                             * <a href="">VML</a> implementation of the <a href="Rect.html">`Rect`</a> class.
                             * `VMLRect` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the <a href="Rect.html">`Rect`</a> class.
                             * If the browser lacks <a href="">SVG</a> and <a href="">Canvas</a>
                             * capabilities, the <a href="Rect.html">`Rect`</a> class will point to the `VMLRect` class.
                             * @module graphics
                             * @class VMLRect
                             * @constructor
                            VMLRect = function()
                            	VMLRect.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
                            VMLRect.NAME = "rect";
                            Y.extend(VMLRect, Y.VMLShape, {
                            	 * Indicates the type of shape
                            	 * @property _type
                            	 * @type String
                                 * @private
                            	_type: "rect"
                            VMLRect.ATTRS = Y.VMLShape.ATTRS;
                            Y.VMLRect = VMLRect;