                                 * The base-build submodule provides functionality, which
                                 * can be used to create custom classes, by aggregating extensions onto
                                 * a main class.
                                 * @module base
                                 * @submodule base-build
                                 * @for Base
                                var BaseCore = Y.BaseCore,
                                    Base     = Y.Base,
                                    L        = Y.Lang,
                                    INITIALIZER = "initializer",
                                    DESTRUCTOR  = "destructor",
                                    AGGREGATES  = ["_PLUG", "_UNPLUG"],
                                // Utility function used in `_buildCfg` to aggregate array values into a new
                                // array from the sender constructor to the receiver constructor.
                                function arrayAggregator(prop, r, s) {
                                    if (s[prop]) {
                                        r[prop] = (r[prop] || []).concat(s[prop]);
                                // Utility function used in `_buildCfg` to aggregate `_ATTR_CFG` array
                                // values from the sender constructor into a new array on receiver's
                                // constructor, and clear the cached hash.
                                function attrCfgAggregator(prop, r, s) {
                                    if (s._ATTR_CFG) {
                                        // Clear cached hash.
                                        r._ATTR_CFG_HASH = null;
                                        arrayAggregator.apply(null, arguments);
                                // Utility function used in `_buildCfg` to aggregate ATTRS configs from one
                                // the sender constructor to the receiver constructor.
                                function attrsAggregator(prop, r, s) {
                                    BaseCore.modifyAttrs(r, s.ATTRS);
                                Base._build = function(name, main, extensions, px, sx, cfg) {
                                    var build = Base._build,
                                        builtClass = build._ctor(main, cfg),
                                        buildCfg = build._cfg(main, cfg, extensions),
                                        _mixCust = build._mixCust,
                                        dynamic = builtClass._yuibuild.dynamic,
                                        i, l, extClass, extProto,
                                    // Augment/Aggregate
                                    for (i = 0, l = extensions.length; i < l; i++) {
                                        extClass = extensions[i];
                                        extProto = extClass.prototype;
                                        initializer = extProto[INITIALIZER];
                                        destructor = extProto[DESTRUCTOR];
                                        delete extProto[INITIALIZER];
                                        delete extProto[DESTRUCTOR];
                                        // Prototype, old non-displacing augment
                                        Y.mix(builtClass, extClass, true, null, 1);
                                        // Custom Statics
                                        _mixCust(builtClass, extClass, buildCfg);
                                        if (initializer) {
                                            extProto[INITIALIZER] = initializer;
                                        if (destructor) {
                                            extProto[DESTRUCTOR] = destructor;
                                    if (px) {
                                        Y.mix(builtClass.prototype, px, true);
                                    if (sx) {
                                        Y.mix(builtClass, build._clean(sx, buildCfg), true);
                                        _mixCust(builtClass, sx, buildCfg);
                                    builtClass.prototype.hasImpl = build._impl;
                                    if (dynamic) {
                                        builtClass.NAME = name;
                                        builtClass.prototype.constructor = builtClass;
                                        // Carry along the reference to `modifyAttrs()` from `main`.
                                        builtClass.modifyAttrs = main.modifyAttrs;
                                    return builtClass;
                                build = Base._build;
                                Y.mix(build, {
                                    _mixCust: function(r, s, cfg) {
                                        var aggregates,
                                        if (cfg) {
                                            aggregates = cfg.aggregates;
                                            custom = cfg.custom;
                                            statics = cfg.statics;
                                        if (statics) {
                                            Y.mix(r, s, true, statics);
                                        if (aggregates) {
                                            for (i = 0, l = aggregates.length; i < l; i++) {
                                                aggr = aggregates[i];
                                                if (!r.hasOwnProperty(aggr) && s.hasOwnProperty(aggr)) {
                                                    r[aggr] = L.isArray(s[aggr]) ? [] : {};
                                                Y.aggregate(r, s, true, [aggr]);
                                        if (custom) {
                                            for (i in custom) {
                                                if (custom.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                                                    custom[i](i, r, s);
                                    _tmpl: function(main) {
                                        function BuiltClass() {
                                            BuiltClass.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
                                        Y.extend(BuiltClass, main);
                                        return BuiltClass;
                                    _impl : function(extClass) {
                                        var classes = this._getClasses(), i, l, cls, exts, ll, j;
                                        for (i = 0, l = classes.length; i < l; i++) {
                                            cls = classes[i];
                                            if (cls._yuibuild) {
                                                exts = cls._yuibuild.exts;
                                                ll = exts.length;
                                                for (j = 0; j < ll; j++) {
                                                    if (exts[j] === extClass) {
                                                        return true;
                                        return false;
                                    _ctor : function(main, cfg) {
                                       var dynamic = (cfg && false === cfg.dynamic) ? false : true,
