                             * Create a sliding value range input visualized as a draggable thumb on a
                             * background element.
                             * @module slider
                             * @submodule slider-base
                            var INVALID_VALUE = Y.Attribute.INVALID_VALUE;
                             * Create a slider to represent an input control capable of representing a
                             * series of intermediate states based on the position of the slider's thumb.
                             * These states are typically aligned to a value algorithm whereby the thumb
                             * position corresponds to a given value. Sliders may be oriented vertically or
                             * horizontally, based on the <code>axis</code> configuration.
                             * @class SliderBase
                             * @extends Widget
                             * @param config {Object} Configuration object
                             * @constructor
                            function SliderBase() {
                                SliderBase.superclass.constructor.apply( this, arguments );
                            Y.SliderBase = Y.extend( SliderBase, Y.Widget, {
                                // Y.Slider prototype
                                 * Construction logic executed during Slider instantiation.
                                 * @method initializer
                                 * @protected
                                initializer : function () {
                                     * The configured axis, stored for fast lookup since it's a writeOnce
                                     * attribute.  This is for use by extension classes.  For
                                     * implementation code, use <code>get( &quot;axis&quot; )</code> for
                                     * authoritative source.  Never write to this property.
                                     * @property axis
                                     * @type {String}
                                     * @protected
                                    this.axis = this.get( 'axis' );
                                     * Cached fast access map for DOM properties and attributes that
                                     * pertain to accessing dimensional or positioning information
                                     * according to the Slider's axis (e.g. &quot;height&quot; vs.
                                     * &quot;width&quot;).  Extension classes should add to this collection
                                     * for axis related strings if necessary.
                                     * @property _key
                                     * @type {Object}
                                     * @protected
                                    this._key = {
                                        dim    : ( this.axis === 'y' ) ? 'height' : 'width',
                                        minEdge: ( this.axis === 'y' ) ? 'top'    : 'left',
                                        maxEdge: ( this.axis === 'y' ) ? 'bottom' : 'right',
                                        xyIndex: ( this.axis === 'y' ) ? 1 : 0
                                     * Signals that the thumb has moved.  Payload includes the thumb's
                                     * pixel offset from the top/left edge of the rail, and if triggered by
                                     * dragging the thumb, the <code>drag:drag</code> event.
                                     * @event thumbMove
                                     * @param event {Event} The event object for the thumbMove with the
                                     *                      following extra properties:
                                     *  <dl>
                                     *      <dt>offset</dt>
                                     *          <dd>Pixel offset from top/left of the slider to the new
                                     *          thumb position</dd>
                                     *      <dt>ddEvent (deprecated)</dt>
                                     *          <dd><code>drag:drag</code> event from the thumb</dd>
                                     *      <dt>originEvent</dt>
                                     *          <dd><code>drag:drag</code> event from the thumb</dd>
                                     *  </dl>
                                    this.publish( 'thumbMove', {
                                        defaultFn: this._defThumbMoveFn,
                                        queuable : true
                                    } );
                                 * Create the DOM structure for the Slider.
                                 * @method renderUI
                                 * @protected
                                renderUI : function () {
                                    var contentBox = this.get( 'contentBox' );
                                     * The Node instance of the Slider's rail element.  Do not write to
                                     * this property.
                                     * @property rail
                                     * @type {Node}
                                    this.rail = this.renderRail();
                                    this._uiSetRailLength( this.get( 'length' ) );
                                     * The Node instance of the Slider's thumb element.  Do not write to
                                     * this property.
                                     * @property thumb
                                     * @type {Node}
                                    this.thumb = this.renderThumb();
                                    this.rail.appendChild( this.thumb );
                                    // @TODO: insert( contentBox, 'replace' ) or setHTML?
                                    contentBox.appendChild( this.rail );
                                    // <span class="yui3-slider-x">
                                    contentBox.addClass( this.getClassName( this.axis ) );
                                 * Creates the Slider rail DOM subtree for insertion into the Slider's
                                 * <code>contentBox</code>.  Override this method if you want to provide
                                 * the rail element (presumably from existing markup).
                                 * @method renderRail
                                 * @return {Node} the rail node subtree
                                renderRail: function () {
                                    var minCapClass = this.getClassName( 'rail', 'cap', this._key.minEdge ),
                                        maxCapClass = this.getClassName( 'rail', 'cap', this._key.maxEdge );
                                    return Y.Node.create(
                                        Y.Lang.sub( this.RAIL_TEMPLATE, {
                                            railClass      : this.getClassName( 'rail' ),
                                            railMinCapClass: minCapClass,
                                            railMaxCapClass: maxCapClass
                                        } ) );
                                 * Sets the rail length according to the <code>length</code> attribute.
