-view', 'table', 'colgrid'),
                                CSS_SVT_DRAGGING = getCN('scheduler-view', 'table', 'dragging'),
                                CSS_SVT_LASSO = getCN('scheduler-view', 'table', 'lasso'),
                                CSS_SVT_PROXY_NODE = getCN('scheduler-view', 'table', 'proxy', 'node'),
                                CSS_SVT_TABLE_DATA_COL = getCN('scheduler-view', 'table', 'data', 'col'),
                                TPL_SVT_LASSO = '<div class="' + CSS_SVT_LASSO + '"></div>',
                                TPL_SVT_PROXY_NODE = '<div class="' + CSS_SVT_PROXY_NODE + '"></div>';
                             * A base class for `SchedulerTableViewDD`.
                             * @class A.SchedulerTableViewDD
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                            A.SchedulerTableViewDD = function() {};
                             * Static property used to define the default attribute
                             * configuration for the `SchedulerTableViewDD`.
                             * @property ATTRS
                             * @type {Object}
                             * @static
                            A.SchedulerTableViewDD.ATTRS = {
                                 * Configures this view's `DD.Delegate`.
                                 * @attribute delegateConfig
                                 * @default {}
                                 * @type {Object}
                                delegateConfig: {
                                    value: {},
                                    setter: function(val) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return A.merge({
                                                dragConfig: {
                                                    offsetNode: false,
                                                    useShim: false
                                                bubbleTargets: instance,
                                                container: instance.get('boundingBox'),
                                                nodes: '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT,
                                                invalid: 'input, select, button, a, textarea, ' + '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT_DISABLED
                                            val || {}
                                    validator: isObject
                            A.mix(A.SchedulerTableViewDD.prototype, {
                                 * Construction logic executed during `SchedulerTableViewDD` instantiation.
                                 * Lifecycle.
                                 * @method initializer
                                 * @protected
                                initializer: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance.proxyNode = A.Node.create(TPL_SVT_PROXY_NODE);
                                    instance.after(instance.viewDDBindUI, instance, 'bindUI');
                                    instance.after(instance.viewDDRenderUI, instance, 'renderUI');
                                    instance.after(instance.viewDDSyncUI, instance, 'syncUI');
                                 * Binds the scheduler view `DD.Delegate` events on the UI. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method viewDDBindUI
                                viewDDBindUI: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var recorder = instance.get('scheduler').get('eventRecorder');
                                    if (recorder) {
                                            cancel: A.bind(instance.removeLasso, instance),
                                            save: A.bind(instance.removeLasso, instance)
                                        mousedown: A.bind(instance._onMouseDownGrid, instance),
                                        mousemove: A.bind(instance._onMouseMoveGrid, instance),
                                        mouseup: A.bind(instance._onMouseUpGrid, instance)
                                    instance.after('drag:align', instance._afterDragAlign);
                                    instance.on('drag:end', instance._onEventDragEnd);
                                    instance.on('drag:start', instance._onEventDragStart);
                                 * Renders the scheduler view `DD.Delegate` instance. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method viewDDRenderUI
                                viewDDRenderUI: function() {},
                                 * Syncs the scheduler view `DD.Delegate` instance. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method viewDDSyncUI
                                viewDDSyncUI: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                 * Removes the table view lasso.
                                 * @method removeLasso
                                removeLasso: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    if (instance.lasso) {
                                 * Removes the table view proxy node.
                                 * @method removeProxy
                                removeProxy: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    if (instance.proxyNode) {
                                 * Renders the table view lasso at the given `ij` coordinates for the table
                                 * matrix. It represents the selection for the table view, e.g. `j`
                                 * represents a row and `i` a column, for `startPos` being `[0,0]` and
                                 * `endPos` being `[0,3]`, this method will render three nodes representing
                                 * the selected lasso.
                                 * @method renderLasso
                                 * @param startPos {Array} Contains starting i, j posiiton to lasso.
                                 * @param endPos {Array} Contains ending i, j posiiton to lasso.
                                renderLasso: function(startPos, endPos) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var minPos = startPos;
                                    var maxPos = endPos;
                                    if (startPos[1] > endPos[1]) {
                                        minPos = endPos;
                                        maxPos = startPos;
                                    var imin = minPos[0],
                                        jmin = minPos[1],
                                        imax = maxPos[0],
                                        jmax = maxPos[1],
                                    instance.lasso = A.NodeList.create();
                                    for (j = jmin; j <= jmax; j++) {
                                        var h = instance.gridCellHeight,
                                            w = instance.gridCellWidth,
                                            x = 0,
                                            y = (h * j);
                                        if (j === jmin) {
                                            if (jmin === jmax) {
                                                x += Math.min(imin, imax) * w;
                                                w *= Math.abs(imax - imin) + 1;
                                            else {
                                                x += imin * w;
                                                w *= WEEK_LENGTH - imin;
                                        else if (j === jmax) {
                                            w *= imax + 1;
                                        else {
                                            w *= WEEK_LENGTH;
                                        var lassoNode = A.Node.create(TPL_SVT_LASSO);
                                        lassoNode.sizeTo(w, h);
                                        lassoNode.setXY(instance._offsetXY([x, y], 1));
                                 * Handles `dragAlign` events.
