* The Animation Utility provides an API for creating advanced transitions.
* @module anim
* Provides the base Anim class, for animating numeric properties.
* @module anim
* @submodule anim-base
* A class for constructing animation instances.
* @class Anim
* @for Anim
* @constructor
* @extends Base
var RUNNING = 'running',
START_TIME = 'startTime',
ELAPSED_TIME = 'elapsedTime',
* @for Anim
* @event start
* @description fires when an animation begins.
* @param {Event} ev The start event.
* @type Event.Custom
START = 'start',
* @event tween
* @description fires every frame of the animation.
* @param {Event} ev The tween event.
* @type Event.Custom
TWEEN = 'tween',
* @event end
* @description fires after the animation completes.
* @param {Event} ev The end event.
* @type Event.Custom
END = 'end',
NODE = 'node',
PAUSED = 'paused',
REVERSE = 'reverse', // TODO: cleanup
ITERATION_COUNT = 'iterationCount',
NUM = Number;
var _running = {},
Y.Anim = function() {
Y.Anim.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.Anim._instances[Y.stamp(this)] = this;
Y.Anim.NAME = 'anim';
Y.Anim._instances = {};
* Regex of properties that should use the default unit.
* @property RE_DEFAULT_UNIT
* @static
Y.Anim.RE_DEFAULT_UNIT = /^width|height|top|right|bottom|left|margin.*|padding.*|border.*$/i;
* The default unit to use with properties that pass the RE_DEFAULT_UNIT test.
* @property DEFAULT_UNIT
* @static
Y.Anim.DEFAULT_UNIT = 'px';
Y.Anim.DEFAULT_EASING = function (t, b, c, d) {
return c * t / d + b; // linear easing
* Time in milliseconds passed to setInterval for frame processing
* @property intervalTime
* @default 20
* @static
Y.Anim._intervalTime = 20;
* Bucket for custom getters and setters
* @property behaviors
* @static
Y.Anim.behaviors = {
left: {
get: function(anim, attr) {
return anim._getOffset(attr);
Y.Anim.behaviors.top = Y.Anim.behaviors.left;
* The default setter to use when setting object properties.
* @property DEFAULT_SETTER
* @static
Y.Anim.DEFAULT_SETTER = function(anim, att, from, to, elapsed, duration, fn, unit) {
var node = anim._node,
domNode = node._node,
val = fn(elapsed, NUM(from), NUM(to) - NUM(from), duration);
if (domNode) {
if ('style' in domNode && (att in domNode.style || att in Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES)) {
unit = unit || '';
node.setStyle(att, val + unit);
} else if ('attributes' in domNode && att in domNode.attributes) {
node.setAttribute(att, val);
} else if (att in domNode) {
domNode[att] = val;
} else if (node.set) {
node.set(att, val);
} else if (att in node) {
node[att] = val;
* The default getter to use when getting object properties.
* @property DEFAULT_GETTER
* @static
Y.Anim.DEFAULT_GETTER = function(anim, att) {
var node = anim._node,
domNode = node._node,
val = '';
if (domNode) {
if ('style' in domNode && (att in domNode.style || att in Y.DOM.CUSTOM_STYLES)) {
val = node.getComputedStyle(att);
} else if ('attributes' in domNode && att in domNode.attributes) {
val = node.getAttribute(att);
} else if (att in domNode) {
val = domNode[att];
} else if (node.get) {
val = node.get(att);
} else if (att in node) {
val = node[att];
return val;
Y.Anim.ATTRS = {
* The object to be animated.
* @attribute node
* @type Node
node: {
setter: function(node) {
if (node) {
if (typeof node === 'string' || node.nodeType) {
node = Y.one(node);
this._node = node;
if (!node) {
Y.log(node + ' is not a valid node', 'warn', 'Anim');
return node;
* The length of the animation. Defaults to "1" (second).
* @attribute duration
* @type NUM
duration: {
value: 1
* The method that will provide values to the attribute(s) during the animation.
* Defaults to "Easing.easeNone".
* @attribute easing
* @type Function
easing: {
setter: function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'string' && Y.Easing) {
return Y.Easing[val];
* The starting values for the animated properties.
* Fields may be strings, numbers, or functions.
* If a function is used, the return value becomes the from value.
* If no from value is specified, the DEFAULT_GETTER will be used.