                                 * @method _uiSetRailLength
                                 * @param length {String} the length to apply to the rail style
                                 * @protected
                                _uiSetRailLength: function ( length ) {
                                    this.rail.setStyle( this._key.dim, length );
                                 * Creates the Slider thumb DOM subtree for insertion into the Slider's
                                 * rail.  Override this method if you want to provide the thumb element
                                 * (presumably from existing markup).
                                 * @method renderThumb
                                 * @return {Node} the thumb node subtree
                                renderThumb: function () {
                                    var imageUrl = this.get( 'thumbUrl' );
                                    return Y.Node.create(
                                        Y.Lang.sub( this.THUMB_TEMPLATE, {
                                            thumbClass      : this.getClassName( 'thumb' ),
                                            thumbShadowClass: this.getClassName( 'thumb', 'shadow' ),
                                            thumbImageClass : this.getClassName( 'thumb', 'image' ),
                                            thumbShadowUrl  : imageUrl,
                                            thumbImageUrl   : imageUrl,
                                            thumbAriaLabelId: this.getClassName( 'label', Y.guid()) // get unique id for specifying a label for ARIA
                                        } ) );
                                 * Gives focus to the thumb enabling keyboard access after clicking thumb
                                 * @method _onThumbClick
                                 * @protected
                                _onThumbClick : function(e){
                                 * Creates the Y.DD.Drag instance used to handle the thumb movement and
                                 * binds Slider interaction to the configured value model.
                                 * @method bindUI
                                 * @protected
                                bindUI : function () {
                                    // Begin keyboard listeners ///////////////////////////////
                                    var boundingBox = this.get("boundingBox"), //'body'),
                                    // Looking for a key event which will fire continously across browsers while the key is held down.
                                    keyEvent = (!Y.UA.opera) ? "down:" : "press:",
                                    // 38, 40 = arrow up/down, 33, 34 = page up/down,  35 , 36 = end/home
                                    keyEventSpec = keyEvent + "38,40,33,34,35,36",
                                    // 37 , 39 = arrow left/right
                                    keyLeftRightSpec = keyEvent + "37,39",
                                    // 37 , 39 = arrow left/right + meta (command/apple key) for mac
                                    keyLeftRightSpecMeta = keyEvent + "37+meta,39+meta";
                                    boundingBox.on("key", this._onDirectionKey, keyEventSpec, this);
                                    boundingBox.on("key", this._onLeftRightKey, keyLeftRightSpec, this);
                                    boundingBox.on("key", this._onLeftRightKeyMeta, keyLeftRightSpecMeta, this);
                                    // End keyboard listeners //////////////////////////////////
                                    this.thumb.on('click', this._onThumbClick, this);
                                    this.after( 'disabledChange', this._afterDisabledChange );
                                    this.after( 'lengthChange',   this._afterLengthChange );
                                 * increments Slider value by a minor increment
                                 * @method _incrMinor
                                 * @protected
                                _incrMinor : function(){
                                    this.set('value', (this.get('value') + this.get('minorStep')));
                                 * decrements Slider value by a minor increment
                                 * @method _decrMinor
                                 * @protected
                                _decrMinor : function(){
                                    this.set('value', (this.get('value') - this.get('minorStep')));
                                 * increments Slider value by a major increment
                                 * @method _incrMajor
                                 * @protected
                                _incrMajor : function(){
                                    this.set('value', (this.get('value') + this.get('majorStep')));
                                 * decrements Slider value by a major increment
                                 * @method _decrMajor
                                 * @protected
                                _decrMajor : function(){
                                    this.set('value', (this.get('value') - this.get('majorStep')));
                                 * sets the Slider value to the min value.
                                 * @method _setToMin
                                 * @protected
                                _setToMin : function(e){
                                    this.set('value', this.get('min'));
                                 * sets the Slider value to the max value.
                                 * @method _setToMax
                                 * @protected
                                _setToMax : function(e){
                                    this.set('value', this.get('max'));
                                 * sets the Slider's value in response to key events.
                                 * Left and right keys are in a separate method
                                 * in case an implementation wants to increment values
                                 * but needs left and right arrow keys for other purposes.