                                 * @method _afterDragAlign
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _afterDragAlign: function(event) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var bodyRegion = instance.bodyNode.get('region');
                                    var mouseRegion = {
                                        bottom: event.pageY,
                                        left: event.pageX,
                                        right: event.pageX,
                                        top: event.pageY
                                    if (!A.DOM.inRegion(null, bodyRegion, true, mouseRegion)) {
                                    var draggingEvent = instance.draggingEvent;
                                    var eventXY = [event.pageX, event.pageY];
                                    var position = instance._findPosition(instance._offsetXY(eventXY, -1));
                                    if (draggingEvent && instance._hasLassoChanged(position)) {
                                        instance.lassoLastPosition = position;
                                        var endPositionDate = DateMath.add(
                                        instance.renderLasso(position, instance._getDatePosition(endPositionDate));
                                 * Returns the grid cell position array for a given XY coordinate.
                                 * @method _findPosition
                                 * @param {Array} xy
                                 * @return {Array} The grid cell position array for a given XY coordinate.
                                 * @protected
                                _findPosition: function(xy) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var i = Math.floor(xy[0] / instance.gridCellWidth);
                                    var j = Math.floor(xy[1] / instance.gridCellHeight);
                                    return [i, j];
                                 * Return the position coordinate of a given `Date`.
                                 * @method _getDatePosition
                                 * @param {Date} date
                                 * @protected
                                 * @return {Array} The position coordinate of a given `Date`.
                                _getDatePosition: function(date) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var intervalStartDate = instance._findCurrentIntervalStart();
                                    var offset = DateMath.getDayOffset(date, intervalStartDate);
                                    var position = [];
                                    position[1] = Math.floor(offset / WEEK_LENGTH);
                                    position[0] = offset % WEEK_LENGTH;
                                    return position;
                                 * Return the `Date` corresponding to a given position coordinate.
                                 * @method _getPositionDate
                                 * @param {Array} position The XY position coordinate.
                                 * @protected
                                 * @return {Date} The `Date` corresponding to a given position coordinate.
                                _getPositionDate: function(position) {
                                    var instance = this,
                                        intervalStartDate = instance._findCurrentIntervalStart(),
                                        date = DateMath.add(intervalStartDate, DateMath.DAY, instance._getCellIndex(position));
                                    date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                    return date;
                                 * Indicates whether the lasso value has changed given a XY position
                                 * coordinate.
                                 * @method _hasLassoChanged
                                 * @param position
                                 * @protected
                                 * @return {Boolean} Whether the lasso value has changed given a XY position
                                 * coordinate.
                                _hasLassoChanged: function(position) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var lassoLastPosition = instance.lassoLastPosition || instance.lassoStartPosition;
                                    return lassoLastPosition && ((position[0] !== lassoLastPosition[0]) || (position[1] !== lassoLastPosition[1]));
                                 * Returns the offset XY coordinate given an XY coordinate and a sign.
                                 * @method _offsetXY
                                 * @param {Array} xy
                                 * @param {Number} sign
                                 * @protected
                                 * @return {Array} The offset XY coordinate given an XY coordinate and a sign.
                                _offsetXY: function(xy, sign) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var offsetXY = instance.rowsContainerNode.getXY();
                                    return [xy[0] + offsetXY[0] * sign, xy[1] + offsetXY[1] * sign];
                                 * Handle `eventDragEnd` events.
                                 * @method _onEventDragEnd
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onEventDragEnd: function(event) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var draggingEvent = instance.draggingEvent;
                                    if (draggingEvent) {
                                        var positionDate = instance._getPositionDate(instance.lassoLastPosition);
                                        DateMath.copyHours(positionDate, draggingEvent.get('startDate'));
                                        draggingEvent.set('visible', true, {
                                            silent: true
                              'dragNode', instance.originalDragNode);
                                    instance.draggingEvent = null;
                                 * Handle `eventDragStart` events.