                                           builtClass = (dynamic) ? build._tmpl(main) : main,
                                           buildCfg = builtClass._yuibuild;
                                        if (!buildCfg) {
                                            buildCfg = builtClass._yuibuild = {};
                               = || null;
                                        buildCfg.exts = buildCfg.exts || [];
                                        buildCfg.dynamic = dynamic;
                                        return builtClass;
                                    _cfg : function(main, cfg, exts) {
                                        var aggr = [],
                                            cust = {},
                                            statics = [],
                                            cfgAggr = (cfg && cfg.aggregates),
                                            cfgCustBuild = (cfg && cfg.custom),
                                            cfgStatics = (cfg && cfg.statics),
                                            c = main,
                                        // Prototype Chain
                                        while (c && c.prototype) {
                                            buildCfg = c._buildCfg;
                                            if (buildCfg) {
                                                if (buildCfg.aggregates) {
                                                    aggr = aggr.concat(buildCfg.aggregates);
                                                if (buildCfg.custom) {
                                                    Y.mix(cust, buildCfg.custom, true);
                                                if (buildCfg.statics) {
                                                    statics = statics.concat(buildCfg.statics);
                                            c = c.superclass ? c.superclass.constructor : null;
                                        // Exts
                                        if (exts) {
                                            for (i = 0, l = exts.length; i < l; i++) {
                                                c = exts[i];
                                                buildCfg = c._buildCfg;
                                                if (buildCfg) {
                                                    if (buildCfg.aggregates) {
                                                        aggr = aggr.concat(buildCfg.aggregates);
                                                    if (buildCfg.custom) {
                                                        Y.mix(cust, buildCfg.custom, true);
                                                    if (buildCfg.statics) {
                                                        statics = statics.concat(buildCfg.statics);
                                        if (cfgAggr) {
                                            aggr = aggr.concat(cfgAggr);
                                        if (cfgCustBuild) {
                                            Y.mix(cust, cfg.cfgBuild, true);
                                        if (cfgStatics) {
                                            statics = statics.concat(cfgStatics);
                                        return {
                                            aggregates: aggr,
                                            custom: cust,
                                            statics: statics
                                    _clean : function(sx, cfg) {
                                        var prop, i, l, sxclone = Y.merge(sx),
                                            aggregates = cfg.aggregates,
                                            custom = cfg.custom;
                                        for (prop in custom) {
                                            if (sxclone.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                                                delete sxclone[prop];
                                        for (i = 0, l = aggregates.length; i < l; i++) {
                                            prop = aggregates[i];
                                            if (sxclone.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                                                delete sxclone[prop];
                                        return sxclone;
                                 * <p>
                                 * Builds a custom constructor function (class) from the
                                 * main function, and array of extension functions (classes)
                                 * provided. The NAME field for the constructor function is
                                 * defined by the first argument passed in.
                                 * </p>
                                 * <p>
                                 * The cfg object supports the following properties
                                 * </p>
                                 * <dl>
                                 *    <dt>dynamic &#60;boolean&#62;</dt>
                                 *    <dd>
                                 *    <p>If true (default), a completely new class
                                 *    is created which extends the main class, and acts as the
                                 *    host on which the extension classes are augmented.</p>
                                 *    <p>If false, the extensions classes are augmented directly to
                                 *    the main class, modifying the main class' prototype.</p>
                                 *    </dd>
                                 *    <dt>aggregates &#60;String[]&#62;</dt>
                                 *    <dd>An array of static property names, which will get aggregated
                                 *    on to the built class, in addition to the default properties build
                                 *    will always aggregate as defined by the main class' static _buildCfg
                                 *    property.
                                 *    </dd>
                                 * </dl>
                                 * @method build
                                 * @deprecated Use the more convenient Base.create and Base.mix methods instead
                                 * @static
                                 * @param {Function} name The name of the new class. Used to define the NAME property for the new class.
                                 * @param {Function} main The main class on which to base the built class
                                 * @param {Function[]} extensions The set of extension classes which will be
                                 * augmented/aggregated to the built class.
                                 * @param {Object} cfg Optional. Build configuration for the class (see description).
                                 * @return {Function} A custom class, created from the provided main and extension classes
                       = function(name, main, extensions, cfg) {
                                    return build(name, main, extensions, null, null, cfg);
                                 * Creates a new class (constructor function) which extends the base class passed in as the second argument,
                                 * and mixes in the array of extensions provided.
