                             * Functionality to listen for one or more specific key combinations.
                             * @module event
                             * @submodule event-key
                            var ALT      = "+alt",
                                CTRL     = "+ctrl",
                                META     = "+meta",
                                SHIFT    = "+shift",
                                trim     = Y.Lang.trim,
                                eventDef = {
                                    KEY_MAP: {
                                        enter    : 13,
                                        space    : 32,
                                        esc      : 27,
                                        backspace: 8,
                                        tab      : 9,
                                        pageup   : 33,
                                        pagedown : 34
                                    _typeRE: /^(up|down|press):/,
                                    _keysRE: /^(?:up|down|press):|\+(alt|ctrl|meta|shift)/g,
                                    processArgs: function (args) {
                                        var spec = args.splice(3,1)[0],
                                            mods = Y.Array.hash(spec.match(/\+(?:alt|ctrl|meta|shift)\b/g) || []),
                                            config = {
                                                type: this._typeRE.test(spec) ? RegExp.$1 : null,
                                                mods: mods,
                                                keys: null
                                            // strip type and modifiers from spec, leaving only keyCodes
                                            bits = spec.replace(this._keysRE, ''),
                                            chr, uc, lc, i;
                                        if (bits) {
                                            bits = bits.split(',');
                                            config.keys = {};
                                            // FIXME: need to support '65,esc' => keypress, keydown
                                            for (i = bits.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                                                chr = trim(bits[i]);
                                                // catch sloppy filters, trailing commas, etc 'a,,'
                                                if (!chr) {
                                                // non-numerics are single characters or key names
                                                if (+chr == chr) {
                                                    config.keys[chr] = mods;
                                                } else {
                                                    lc = chr.toLowerCase();
                                                    if (this.KEY_MAP[lc]) {
                                                        config.keys[this.KEY_MAP[lc]] = mods;
                                                        // FIXME: '65,enter' defaults keydown for both
                                                        if (!config.type) {
                                                            config.type = "down"; // safest
                                                    } else {
                                                        // FIXME: Character mapping only works for keypress
                                                        // events. Otherwise, it uses String.fromCharCode()
                                                        // from the keyCode, which is wrong.
                                                        chr = chr.charAt(0);
                                                        uc  = chr.toUpperCase();
                                                        if (mods["+shift"]) {
                                                            chr = uc;
                                                        // FIXME: stupid assumption that
                                                        // the keycode of the lower case == the
                                                        // charCode of the upper case
                                                        // a (key:65,char:97), A (key:65,char:65)
                                                        config.keys[chr.charCodeAt(0)] =
                                                            (chr === uc) ?
                                                                // upper case chars get +shift free
                                                                Y.merge(mods, { "+shift": true }) :
                                        if (!config.type) {
                                            config.type = "press";
                                        return config;
                                    on: function (node, sub, notifier, filter) {
                                        var spec   = sub._extra,
                                            type   = "key" + spec.type,
                                            keys   = spec.keys,
                                            method = (filter) ? "delegate" : "on";
                                        // Note: without specifying any keyCodes, this becomes a
                                        // horribly inefficient alias for 'keydown' (et al), but I
                                        // can't abort this subscription for a simple
                                        // Y.on('keypress', ...);
                                        // Please use keyCodes or just subscribe directly to keydown,
                                        // keyup, or keypress
                                        sub._detach = node[method](type, function (e) {
                                            var key = keys ? keys[e.which] : spec.mods;
                                            if (key &&
                                                (!key[ALT]   || (key[ALT]   && e.altKey)) &&
                                                (!key[CTRL]  || (key[CTRL]  && e.ctrlKey)) &&
                                                (!key[META]  || (key[META]  && e.metaKey)) &&
                                                (!key[SHIFT] || (key[SHIFT] && e.shiftKey)))
                                        }, filter);
                                    detach: function (node, sub, notifier) {
                            eventDef.delegate = eventDef.on;
                            eventDef.detachDelegate = eventDef.detach;
                             * <p>Add a key listener.  The listener will only be notified if the
                             * keystroke detected meets the supplied specification.  The
                             * specification is a string that is defined as:</p>
                             * <dl>
                             *   <dt>spec</dt>
                             *   <dd><code>[{type}:]{code}[,{code}]*</code></dd>
                             *   <dt>type</dt>
                             *   <dd><code>"down", "up", or "press"</code></dd>
                             *   <dt>code</dt>
                             *   <dd><code>{keyCode|character|keyName}[+{modifier}]*</code></dd>
                             *   <dt>modifier</dt>
                             *   <dd><code>"shift", "ctrl", "alt", or "meta"</code></dd>
                             *   <dt>keyName</dt>
                             *   <dd><code>"enter", "space", "backspace", "esc", "tab", "pageup", or "pagedown"</code></dd>
                             * </dl>
                             * <p>Examples:</p>
                             * <ul>
                             *   <li><code>Y.on("key", callback, "press:12,65+shift+ctrl", "#my-input");</code></li>
                             *   <li><code>Y.delegate("key", preventSubmit, "#forms", "enter", "input[type=text]");</code></li>
                             *   <li><code>"doc").on("key", viNav, "j,k,l,;");</code></li>
                             * </ul>
                             * @event key
                             * @for YUI
                             * @param type {string} 'key'
                             * @param fn {function} the function to execute
                             * @param id {string|HTMLElement|collection} the element(s) to bind
                             * @param spec {string} the keyCode and modifier specification
                             * @param o optional context object
                             * @param args 0..n additional arguments to provide to the listener.
                             * @return {Event.Handle} the detach handle
                            Y.Event.define('key', eventDef, true);