                            `Y.App` extension that provides pjax-style content fetching and handling.
                            @module app
                            @submodule app-content
                            @since 3.7.0
                            var PjaxContent = Y.PjaxContent;
                            `Y.App` extension that provides pjax-style content fetching and handling.
                            This makes it easy to fetch server rendered content for URLs using Ajax. The
                            HTML content returned from the server will be view-ified and set as the app's
                            main content, making it seamless to use a mixture of server and client rendered
                            When the `"app-content"` module is used, it will automatically mix itself into
                            `Y.App`, and it provides three main features:
                              - **`Y.App.Content.route`**: A stack of middleware which forms a pjax-style
                                content route.
                              - **`loadContent()`**: Route middleware which load content from a server. This
                                makes an Ajax request for the requested URL, parses the returned content and
                                puts it on the route's response object.
                              - **`showContent()`**: Method which provides an easy way to view-ify HTML
                                content which should be shown as an app's active/visible view.
                            The following is an example of how these features can be used:
                                // Creates a new app and registers the `"post"` view.
                                var app = new Y.App({
                                    views: {
                                        post: {type: Y.PostView}
                                // Uses a simple server rendered content route for the About page.
                                app.route('/about/', Y.App.Content.route);
                                // Uses the `loadContent()` middleware to fetch the contents of the post
                                // from the server and shows that content in a `"post"` view.
                                app.route('/posts/:id/', 'loadContent', function (req, res, next) {
                                    this.showContent(res.content.node, {view: 'post'});
                            @class App.Content
                            @uses PjaxContent
                            @extensionfor App
                            @since 3.7.0
                            function AppContent() {
                                PjaxContent.apply(this, arguments);
                            A stack of middleware which forms a pjax-style content route.
                            This route will load the rendered HTML content from the server, then create and
                            show a new view using those contents.
                            @property route
                            @type Array
                            @since 3.7.0
                            AppContent.route = ['loadContent', '_contentRoute'];
                            AppContent.prototype = {
                                // -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
                                Sets this app's `activeView` attribute using the specified `content`.
                                This provides an easy way to view-ify HTML content which should be shown as
                                this app's active/visible view. This method will determine the appropriate
                                view `container` node based on the specified `content`. By default, a new
                                `Y.View` instance will be created unless `options.view` is specified.
                                Under the hood, this method calls the `showView()` method, so refer to its
                                docs for more information.
                                @method showContent
                                @param {HTMLElement|Node|String} content The content to show, it may be
                                    provided as a selector string, a DOM element, or a `Y.Node` instance.
                                @param {Object} [options] Optional objects containing any of the following
                                    properties in addition to any `showView()` options:
                                  @param {Object|String} [options.view] The name of a view defined in this
                                      app's `views`, or an object with the following properties:
                                    @param {String} The name of a view defined in this
                                        app's `views`.
                                    @param {Object} [options.view.config] Optional configuration to use when
                                        creating the new view instance. This config object can also be used
                                        to update an existing or preserved view's attributes when
                                        `options.update` is `true`. **Note:** If a `container` is specified,
                                        it will be overridden by the `content` specified in the first
                                @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback function to call after the
                                    new `activeView` is ready to use. **Note:** this will override
                                    `options.callback` and it can be specified as either the second or third
                                    argument. The function will be passed the following:
                                  @param {View} callback.view A reference to the new `activeView`.
                                @since 3.7.0
                                @see App.showView()
                                showContent: function (content, options, callback) {
                                    // Makes sure we have a node instance, and will query selector strings.
                                    content =;
                                    // Support the callback function being either the second or third arg.
                                    if (typeof options === 'function') {
                                        options  = {callback: options};
                                        callback = null;
                                    // Mix in default option to *not* render the view because presumably we
                                    // have pre-rendered content here. This also creates a copy so we can
                                    // modify the object.
                                    options = Y.merge({render: false}, options);
                                    var view       = options.view || '',
                                        viewName   = typeof view === 'string' ? view :,
                                        viewConfig = typeof view !== 'string' ? view.config : {},
                                        viewInfo   = this.getViewInfo(viewName),
                                        container, template, type, ViewConstructor;
                                    // Remove `view` from the `options` which will be passed along to the
                                    // `showView()` method.
                                    delete options.view;
                                    // When the specified `content` is a document fragment, we want to see
                                    // if it only contains a single node, and use that as the content. This
                                    // checks `childNodes` which will include text nodes.
                                    if (content && content.isFragment() &&
                                            content.get('childNodes').size() === 1) {
                                        content = content.get('firstChild');
                                    // When the `content` is an element node (`nodeType` 1), we can use it
                                    // as-is for the `container`. Otherwise, we'll construct a new container
                                    // based on the `options.view`'s `containerTemplate`.
                                    if (content && content.get('nodeType') === 1) {
                                        container = content;
                                    } else {
                                        type = (viewInfo && viewInfo.type) || Y.View;
                                        // Looks for a namespaced constructor function on `Y`.
                                        ViewConstructor = typeof type === 'string' ?
                                                Y.Object.getValue(Y, type.split('.')) : type;
                                        // Find the correct node template for the view.
                                        template  = ViewConstructor.prototype.containerTemplate;
                                        container = Y.Node.create(template);
                                        // Append the document fragment to the newly created `container`
                                        // node. This is the worst case where we have to create a wrapper
                                        // node around the `content`.
                                    // Makes sure the view is created using _our_ `container` node.
                                    viewConfig = Y.merge(viewConfig, {container: container});
                                    // Finally switch to the new `activeView`. We want to make sure `view`
                                    // is a string if it's falsy, that way a new view will be created.
                                    return this.showView(viewName, viewConfig, options, callback);
                                // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
                                Provides a default content route which will show a server rendered view.
                                **Note:** This route callback assumes that it's called after the
                                `loadContent()` middleware.
                                @method _contentRoute
                                @param {Object} req Request object.
                                @param {Object} res Response Object.
                                @param {Function} next Function to pass control to the next route callback.
                                @since 3.7.0
                                @see Y.App.Content.route
                                _contentRoute: function (req, res, next) {
                                    var content = res.content,
                                        doc     = Y.config.doc,
                                    // We must have some content to work with.
                                    if (!(content && content.node)) { return next(); }
                                    if (content.title && doc) {
                                        // Make sure the `activeView` does actually change before we go
                                        // messing with the page title.
                                        activeViewHandle = this.onceAfter('activeViewChange', function () {
                                            doc.title = content.title;
                                    // Detach the handle just in case.
                                    if (activeViewHandle) {
                            // Mix statics.
                            AppContent.ATTRS = Y.Attribute.protectAttrs(PjaxContent.ATTRS);
                            // Mix prototype.
                            Y.mix(AppContent, PjaxContent, false, null, 1);
                            // -- Namespace ----------------------------------------------------------------
                            Y.App.Content = AppContent;
                            Y.Base.mix(Y.App, [AppContent]);