* Supports any unit, provided it matches the "to" (or default)
* unit (e.g. `{width: '10em', color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', borderColor: '#ccc'}`).
* If using the default ('px' for length-based units), the unit may be omitted
* (e.g. `{width: 100}, borderColor: 'ccc'}`, which defaults to pixels
* and hex, respectively).
* @attribute from
* @type Object
from: {},
* The ending values for the animated properties.
* Fields may be strings, numbers, or functions.
* Supports any unit, provided it matches the "from" (or default)
* unit (e.g. `{width: '50%', color: 'red', borderColor: '#ccc'}`).
* If using the default ('px' for length-based units), the unit may be omitted
* (e.g. `{width: 100, borderColor: 'ccc'}`, which defaults to pixels
* and hex, respectively).
* @attribute to
* @type Object
to: {},
* Date stamp for the first frame of the animation.
* @attribute startTime
* @type Int
* @default 0
* @readOnly
startTime: {
value: 0,
readOnly: true
* Current time the animation has been running.
* @attribute elapsedTime
* @type Int
* @default 0
* @readOnly
elapsedTime: {
value: 0,
readOnly: true
* Whether or not the animation is currently running.
* @attribute running
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @readOnly
running: {
getter: function() {
return !!_running[Y.stamp(this)];
value: false,
readOnly: true
* The number of times the animation should run
* @attribute iterations
* @type Int
* @default 1
iterations: {
value: 1
* The number of iterations that have occurred.
* Resets when an animation ends (reaches iteration count or stop() called).
* @attribute iterationCount
* @type Int
* @default 0
* @readOnly
iterationCount: {
value: 0,
readOnly: true
* How iterations of the animation should behave.
* Possible values are "normal" and "alternate".
* Normal will repeat the animation, alternate will reverse on every other pass.
* @attribute direction
* @type String
* @default "normal"
direction: {
value: 'normal' // | alternate (fwd on odd, rev on even per spec)
* Whether or not the animation is currently paused.
* @attribute paused
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @readOnly
paused: {
readOnly: true,
value: false
* If true, the `from` and `to` attributes are swapped,
* and the animation is then run starting from `from`.
* @attribute reverse
* @type Boolean
* @default false
reverse: {
value: false
* Runs all animation instances.
* @method run
* @static
Y.Anim.run = function() {
var instances = Y.Anim._instances,
for (i in instances) {
if (instances[i].run) {
* Pauses all animation instances.
* @method pause
* @static
Y.Anim.pause = function() {
for (var i in _running) { // stop timer if nothing running
if (_running[i].pause) {
* Stops all animation instances.
* @method stop
* @static
Y.Anim.stop = function() {
for (var i in _running) { // stop timer if nothing running
if (_running[i].stop) {
Y.Anim._startTimer = function() {
if (!_timer) {
_timer = setInterval(Y.Anim._runFrame, Y.Anim._intervalTime);
Y.Anim._stopTimer = function() {
_timer = 0;
* Called per Interval to handle each animation frame.
* @method _runFrame
* @private
* @static
Y.Anim._runFrame = function() {
var done = true,
for (anim in _running) {
if (_running[anim]._runFrame) {
done = false;
if (done) {
Y.Anim.RE_UNITS = /^(-?\d*\.?\d*){1}(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|%)*$/;
var proto = {
* Starts or resumes an animation.
* @method run
* @chainable
run: function() {
if (this.get(PAUSED)) {
} else if (!this.get(RUNNING)) {
return this;
* Pauses the animation and
* freezes it in its current state and time.
* Calling run() will continue where it left off.
* @method pause
* @chainable
pause: function() {
if (this.get(RUNNING)) {
return this;
* Stops the animation and resets its time.
* @method stop
* @param {Boolean} finish If true, the animation will move to the last frame
* @chainable
stop: function(finish) {
if (this.get(RUNNING) || this.get(PAUSED)) {
return this;
_added: false,
_start: function() {
this._set(START_TIME, new Date() - this.get(ELAPSED_TIME));
this._actualFrames = 0;
if (!this.get(PAUSED)) {
_running[Y.stamp(this)] = this;
_pause: function() {
this._set(START_TIME, null);
this._set(PAUSED, true);
delete _running[Y.stamp(this)];
* @event pause
* @description fires when an animation is paused.
* @param {Event} ev The pause event.