                                 * @method _onDirectionKey
                                 * @param e {Event} the key event
                                 * @protected
                                _onDirectionKey : function(e) {
                                    if(this.get('disabled') === false){
                                        switch (e.charCode) {
                                            case 38: // up
                                            case 40: // down
                                            case 36: // home
                                            case 35: // end
                                            case 33: // page up
                                            case 34: // page down
                                 * sets the Slider's value in response to left or right key events
                                 * @method _onLeftRightKey
                                 * @param e {Event} the key event
                                 * @protected
                                _onLeftRightKey : function(e) {
                                    if(this.get('disabled') === false){
                                        switch (e.charCode) {
                                            case 37: // left
                                            case 39: // right
                                 * sets the Slider's value in response to left or right key events when a meta (mac command/apple) key is also pressed
                                 * @method _onLeftRightKeyMeta
                                 * @param e {Event} the key event
                                 * @protected
                                _onLeftRightKeyMeta : function(e) {
                                    if(this.get('disabled') === false){
                                        switch (e.charCode) {
                                            case 37: // left + meta
                                            case 39: // right + meta
                                 * Makes the thumb draggable and constrains it to the rail.
                                 * @method _bindThumbDD
                                 * @protected
                                _bindThumbDD: function () {
                                    var config = { constrain: this.rail };
                                    // { constrain: rail, stickX: true }
                                    config[ 'stick' + this.axis.toUpperCase() ] = true;
                                     * The DD.Drag instance linked to the thumb node.
                                     * @property _dd
                                     * @type {DD.Drag}
                                     * @protected
                                    this._dd = new Y.DD.Drag( {
                                        node   : this.thumb,
                                        bubble : false,
                                        on     : {
                                            'drag:start': Y.bind( this._onDragStart, this )
                                        after  : {
                                            'drag:drag': Y.bind( this._afterDrag,    this ),
                                            'drag:end' : Y.bind( this._afterDragEnd, this )
                                    } );
                                    // Constrain the thumb to the rail
                                    this._dd.plug( Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, config );
                                 * Stub implementation.  Override this (presumably in a class extension) to
                                 * initialize any value logic that depends on the presence of the Drag
                                 * instance.
                                 * @method _bindValueLogic
                                 * @protected
                                _bindValueLogic: function () {},
                                 * Moves the thumb to pixel offset position along the rail.
                                 * @method _uiMoveThumb
                                 * @param offset {Number} the pixel offset to set as left or top style
                                 * @param [options] {Object} Details to send with the `thumbMove` event
                                 * @protected
                                _uiMoveThumb: function ( offset, options ) {
                                    if ( this.thumb ) {
                                        this.thumb.setStyle( this._key.minEdge, offset + 'px' );
                                        Y.log("Setting thumb " + this._key.minEdge + " to " + offset + "px","info","slider");
                                        options || (options = {});
                                        options.offset = offset;
                               'thumbMove', options );
                                 * Dispatches the <code>slideStart</code> event.
                                 * @method _onDragStart
                                 * @param e {Event} the <code>drag:start</code> event from the thumb
                                 * @protected
                                _onDragStart: function ( e ) {
                                     * Signals the beginning of a thumb drag operation.  Payload includes
                                     * the thumb's drag:start event.
                                     * @event slideStart
                                     * @param event {Event} The event object for the slideStart with the
                                     *                      following extra properties:
                                     *  <dl>
                                     *      <dt>ddEvent (deprecated)</dt>
                                     *          <dd><code>drag:start</code> event from the thumb</dd>
                                     *      <dt>originEvent</dt>
                                     *          <dd><code>drag:start</code> event from the thumb</dd>
                                     *  </dl>
                          'slideStart', {
                                       ddEvent: e, // for backward compatibility
                                       originEvent: e
                                 * Dispatches the <code>thumbMove</code> event.
                                 * @method _afterDrag
                                 * @param e {Event} the <code>drag:drag</code> event from the thumb
                                 * @protected
                                _afterDrag: function ( e ) {
                                    var thumbXY =[ this._key.xyIndex ],
                                        railXY  =[ this._key.minEdge ];
                                    Y.log("Thumb position: " + thumbXY + ", Rail position: " + railXY, "info", "slider");
                           'thumbMove', {
                                        offset : (thumbXY - railXY),
                                        ddEvent: e, // for backward compatibility
                                        originEvent: e
                                    } );
                                 * Dispatches the <code>slideEnd</code> event.
                                 * @method _afterDragEnd
                                 * @param e {Event} the <code>drag:end</code> event from the thumb
                                 * @protected
                                _afterDragEnd: function ( e ) {
                                     * Signals the end of a thumb drag operation.  Payload includes
                                     * the thumb's drag:end event.
