                            /*jslint maxlen: 350 */
                            var isFunction = Y.Lang.isFunction;
                             * <p>Provides a JSONPRequest class for repeated JSONP calls, and a convenience
                             * method Y.jsonp(url, callback) to instantiate and send a JSONP request.</p>
                             * <p>Both the constructor as well as the convenience function take two
                             * parameters: a url string and a callback.</p>
                             * <p>The url provided must include the placeholder string
                             * &quot;{callback}&quot; which will be replaced by a dynamically
                             * generated routing function to pass the data to your callback function.
                             * An example url might look like
                             * &quot;{callback}&quot;.</p>
                             * <p>The second parameter can be a callback function that accepts the JSON
                             * payload as its argument, or a configuration object supporting the keys:</p>
                             * <ul>
                             *   <li>on - map of callback subscribers
                             *      <ul>
                             *         <li>success - function handler for successful transmission</li>
                             *         <li>failure - function handler for failed transmission</li>
                             *         <li>timeout - function handler for transactions that timeout</li>
                             *      </ul>
                             *  </li>
                             *  <li>format  - override function for inserting the proxy name in the url</li>
                             *  <li>timeout - the number of milliseconds to wait before giving up</li>
                             *  <li>context - becomes <code>this</code> in the callbacks</li>
                             *  <li>args    - array of subsequent parameters to pass to the callbacks</li>
                             *  <li>allowCache - use the same proxy name for all requests? (boolean)</li>
                             * </ul>
                             * @module jsonp
                             * @class JSONPRequest
                             * @constructor
                             * @param url {String} the url of the JSONP service
                             * @param callback {Object|Function} the default callback configuration or
                             *                                   success handler
                            function JSONPRequest() {
                                this._init.apply(this, arguments);
                            JSONPRequest.prototype = {
                                 * Set up the success and failure handlers and the regex pattern used
                                 * to insert the temporary callback name in the url.
                                 * @method _init
                                 * @param url {String} the url of the JSONP service
                                 * @param callback {Object|Function} Optional success callback or config
                                 *                  object containing success and failure functions and
                                 *                  the url regex.
                                 * @protected
                                _init : function (url, callback) {
                                    this.url = url;
                                     * Map of the number of requests currently pending responses per
                                     * generated proxy.  Used to ensure the proxy is not flushed if the
                                     * request times out and there is a timeout handler and success
                                     * handler, and used by connections configured to allowCache to make
                                     * sure the proxy isn't deleted until the last response has returned.
                                     * @property _requests
                                     * @private
                                     * @type {Object}
                                    this._requests = {};
                                     * Map of the number of timeouts received from the destination url
                                     * by generated proxy.  Used to ensure the proxy is not flushed if the
                                     * request times out and there is a timeout handler and success
                                     * handler, and used by connections configured to allowCache to make
                                     * sure the proxy isn't deleted until the last response has returned.
                                     * @property _timeouts
                                     * @private
                                     * @type {Object}
                                    this._timeouts = {};
                                    this._failures = {};
                                    // Accept a function, an object, or nothing
                                    callback = (isFunction(callback)) ?
                                        { on: { success: callback } } :
                                        callback || {};
                                    var subs = callback.on || {};
                                    if (!subs.success) {
                                        subs.success = this._defaultCallback(url, callback);
                                    // Apply defaults and store
                                    this._config = Y.merge({
                                            context: this,
                                            args   : [],
                                            format : this._format,
                                            allowCache: false
                                        }, callback, { on: subs });
                                 * Override this method to provide logic to default the success callback if
                                 * it is not provided at construction.  This is overridden by jsonp-url to
                                 * parse the callback from the url string.
                                 * @method _defaultCallback
                                 * @param url {String} the url passed at construction
                                 * @param config {Object} (optional) the config object passed at
                                 *                        construction
                                 * @return {Function}
                                _defaultCallback: function () {},
                                 * Issues the JSONP request.