* @type Event.Custom
_resume: function() {
this._set(PAUSED, false);
_running[Y.stamp(this)] = this;
this._set(START_TIME, new Date() - this.get(ELAPSED_TIME));
* @event resume
* @description fires when an animation is resumed (run from pause).
* @param {Event} ev The pause event.
* @type Event.Custom
_end: function(finish) {
var duration = this.get('duration') * 1000;
if (finish) { // jump to last frame
this._runAttrs(duration, duration, this.get(REVERSE));
this._set(START_TIME, null);
this._set(ELAPSED_TIME, 0);
this._set(PAUSED, false);
delete _running[Y.stamp(this)];
this.fire(END, {elapsed: this.get(ELAPSED_TIME)});
_runFrame: function() {
var d = this._runtimeAttr.duration,
t = new Date() - this.get(START_TIME),
reverse = this.get(REVERSE),
done = (t >= d);
this._runAttrs(t, d, reverse);
this._actualFrames += 1;
this._set(ELAPSED_TIME, t);
if (done) {
_runAttrs: function(t, d, reverse) {
var attr = this._runtimeAttr,
customAttr = Y.Anim.behaviors,
easing = attr.easing,
lastFrame = d,
done = false,
if (t >= d) {
done = true;
if (reverse) {
t = d - t;
lastFrame = 0;
for (i in attr) {
if (attr[i].to) {
attribute = attr[i];
setter = (i in customAttr && 'set' in customAttr[i]) ?
customAttr[i].set : Y.Anim.DEFAULT_SETTER;
if (!done) {
setter(this, i, attribute.from, attribute.to, t, d, easing, attribute.unit);
} else {
setter(this, i, attribute.from, attribute.to, lastFrame, d, easing, attribute.unit);
_lastFrame: function() {
var iter = this.get('iterations'),
iterCount = this.get(ITERATION_COUNT);
iterCount += 1;
if (iter === 'infinite' || iterCount < iter) {
if (this.get('direction') === 'alternate') {
this.set(REVERSE, !this.get(REVERSE)); // flip it
* @event iteration
* @description fires when an animation begins an iteration.
* @param {Event} ev The iteration event.
* @type Event.Custom
} else {
iterCount = 0;
this._set(START_TIME, new Date());
this._set(ITERATION_COUNT, iterCount);
_initAnimAttr: function() {
var from = this.get('from') || {},
to = this.get('to') || {},
attr = {
duration: this.get('duration') * 1000,
easing: this.get('easing')
customAttr = Y.Anim.behaviors,
node = this.get(NODE), // implicit attr init
unit, begin, end;
Y.each(to, function(val, name) {
if (typeof val === 'function') {
val = val.call(this, node);
begin = from[name];
if (begin === undefined) {
begin = (name in customAttr && 'get' in customAttr[name]) ?
customAttr[name].get(this, name) : Y.Anim.DEFAULT_GETTER(this, name);
} else if (typeof begin === 'function') {
begin = begin.call(this, node);
var mFrom = Y.Anim.RE_UNITS.exec(begin),
mTo = Y.Anim.RE_UNITS.exec(val);
begin = mFrom ? mFrom[1] : begin;
end = mTo ? mTo[1] : val;
unit = mTo ? mTo[2] : mFrom ? mFrom[2] : ''; // one might be zero TODO: mixed units
if (!unit && Y.Anim.RE_DEFAULT_UNIT.test(name)) {
unit = Y.Anim.DEFAULT_UNIT;
if (!begin || !end) {
Y.error('invalid "from" or "to" for "' + name + '"', 'Anim');
attr[name] = {
from: Y.Lang.isObject(begin) ? Y.clone(begin) : begin,
to: end,
unit: unit
}, this);
this._runtimeAttr = attr;
// TODO: move to computedStyle? (browsers dont agree on default computed offsets)
_getOffset: function(attr) {
var node = this._node,
val = node.getComputedStyle(attr),
get = (attr === 'left') ? 'getX': 'getY',
set = (attr === 'left') ? 'setX': 'setY',
if (val === 'auto') {
position = node.getStyle('position');
if (position === 'absolute' || position === 'fixed') {
val = node[get]();
} else {
val = 0;
return val;
destructor: function() {
delete Y.Anim._instances[Y.stamp(this)];
Y.extend(Y.Anim, Y.Base, proto);