                             * <a href="">SVG</a> implementation of the <a href="Ellipse.html">`Ellipse`</a> class.
                             * `SVGEllipse` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the <a href="Ellipse.html">`Ellipse`</a> class.
                             * If the browser has <a href="">SVG</a> capabilities, the <a href="Ellipse.html">`Ellipse`</a>
                             * class will point to the `SVGEllipse` class.
                             * @module graphics
                             * @class SVGEllipse
                             * @constructor
                            SVGEllipse = function()
                            	SVGEllipse.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
                            SVGEllipse.NAME = "ellipse";
                            Y.extend(SVGEllipse, SVGShape, {
                            	 * Indicates the type of shape
                            	 * @property _type
                            	 * @type String
                                 * @private
                            	_type: "ellipse",
                            	 * Updates the shape.
                            	 * @method _draw
                            	 * @private
                            	_draw: function()
                            		var node = this.node,
                            			w = this.get("width"),
                            			h = this.get("height"),
                            			x = this.get("x"),
                            			y = this.get("y"),
                            			xRadius = w * 0.5,
                            			yRadius = h * 0.5,
                            			cx = x + xRadius,
                            			cy = y + yRadius;
                            		node.setAttribute("rx", xRadius);
                            		node.setAttribute("ry", yRadius);
                            		node.setAttribute("cx", cx);
                            		node.setAttribute("cy", cy);
                            SVGEllipse.ATTRS = Y.merge(SVGShape.ATTRS, {
                            	 * Horizontal radius for the ellipse.
                            	 * @config xRadius
                            	 * @type Number
                            	xRadius: {
                            		setter: function(val)
                            			this.set("width", val * 2);
                            		getter: function()
                            			var val = this.get("width");
                            				val *= 0.5;
                            			return val;
                            	 * Vertical radius for the ellipse.
                            	 * @config yRadius
                            	 * @type Number
                            	 * @readOnly
                            	yRadius: {
                            		setter: function(val)
                            			this.set("height", val * 2);
                            		getter: function()
                            			var val = this.get("height");
                            				val *= 0.5;
                            			return val;
                            Y.SVGEllipse = SVGEllipse;