                            A.ScreenBase = function() {};
                            A.ScreenBase.NAME = 'screen';
                            A.ScreenBase._uniqueIdCounter =;
                            A.ScreenBase.prototype = {
                                 * Fires when the screen is active. Allows a screen to perform any setup
                                 * that requires its DOM to be visible. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method activate
                                activate: function() {
                                    A.log('Screen [' + this + '] activate', 'info');
                                 * Gives the Screen a chance to cancel the navigation and stop itself from
                                 * being deactivated. Can be used, for example, if the screen has unsaved
                                 * state. Lifecycle.
                                 * Clean-up should not be preformed here, since the navigation may still be
                                 * cancelled. Do clean-up in deactivate.
                                 * @method beforeDeactivate
                                 * @return {Boolean}
                                beforeDeactivate: function() {
                                    A.log('Screen [' + this + '] beforeDeactivate', 'info');
                                 * Allows a screen to perform any setup immediately before the DOM is
                                 * made visible. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method flip
                                 * @return {Promise} This can return a promise, which will pause the
                                 *     navigation until it is resolved.
                                flip: function(surfaces) {
                                    var instance = this,
                                        transitions = [];
                                    A.log('Screen [' + this + '] flip', 'info');
                                    A.each(surfaces, function(surface) {
                                    return A.CancellablePromise.all(transitions);
                                 * Allows a screen to do any cleanup necessary after it has been
                                 * deactivated, for example cancelling outstanding XHRs or stopping
                                 * timers. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method deactivate
                                deactivate: function() {
                                    A.log('Screen [' + this + '] deactivate', 'info');
                                 * Destroy a screen, either after it is deactivated (in the case of a
                                 * non-cacheable view) or when the App is itself disposed for whatever
                                 * reason. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method destructor
                                destructor: function() {
                                    A.log('Screen [' + this + '] destructor', 'info');
                                 * Returns the content for the given surface, or null if the surface isn't
                                 * used by this screen. This will be called when a screen is initially
                                 * constructed or, if a screen is non-cacheable, when navigated.
                                 * @method getSurfaceContent
                                 * @param {String} surfaceId The id of the surface DOM element.
                                 * @param {String} opt_contents Optional content fetch by
                                 *     `getSurfacesContent`.
                                 * @return {String | Node} This can return a string or node representing the
                                 *     content of the surface.
                                getSurfaceContent: function() {
                                    A.log('Screen [' + this + '] getSurfaceContent', 'info');
                                 * Returns all contents for the surfaces. This will pass an `opt_contents`
                                 * to `getSurfaceContent` with all information you need to fulfill the
                                 * surfaces. Lifecycle.
                                 * @method getSurfacesContent
                                 * @param {String} path The requested path.
                                 * @return {String | Promise} This can return a string representing the
                                 *     contents of the surfaces or a promise, which will pause the
                                 *     navigation until it is resolved. This is useful for loading async
                                 *     content.
                                load: function() {
                                    A.log('Screen [' + this + '] getSurfacesContent', 'info');
                                 * @method toString
                                 * @return {String}
                                toString: function() {
                                    return this.get('id');
                                 * Sets the id attribute.
                                 * @method _setId
                                 * @param {String} val The screen id to be set.
                                 * @return {String} Value of the screen name concatenated with the id.
                                _setId: function(val) {
                                    return this.constructor.NAME + '_' + val;
                                 * Value of the id attribute.
                                 * @method  _valueId
                                 * @return {String}
                                _valueId: function() {
                                    return String(A.ScreenBase._uniqueIdCounter++);
                            A.ScreenBase.ATTRS = {
                                 * The screen id.
                                 * @attribute id
                                 * @writeOnce
                                 * @default Generated using `A.guid()`.
                                 * @type String
                                id: {
                                    setter: '_setId',
                                    validator: A.Lang.isString,
                                    valueFn: '_valueId',
                                    writeOnce: true
                                 * The document.title to set when the screen is active.
                                 * @attribute title
                                 * @type {String}
                                title: {
                                    validator: A.Lang.isString
                            A.ScreenCacheable = function() {};
                            A.ScreenCacheable.prototype = {
                                 * Holds the cached data.
                                 * @property cache
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @protected
                                cache: null,
                                 * Adds content to the cache.
                                 * @method addCache
                                 * @param {String} surfaceId The id of the surface DOM element.
                                 * @param {String} content Content to be cached.
                                addCache: function(content) {
                                    if (this.get('cacheable')) {
                                        this.cache = content;
                                    else {
                                        A.log('Screen [' + this + '] is not cacheable', 'info');
                                 * Clears the cache.
                                 * @method clearCache
                                clearCache: function() {
                                    this.cache = null;
                                 * Destroys a cacheable screen.
                                 * @method destructor
                                destructor: function() {
                                 * If the screen is cacheable returns the cached content for the surfaces.
                                 * @method getCache
                                 * @protected
                                 * @return {Object} Cached content.
                                getCache: function() {
                                    return this.cache;
                                 * Sets the cache content.
                                 * @method _setCacheable
                                 * @protected
                                 * @return {Object} Cached content.
                                _setCacheable: function(val) {
                                    if (!val) {
                                    return val;
                            A.ScreenCacheable.ATTRS = {
                                 * If false, the screen will be disposed after being deactivated.
                                 * If true, the surface content will be left in the DOM with
                                 * display:none.
                                 * @attribute cacheable
                                 * @default false
                                 * @type Boolean
                                cacheable: {
                                    setter: '_setCacheable',
                                    validator: A.Lang.isBoolean,
                                    value: false
                            A.Screen = A.Base.create(A.ScreenBase.NAME, A.Base, [A.ScreenBase, A.ScreenCacheable], {}, {});