                                 * @method _onEventDragStart
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onEventDragStart: function(event) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var draggingEvent = instance.draggingEvent =
                                    if (draggingEvent) {
                                        var eventXY = [event.pageX, event.pageY];
                                        var startPosition = instance._findPosition(instance._offsetXY(eventXY, -1));
                                        var endPositionDate = DateMath.add(
                                        instance.renderLasso(startPosition, instance._getDatePosition(endPositionDate));
                                        draggingEvent.set('visible', false, {
                                            silent: true
                                        instance.lassoStartPosition = instance.lassoLastPosition = startPosition;
                                        instance.originalDragNode ='dragNode');
                              'dragNode', instance.proxyNode);
                                 * Handle `mouseDownGrid` events.
                                 * @method _onMouseDownGrid
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onMouseDownGrid: function(event) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                    var recorder = scheduler.get('eventRecorder');
                                    var target =;
                                    if (recorder && !scheduler.get('disabled') &&
                                        target.test(['.' + CSS_SVT_COLGRID, '.' + CSS_SVT_TABLE_DATA_COL].join())) {
                                        instance._recording = true;
                                        var eventXY = instance._offsetXY([event.pageX, event.pageY], -1);
                                        instance.lassoStartPosition = instance.lassoLastPosition = instance._findPosition(eventXY);
                                        instance.renderLasso(instance.lassoStartPosition, instance.lassoLastPosition);
                                 * Handle `mouseMoveGrid` events.
                                 * @method _onMouseMoveGrid
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onMouseMoveGrid: function(event) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var eventXY = [event.pageX, event.pageY];
                                    var position = instance._findPosition(instance._offsetXY(eventXY, -1));
                                    if (instance._recording && instance._hasLassoChanged(position)) {
                                        instance.lassoLastPosition = position;
                                        instance.renderLasso(instance.lassoStartPosition, position);
                                 * Handle `mouseUpGrid` events.
                                 * @method _onMouseUpGrid
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _onMouseUpGrid: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                    var recorder = scheduler.get('eventRecorder');
                                    if (recorder && instance._recording && !scheduler.get('disabled')) {
                                        var startPositionDate = instance._getPositionDate(instance.lassoStartPosition);
                                        var endPositionDate = instance._getPositionDate(instance.lassoLastPosition);
                                        var startDate = new Date(Math.min(startPositionDate, endPositionDate));
                                        startDate.setHours(0, 0, 0);
                                        var endDate = new Date(Math.max(startPositionDate, endPositionDate));
                                        endDate.setHours(23, 59, 59);
                                            allDay: true,
                                            endDate: endDate,
                                            startDate: startDate
                                        }, {
                                            silent: true
                                        instance._recording = false;
                                 * Configures a `DD.Delegate` that handles `DD` events for this
                                 * `SchedulerTableViewDD`s.
                                 * @method _setupDragDrop
                                 * @protected
                                _setupDragDrop: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    if (!instance.delegate) {
                                        instance.delegate = new A.DD.Delegate(
                                    var dd = instance.delegate.dd;
                                    dd.plug(A.Plugin.DDNodeScroll, {
                                        node: instance.bodyNode,
                                        scrollDelay: 150
                                    dd.plug(A.Plugin.DDProxy, {
                                        moveOnEnd: false,
                                        positionProxy: false
                                 * Updates this `SchedulerTableViewDD`'s grid cell dimension properties.
                                 * @method _syncCellDimensions
                                 * @protected
                                _syncCellDimensions: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var displayDaysInterval = instance.get('displayDaysInterval');
                                    var displayRowsCount = Math.ceil(displayDaysInterval / WEEK_LENGTH);
                                    var weekDaysCount = Math.min(displayDaysInterval, WEEK_LENGTH);
                                    instance.gridCellHeight = instance.rowsContainerNode.get('offsetHeight') / displayRowsCount;
                                    instance.gridCellWidth = instance.rowsContainerNode.get('offsetWidth') / weekDaysCount;
                                 * Updates this `SchedulerTableViewDD`'s proxyNode UI styles and content.
                                 * @method _syncProxyNodeUI
                                 * @param {A.SchedulerEvent} evt A `Scheduler` event.
                                 * @protected
                                _syncProxyNodeUI: function(evt) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    var eventNode = evt.get('node').item(0);
                                    var eventNodePadding = evt.get('node').item(1);
                                        backgroundColor: eventNode.getStyle('backgroundColor'),
                                        color: eventNode.getStyle('color'),
                                        display: 'block'
                                    if (!eventNodePadding || !eventNodePadding.test(':visible')) {
                                        var offsetWidth = eventNode.get('offsetWidth');
                                        instance.proxyNode.set('offsetWidth', offsetWidth);
                            A.Base.mix(A.SchedulerTableView, [A.SchedulerTableViewDD]);