                             * The Url Utility.
                             * @module aui-url
                            var QS = A.QueryString,
                                _SCHEME_SEPARATOR = '://',
                                URL_SOURCE = 0,
                                URL_PROTOCOL = 1,
                                URL_AUTHORITY = 2,
                                URL_USER_INFO = 3,
                                URL_USER = 4,
                                URL_PASSWORD = 5,
                                URL_HOST = 6,
                                URL_PORT = 7,
                                URL_RELATIVE = 8,
                                URL_PATH = 9,
                                URL_DIRECTORY = 10,
                                URL_FILE = 11,
                                URL_QUERY = 12,
                                URL_ANCHOR = 13;
                            function Url(url) {
                                var instance = this;
                                if (!url) {
                                    throw 'An URL should be specified.';
                            // Loose implementation of
                            // See
                            Url.URI_REGEX_RFC3986 = new RegExp('^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\\/]*@)([^:\\/?#.]+):)' +
                                '?(?:\\/\\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?([^:\\/?#]*)(?::(\\d*))?)' +
                                '(((\\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\\/]*\\.[^?#\\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\\/?)?([^?#\\/]*)' +
                             * A base class for `A.Url`.
                             * In order to understand what each attribute/method does,
                             * you need to see the anatomy of a URL:
                             * ```
                             *  foo://
                             *  \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
                             * Scheme     Authority       Path       Query   Anchor
                             * ```
                             * @class A.Url
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                            A.mix(Url.prototype, {
                                _source: undefined,
                                _protocol: undefined,
                                _authority: undefined,
                                _user_info: undefined,
                                _user: undefined,
                                _password: undefined,
                                _host: undefined,
                                _port: undefined,
                                _relative: undefined,
                                _path: undefined,
                                _directory: undefined,
                                _file: undefined,
                                _query: undefined,
                                _anchor: undefined,
                                _parameters: undefined,
                                 * Adds a single parameter in the URL.
                                 * @method addParameter
                                 * @param key
                                 * @param values
                                addParameter: function(key, values) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance.setParameter(key, !instance.hasParameter(key) ?
                                        values :
                                 * Adds a list of parameters in the URL.
                                 * @method addParameters
                                 * @param parameters
                                addParameters: function(parameters) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    A.each(parameters, function(val, key) {
                                        instance.addParameter(key, val);
                                 * Checks if the URL has a parameter.
                                 * @method hasParameter
                                 * @param key
                                 * @return {Boolean}
                                hasParameter: function(key) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._parameters.hasOwnProperty(key);
                                 * Gets a single parameter.
                                 * @method getParameter
                                 * @param key
                                 * @return {String}
                                getParameter: function(key) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._parameters[key];
                                 * Gets a list of parameters.
                                 * @method getParameters
                                 * @return {Array}
                                getParameters: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._parameters;
                                 * Gets the anchor.
                                 * @method getAnchor
                                 * @return {String}
                                getAnchor: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._anchor;
                                 * Gets the authority.
                                 * @method getAuthority
                                 * @return {String}
                                getAuthority: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._authority;
                                 * Gets the directory.
                                 * @method getDirectory
                                 * @return {String}
                                getDirectory: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._directory;
                                 * Gets the file.
                                 * @method getFile
                                 * @return {String}
                                getFile: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._file;
                                 * Gets the host.
                                 * @method getHost
                                 * @return {String}
                                getHost: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._host;
                                 * Gets the password.
                                 * @method getPassword
                                 * @return {String}
                                getPassword: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._password;
                                 * Gets the path.
                                 * @method getPath
                                 * @return {String}
                                getPath: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._path;
                                 * Gets the port.
                                 * @method getPort
                                 * @return {String}
                                getPort: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._port;
                                 * Gets the protocol.
                                 * @method getProtocol
                                 * @return {String}
                                getProtocol: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._protocol;
                                 * Gets the query.
                                 * @method getQuery
                                 * @return {String}
                                getQuery: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._query;
                                 * Gets the relative.
                                 * @method getRelative
                                 * @return {String}
                                getRelative: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._relative;
                                 * Gets the source.
                                 * @method getSource
                                 * @return {String}
                                getSource: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._source;
                                 * Gets the user.