                                 * @method send
                                 * @param args* {any} any additional arguments to pass to the url formatter
                                 *              beyond the base url and the proxy function name
                                 * @chainable
                                send : function () {
                                    var self   = this,
                                        args   = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true),
                                        config = self._config,
                                        proxy  = self._proxy || Y.guid(),
                                    // TODO: support allowCache as time value
                                    if (config.allowCache) {
                                        self._proxy = proxy;
                                    if (self._requests[proxy] === undefined) {
                                        self._requests[proxy] = 0;
                                    if (self._timeouts[proxy] === undefined) {
                                        self._timeouts[proxy] = 0;
                                    if (self._failures[proxy] === undefined) {
                                        self._failures[proxy] = 0;
                                    Y.log('sending ' + proxy);
                                    args.unshift(self.url, 'YUI.Env.JSONP.' + proxy);
                                    url = config.format.apply(self, args);
                                    if (!config.on.success) {
                                        Y.log("No success handler defined.  Aborting JSONP request.", "warn", "jsonp");
                                        return self;
                                    function wrap(fn, isTimeout, isFailure) {
                                        return (isFunction(fn)) ?
                                            function (data) {
                                                var execute = true,
                                                    counter = '_requests';
                                                //if (config.allowCache) {
                                                    // A lot of wrangling to make sure timeouts result in
                                                    // fewer success callbacks, but the proxy is properly
                                                    // cleaned up.
                                                    if (isTimeout) {
                                                        Y.log(proxy + ' timed out - timeouts(' + self._timeouts[proxy] + ') failures(' + self._failures[proxy] + ') requests(' + self._requests[proxy] + ')');
                                                    } else if (isFailure) {
                                                        if (self._timeouts[proxy] > 0) {
                                                        } else {
                                                        Y.log(proxy + ' failure - timeouts(' + self._timeouts[proxy] + ') failures(' + self._failures[proxy] + ') requests(' + self._requests[proxy] + ')');
                                                    } else {
                                                        if (!self._requests[proxy]) {
                                                            execute = false;
                                                            if (self._timeouts[proxy] > 0) {
                                                                counter = '_timeouts';
                                                            } else if (self._failures[proxy] > 0) {
                                                                counter = '_failures';
                                                        Y.log(proxy + ' response received - timeouts(' + self._timeouts[proxy] + ') failures(' + self._failures[proxy] + ') requests(' + self._requests[proxy] + ')');
                                                if (!self._requests[proxy] && !self._timeouts[proxy] && !self._failures[proxy]) {
                                                    Y.log('deleting ' + proxy);
                                                    delete YUI.Env.JSONP[proxy];
                                                if (execute) {
                                                    fn.apply(config.context, [data].concat(config.args));
                                            } :
                                    // Temporary un-sandboxed function alias
                                    // TODO: queuing
                                    YUI.Env.JSONP[proxy] = wrap(config.on.success);
                                    // Y.Get transactions block each other by design, but can easily
                                    //  be made non-blocking by just calling execute() on the transaction.
                                    Y.Get.js(url, {
                                        onFailure : wrap(config.on.failure, false, true),
                                        onTimeout : wrap(config.on.timeout, true, false),
                                        timeout   : config.timeout,
                                        charset   : config.charset,
                                        attributes: config.attributes,
                                        async     : config.async
                                    return self;
                                 * Default url formatter.  Looks for callback= in the url and appends it
                                 * if not present.  The supplied proxy name will be assigned to the query
                                 * param.  Override this method by passing a function as the
                                 * &quot;format&quot; property in the config object to the constructor.
                                 * @method _format
                                 * @param url { String } the original url
                                 * @param proxy {String} the function name that will be used as a proxy to
                                 *      the configured callback methods.
                                 * @param args* {any} additional args passed to send()
                                 * @return {String} fully qualified JSONP url
                                 * @protected
                                _format: function (url, proxy) {
                                    return url.replace(/\{callback\}/, proxy);
                            Y.JSONPRequest = JSONPRequest;
                             * @method jsonp
                             * @param url {String} the url of the JSONP service with the {callback}
                             *          placeholder where the callback function name typically goes.
                             * @param c {Function|Object} Callback function accepting the JSON payload
                             *          as its argument, or a configuration object (see above).
                             * @param args* {any} additional arguments to pass to send()
                             * @return {JSONPRequest}
                             * @static
                             * @for YUI
                            Y.jsonp = function (url,c) {
                                var req = new Y.JSONPRequest(url,c);
                                return req.send.apply(req, Y.Array(arguments, 2, true));
                            if (!YUI.Env.JSONP) {
                                YUI.Env.JSONP = {};