                                 * Prototype properties or methods can be added to the new class, using the px argument (similar to Y.extend).
                                 * Static properties or methods can be added to the new class, using the sx argument (similar to Y.extend).
                                 * **NOTE FOR COMPONENT DEVELOPERS**: Both the `base` class, and `extensions` can define static a `_buildCfg`
                                 * property, which acts as class creation meta-data, and drives how special static properties from the base
                                 * class, or extensions should be copied, aggregated or (custom) mixed into the newly created class.
                                 * The `_buildCfg` property is a hash with 3 supported properties: `statics`, `aggregates` and `custom`, e.g:
                                 *     // If the Base/Main class is the thing introducing the property:
                                 *     MyBaseClass._buildCfg = {
                                 *        // Static properties/methods to copy (Alias) to the built class.
                                 *        statics: ["CopyThisMethod", "CopyThisProperty"],
                                 *        // Static props to aggregate onto the built class.
                                 *        aggregates: ["AggregateThisProperty"],
                                 *        // Static properties which need custom handling (e.g. deep merge etc.)
                                 *        custom: {
                                 *           "CustomProperty" : function(property, Receiver, Supplier) {
                                 *              ...
                                 *              var triggers = Receiver.CustomProperty.triggers;
                                 *              Receiver.CustomProperty.triggers = triggers.concat(Supplier.CustomProperty.triggers);
                                 *              ...
                                 *           }
                                 *        }
                                 *     };
                                 *     MyBaseClass.CopyThisMethod = function() {...};
                                 *     MyBaseClass.CopyThisProperty = "foo";
                                 *     MyBaseClass.AggregateThisProperty = {...};
                                 *     MyBaseClass.CustomProperty = {
                                 *        triggers: [...]
                                 *     }
                                 *     // Or, if the Extension is the thing introducing the property:
                                 *     MyExtension._buildCfg = {
                                 *         statics : ...
                                 *         aggregates : ...
                                 *         custom : ...
                                 *     }
                                 * This way, when users pass your base or extension class to `Y.Base.create` or `Y.Base.mix`, they don't need to
                                 * know which properties need special handling. `Y.Base` has a buildCfg which defines `ATTRS` for custom mix handling
                                 * (to protect the static config objects), and `Y.Widget` has a buildCfg which specifies `HTML_PARSER` for
                                 * straight up aggregation.
                                 * @method create
                                 * @static
                                 * @param {String} name The name of the newly created class. Used to define the NAME property for the new class.
                                 * @param {Function} main The base class which the new class should extend.
                                 * This class needs to be Base or a class derived from base (e.g. Widget).
                                 * @param {Function[]} extensions The list of extensions which will be mixed into the built class.
                                 * @param {Object} px The set of prototype properties/methods to add to the built class.
                                 * @param {Object} sx The set of static properties/methods to add to the built class.
                                 * @return {Function} The newly created class.
                                Base.create = function(name, base, extensions, px, sx) {
                                    return build(name, base, extensions, px, sx);
                                 * <p>Mixes in a list of extensions to an existing class.</p>
                                 * @method mix
                                 * @static
                                 * @param {Function} main The existing class into which the extensions should be mixed.
                                 * The class needs to be Base or a class derived from Base (e.g. Widget)
                                 * @param {Function[]} extensions The set of extension classes which will mixed into the existing main class.
                                 * @return {Function} The modified main class, with extensions mixed in.
                                Base.mix = function(main, extensions) {
                                    if (main._CACHED_CLASS_DATA) {
                                        main._CACHED_CLASS_DATA = null;
                                    return build(null, main, extensions, null, null, {dynamic:false});
                                 * The build configuration for the Base class.
                                 * Defines the static fields which need to be aggregated when the Base class
                                 * is used as the main class passed to the
                                 * <a href=""></a> method.
                                 * @property _buildCfg
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @static
                                 * @final
                                 * @private
                                BaseCore._buildCfg = {
                                    aggregates: AGGREGATES.concat(),
                                    custom: {
                                        ATTRS         : attrsAggregator,
                                        _ATTR_CFG     : attrCfgAggregator,
                                        _NON_ATTRS_CFG: arrayAggregator
                                // Makes sure Base and BaseCore use separate `_buildCfg` objects.
                                Base._buildCfg = {
                                    aggregates: AGGREGATES.concat(),
                                    custom: {
                                        ATTRS         : attrsAggregator,
                                        _ATTR_CFG     : attrCfgAggregator,
                                        _NON_ATTRS_CFG: arrayAggregator