                                 * @method getUser
                                 * @return {String}
                                getUser: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._user;
                                 * Gets the user info.
                                 * @method getUserInfo
                                 * @return {String}
                                getUserInfo: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    return instance._user_info;
                                 * Removes a single parameter from the parameters list.
                                 * @method removeParameter
                                 * @param key
                                removeParameter: function(key) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    delete instance._parameters[key];
                                 * Removes a list of parameters from the parameters list.
                                 * @method removeParameters
                                 * @param parameters
                                removeParameters: function(parameters) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    A.each(parameters, function(val, key) {
                                 * Sets a single parameter.
                                 * @method setParameter
                                 * @param key
                                 * @param opt_values
                                setParameter: function(key, opt_values) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._parameters[key] = opt_values;
                                 * Sets a list of parameters.
                                 * @method setParameters
                                 * @param parameters
                                setParameters: function(parameters) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    A.each(parameters, function(val, key) {
                                        instance.setParameter(key, val);
                                 * Sets the anchor.
                                 * @method setAnchor
                                 * @param val
                                setAnchor: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._anchor = val;
                                 * Sets the authority.
                                 * @method setAuthority
                                 * @param val
                                setAuthority: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._authority = val;
                                 * Sets the directory.
                                 * @method setDirectory
                                 * @param val
                                setDirectory: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._directory = val;
                                 * Sets the file.
                                 * @method setFile
                                 * @param val
                                setFile: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._file = val;
                                 * Sets the host.
                                 * @method setHost
                                 * @param val
                                setHost: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._host = val;
                                 * Sets the password.
                                 * @method setPassword
                                 * @param val
                                setPassword: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._password = val;
                                 * Sets the path.
                                 * @method setPath
                                 * @param val
                                setPath: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._path = val;
                                 * Sets the port.
                                 * @method setPort
                                 * @param val
                                setPort: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._port = val;
                                 * Sets the protocol.
                                 * @method setProtocol
                                 * @param val
                                setProtocol: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._protocol = val;
                                 * Sets the relative.
                                 * @method setRelative
                                 * @param val
                                setRelative: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._relative = val;
                                 * Sets the source.
                                 * @method setSource
                                 * @param val
                                setSource: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._source = val;
                                 * Sets the user.
                                 * @method setUser
                                 * @param val
                                setUser: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._user = val;
                                 * Sets the user info.
                                 * @method setUserInfo
                                 * @param val
                                setUserInfo: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance._user_info = val;
                                 * Generates the entire URL based on each attribute.
                                 * @method toString
                                 * @return {String}
                                toString: function() {
                                    var instance = this,
                                        url = [];
                                    //   foo://
                                    //   \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
                                    // scheme     authority       path        query   anchor
                                    if (instance._protocol) {
                                    if (instance._query) {
                                    if (instance._anchor) {
                                    return url.join('');
                                 * Indexes all parameters into the query.
                                 * @method _indexParameters
                                 * @protected
                                _indexParameters: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    if (!instance._parameters) {
                                        instance._parameters = QS.parse(instance._query || '');
                                    instance._query = QS.stringify(instance._parameters);
                                 * Indexes all URL parts to its private attributes.
                                 * @method _indexParts
                                 * @param url
                                 * @protected
                                _indexParts: function(url) {
                                    var instance = this,
                                        parts = Url.URI_REGEX_RFC3986.exec(url);
                                    instance._source = parts[URL_SOURCE];
                                    instance._protocol = parts[URL_PROTOCOL];
                                    instance._authority = parts[URL_AUTHORITY];
                                    instance._user_info = parts[URL_USER_INFO];
                                    instance._user = parts[URL_USER];
                                    instance._password = parts[URL_PASSWORD];
                                    instance._host = parts[URL_HOST];
                                    instance._port = parts[URL_PORT];
                                    instance._relative = parts[URL_RELATIVE];
                                    instance._path = parts[URL_PATH];
                                    instance._directory = parts[URL_DIRECTORY];
                                    instance._file = parts[URL_FILE];
                                    instance._query = parts[URL_QUERY];
                                    instance._anchor = parts[URL_ANCHOR];
                            }, true);
                            A.Url = Url;