                            /*jshint expr:true, onevar:false */
                            Provides comparator functions useful for sorting arrays.
                            @module arraysort
                            var LANG = Y.Lang,
                                ISVALUE = LANG.isValue,
                                ISSTRING = LANG.isString;
                            Provides comparator functions useful for sorting arrays.
                            @class ArraySort
                            var ArraySort = Y.ArraySort = {
                                // -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
                                Comparator function for simple case-insensitive sorting of an array of
                                @method compare
                                @param a {Object} First sort argument.
                                @param b {Object} Second sort argument.
                                @param desc {Boolean} `true` if sort direction is descending, `false` if
                                    sort direction is ascending.
                                @return {Boolean} -1 when a < b. 0 when a == b. 1 when a > b.
                                compare: function(a, b, desc) {
                                    if(!ISVALUE(a)) {
                                        if(!ISVALUE(b)) {
                                            return 0;
                                        else {
                                            return 1;
                                    else if(!ISVALUE(b)) {
                                        return -1;
                                    if(ISSTRING(a)) {
                                        a = a.toLowerCase();
                                    if(ISSTRING(b)) {
                                        b = b.toLowerCase();
                                    if(a < b) {
                                        return (desc) ? 1 : -1;
                                    else if (a > b) {
                                        return (desc) ? -1 : 1;
                                    else {
                                        return 0;
                                Performs a natural-order comparison of two strings or numbers (or a string
                                and a number). This ensures that a value like 'foo2' will be sorted before
                                'foo10', whereas a standard ASCII sort would sort 'foo10' first.
                                    var items = ['item10', 'item2', 'item1', 10, '1', 2];
                                    console.log(items); // => ['1', 2, 10, 'item1', 'item2', 'item10']
                                @method naturalCompare
                                @param {Number|String} a First value to compare.
                                @param {Number|String} b Second value to compare.
                                @param {Object} [options] Options.
                                    @param {Boolean} [options.caseSensitive=false] If `true`, a
                                        case-sensitive comparison will be performed. By default the
                                        comparison is case-insensitive.
                                    @param {Boolean} [options.descending=false] If `true`, the sort order
                                        will be reversed so that larger values are sorted before smaller
                                @return {Number} `0` if the two items are equal, a negative number if _a_
                                    should be sorted before _b_, or a positive number if _b_ should be
                                    sorted before _a_.
                                @since 3.11.0
                                naturalCompare: function (a, b, options) {
                                    // Coerce `a` and `b` to strings.
                                    a += '';
                                    b += '';
                                    // Convert `a` and `b` to lowercase unless `options.caseSensitive` is
                                    // truthy.
                                    if (!options || !options.caseSensitive) {
                                        a = a.toLowerCase();
                                        b = b.toLowerCase();
                                    // Split `a` and `b` into alpha parts and numeric parts.
                                    var aParts = ArraySort._splitAlphaNum(a),
                                        bParts = ArraySort._splitAlphaNum(b),
                                        length = Math.min(aParts.length, bParts.length),
                                        result = 0,
                                    // Compare each part of `a` with each part of `b`.
                                    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                                        aPart = aParts[i];
                                        bPart = bParts[i];
                                        // If the two parts aren't equal, compare them and stop iterating.
                                        if (aPart !== bPart) {
                                            // First, try comparing them as numbers.
                                            result = aPart - bPart;
                                            // If that didn't work, compare them as strings. This falsiness
                                            // check works because `result` can't be 0 (we checked for
                                            // equality above) and NaN is falsy.
                                            if (!result) {
                                                result = aPart > bPart ? 1 : -1;
                                            // At this point we know enough to be able to sort the two
                                            // strings, so we don't need to compare any more parts.
                                    // If we get here and `result` is still 0, then sort the shorter string
                                    // before the longer string.
                                    result || (result = a.length - b.length);
                                    // Return the result, flipping the order if `options.descending` is
                                    // truthy.
                                    return options && options.descending ? -result : result;
                                // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
                                Splits a string into an array of alpha character and digit character parts.
                                    // => ['abc', '123', 'def', '456']
                                @method _splitAlphaNum
                                @param {String} string String to split.
                                @return {String[]} Array of alpha parts and digit parts.
                                @since 3.11.0
                                _splitAlphaNum: function (string) {
                                    /*jshint boss:true */
                                    var parts = [],
                                        regex = /(\d+|\D+)/g,
                                    while (match = regex.exec(string)) { // assignment
                                    return parts;