                             * The Toggler Accessibility Component
                             * @module aui-toggler-accessibility
                            function TogglerAccessibility() {}
                            TogglerAccessibility.prototype = {
                                 * Construction logic executed during instantiation.
                                 * Lifecycle.
                                 * @method initializer
                                 * @protected
                                initializer: function() {
                                        A.after(this._afterToggle, this, 'toggle')
                                 * Fires after toggle and syncs ARIA attributes.
                                 * @method _afterToggle
                                 * @param {EventFacade} event
                                 * @protected
                                _afterToggle: function(expand) {
                                    var content = this.get('content'),
                                        header = this.get('header');
                                    if (A.Lang.isUndefined(expand)) {
                                        expand = this.get('expanded');
                                    header.setAttribute('aria-pressed', expand);
                                    content.setAttribute('aria-hidden', !expand);
                                 * Sets the ARIA-WAI attributes.
                                 * @method _setARIAElements
                                 * @protected
                                _setARIAElements: function() {
                                    var content = this.get('content'),
                                        contentId = content.attr('id') || content.guid(),
                                        expanded = this.get('expanded'),
                                        header = this.get('header');
                                    header.setAttribute('aria-controls', contentId);
                                    header.setAttribute('aria-pressed', expanded);
                                    content.setAttribute('aria-hidden', !expanded);
                            A.Base.mix(A.Toggler, [TogglerAccessibility]);