                            // This file contains YUI-specific wrapper code and overrides for the
                            // handlebars-base module.
                            Handlebars is a simple template language inspired by Mustache.
                            This is a YUI port of the original Handlebars project, which can be found at
                            @module handlebars
                            @main handlebars
                            @since 3.5.0
                            Provides basic Handlebars template rendering functionality. Use this module when
                            you only need to render pre-compiled templates.
                            @module handlebars
                            @submodule handlebars-base
                            Handlebars is a simple template language inspired by Mustache.
                            This is a YUI port of the original Handlebars project, which can be found at
                            @class Handlebars
                            @since 3.5.0
                            var Handlebars = Y.namespace('Handlebars');