                             * Adds functionality to simulate events.
                             * @module node
                             * @submodule node-event-simulate
                             * Simulates an event on the node.
                             * @param {String} type The type of event (i.e., "click").
                             * @param {Object} options (Optional) Extra options to copy onto the event object.
                             * @for Node
                             * @method simulate
                            Y.Node.prototype.simulate = function (type, options) {
                                Y.Event.simulate(Y.Node.getDOMNode(this), type, options);
                             * Simulates the higher user level gesture of the given name on this node.
                             * This method generates a set of low level touch events(Apple specific gesture
                             * events as well for the iOS platforms) asynchronously. Note that gesture
                             * simulation is relying on `Y.Event.simulate()` method to generate
                             * the touch events under the hood. The `Y.Event.simulate()` method
                             * itself is a synchronous method.
                             * Supported gestures are `tap`, `doubletap`, `press`, `move`, `flick`, `pinch`
                             * and `rotate`.
                             * The `pinch` gesture is used to simulate the pinching and spreading of two
                             * fingers. During a pinch simulation, rotation is also possible. Essentially
                             * `pinch` and `rotate` simulations share the same base implementation to allow
                             * both pinching and rotation at the same time. The only difference is `pinch`
                             * requires `start` and `end` option properties while `rotate` requires `rotation`
                             * option property.
                             * The `pinch` and `rotate` gestures can be described as placing 2 fingers along a
                             * circle. Pinching and spreading can be described by start and end circles while
                             * rotation occurs on a single circle. If the radius of the start circle is greater
                             * than the end circle, the gesture becomes a pinch, otherwise it is a spread spread.
                             * @example
                             *     var node ="#target");
                             *     // double tap example
                             *     node.simulateGesture("doubletap", function() {
                             *         // my callback function
                             *     });
                             *     // flick example from the center of the node, move 50 pixels down for 50ms)
                             *     node.simulateGesture("flick", {
                             *         axis: y,
                             *         distance: -100
                             *         duration: 50
                             *     }, function() {
                             *         // my callback function
                             *     });
                             *     // simulate rotating a node 75 degrees counter-clockwise
                             *     node.simulateGesture("rotate", {
                             *         rotation: -75
                             *     });
                             *     // simulate a pinch and a rotation at the same time.
                             *     // fingers start on a circle of radius 100 px, placed at top/bottom
                             *     // fingers end on a circle of radius 50px, placed at right/left
                             *     node.simulateGesture("pinch", {
                             *         r1: 100,
                             *         r2: 50,
                             *         start: 0
                             *         rotation: 90
                             *     });
                             * @method simulateGesture
                             * @param {String} name The name of the supported gesture to simulate. The
                             *      supported gesture name is one of "tap", "doubletap", "press", "move",
                             *      "flick", "pinch" and "rotate".
                             * @param {Object} [options] Extra options used to define the gesture behavior:
                             *      Valid options properties for the `tap` gesture:
                             *      @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates
                             *        where the tap should be simulated. Default is the center of the node
                             *        element.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.hold=10] (Optional) The hold time in milliseconds.
                             *        This is the time between `touchstart` and `touchend` event generation.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.times=1] (Optional) Indicates the number of taps.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.delay=10] (Optional) The number of milliseconds
                             *        before the next tap simulation happens. This is valid only when `times`
                             *        is more than 1.
                             *      Valid options properties for the `doubletap` gesture:
                             *      @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates
                             *        where the doubletap should be simulated. Default is the center of the
                             *        node element.
                             *      Valid options properties for the `press` gesture:
                             *      @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates
                             *        where the press should be simulated. Default is the center of the node
                             *        element.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.hold=3000] (Optional) The hold time in milliseconds.
                             *        This is the time between `touchstart` and `touchend` event generation.
                             *        Default is 3000ms (3 seconds).
                             *      Valid options properties for the `move` gesture:
                             *      @param {Object} [options.path] (Optional) Indicates the path of the finger
                             *        movement. It's an object with three optional properties: `point`,
                             *        `xdist` and  `ydist`.
                             *        @param {Array} [options.path.point] A starting point of the gesture.
                             *          Default is the center of the node element.
                             *        @param {Number} [options.path.xdist=200] A distance to move in pixels
                             *          along the X axis. A negative distance value indicates moving left.
                             *        @param {Number} [options.path.ydist=0] A distance to move in pixels
                             *          along the Y axis. A negative distance value indicates moving up.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the
                             *        gesture in milliseconds.
                             *      Valid options properties for the `flick` gesture:
                             *      @param {Array} [options.point] (Optional) Indicates the [x, y] coordinates
                             *        where the flick should be simulated. Default is the center of the
                             *        node element.
                             *      @param {String} [options.axis='x'] (Optional) Valid values are either
                             *        "x" or "y". Indicates axis to move along. The flick can move to one of
                             *        4 directions(left, right, up and down).
                             *      @param {Number} [options.distance=200] (Optional) Distance to move in pixels
                             *      @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the
                             *        gesture in milliseconds. User given value could be automatically
                             *        adjusted by the framework if it is below the minimum velocity to be
                             *        a flick gesture.
                             *      Valid options properties for the `pinch` gesture:
                             *      @param {Array} [] (Optional) The center of the circle where
                             *        two fingers are placed. Default is the center of the node element.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.r1] (Required) Pixel radius of the start circle
                             *        where 2 fingers will be on when the gesture starts. The circles are
                             *        centered at the center of the element.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.r2] (Required) Pixel radius of the end circle
                             *        when this gesture ends.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the
                             *        gesture in milliseconds.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.start=0] (Optional) Starting degree of the first
                             *        finger. The value is relative to the path of the north. Default is 0
                             *        (i.e., 12:00 on a clock).
                             *      @param {Number} [options.rotation=0] (Optional) Degrees to rotate from
                             *        the starting degree. A negative value means rotation to the
                             *        counter-clockwise direction.
                             *      Valid options properties for the `rotate` gesture:
                             *      @param {Array} [] (Optional) The center of the circle where
                             *        two fingers are placed. Default is the center of the node element.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.r1] (Optional) Pixel radius of the start circle
                             *        where 2 fingers will be on when the gesture starts. The circles are
                             *        centered at the center of the element. Default is a fourth of the node
                             *        element width or height, whichever is smaller.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.r2] (Optional) Pixel radius of the end circle
                             *        when this gesture ends. Default is a fourth of the node element width or
                             *        height, whichever is smaller.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.duration=1000] (Optional) The duration of the
                             *        gesture in milliseconds.
                             *      @param {Number} [options.start=0] (Optional) Starting degree of the first
                             *        finger. The value is relative to the path of the north. Default is 0
                             *        (i.e., 12:00 on a clock).
                             *      @param {Number} [options.rotation] (Required) Degrees to rotate from
                             *        the starting degree. A negative value means rotation to the
                             *        counter-clockwise direction.
                             * @param {Function} [cb] The callback to execute when the asynchronouse gesture
                             *      simulation is completed.
                             *      @param {Error} cb.err An error object if the simulation is failed.
                             * @for Node
                            Y.Node.prototype.simulateGesture = function (name, options, cb) {
                                Y.Event.simulateGesture(this, name, options, cb);