                                     * @event slideEnd
                                     * @param event {Event} The event object for the slideEnd with the
                                     *                      following extra properties:
                                     *  <dl>
                                     *      <dt>ddEvent (deprecated)</dt>
                                     *          <dd><code>drag:end</code> event from the thumb</dd>
                                     *      <dt>originEvent</dt>
                                     *          <dd><code>drag:end</code> event from the thumb</dd>
                                     *  </dl>
                          'slideEnd', {
                                        ddEvent: e,
                                        originEvent: e
                                 * Locks or unlocks the thumb.
                                 * @method _afterDisabledChange
                                 * @param e {Event} The disabledChange event object
                                 * @protected
                                _afterDisabledChange: function ( e ) {
                                    this._dd.set( 'lock', e.newVal );
                                 * Handles changes to the <code>length</code> attribute.  By default, it
                                 * triggers an update to the UI.
                                 * @method _afterLengthChange
                                 * @param e {Event} The lengthChange event object
                                 * @protected
                                _afterLengthChange: function ( e ) {
                                    if ( this.get( 'rendered' ) ) {
                                        this._uiSetRailLength( e.newVal );
                                 * Synchronizes the DOM state with the attribute settings.
                                 * @method syncUI
                                syncUI : function () {
                                    // Forces a reflow of the bounding box to address IE8 inline-block
                                    // container not expanding correctly. bug 2527905
                                    this.thumb.set('aria-valuemin', this.get('min'));
                                    this.thumb.set('aria-valuemax', this.get('max'));
                                    this._dd.set('lock', this.get('disabled'));
                                 * Stub implementation.  Override this (presumably in a class extension) to
                                 * ensure the thumb is in the correct position according to the value
                                 * alogorithm.
                                 * instance.
                                 * @method _syncThumbPosition
                                 * @protected
                                _syncThumbPosition: function () {},
                                 * Validates the axis is &quot;x&quot; or &quot;y&quot; (case insensitive).
                                 * Converts to lower case for storage.
                                 * @method _setAxis
                                 * @param v {String} proposed value for the axis attribute
                                 * @return {String} lowercased first character of the input string
                                 * @protected
                                _setAxis : function (v) {
                                    v = ( v + '' ).toLowerCase();
                                    return ( v === 'x' || v === 'y' ) ? v : INVALID_VALUE;
                                 * <p>Ensures the stored length value is a string with a quantity and unit.
                                 * Unit will be defaulted to &quot;px&quot; if not included.  Rejects
                                 * values less than or equal to 0 and those that don't at least start with
                                 * a number.</p>
                                 * <p>Currently only pixel lengths are supported.</p>
                                 * @method _setLength
                                 * @param v {String} proposed value for the length attribute
                                 * @return {String} the sanitized value
                                 * @protected
                                _setLength: function ( v ) {
                                    v = ( v + '' ).toLowerCase();
                                    var length = parseFloat( v, 10 ),
                                        units  = v.replace( /[\d\.\-]/g, '' ) || this.DEF_UNIT;
                                    return length > 0 ? ( length + units ) : INVALID_VALUE;
                                 * <p>Defaults the thumbURL attribute according to the current skin, or
                                 * &quot;sam&quot; if none can be determined.  Horizontal Sliders will have
                                 * their <code>thumbUrl</code> attribute set to</p>
                                 * <p><code>&quot;/<em>configured</em>/<em>yu</em>i/<em>builddi</em>r/slider-base/assets/skins/sam/thumb-x.png&quot;</code></p>
                                 * <p>And vertical thumbs will get</p>
                                 * <p><code>&quot;/<em>configured</em>/<em>yui</em>/<em>builddir</em>/slider-base/assets/skins/sam/thumb-y.png&quot;</code></p>
                                 * @method _initThumbUrl
                                 * @protected
                                _initThumbUrl: function () {
                                    if (!this.get('thumbUrl')) {
                                        var skin = this.getSkinName() || 'sam',
                                            base = Y.config.base;
                                        // Unfortunate hack to avoid requesting image resources from the
                                        // combo service.  The combo service does not serve images.
                                        if (base.indexOf('') === 0) {
                                            base = '' + Y.version + '/build/';
                                        // <img src="/path/to/build/slider-base/assets/skins/sam/thumb-x.png">
                                        this.set('thumbUrl', base + 'slider-base/assets/skins/' +
                                                             skin + '/thumb-' + this.axis + '.png');
                                 * Bounding box template that will contain the Slider's DOM subtree.  &lt;span&gt;s are used to support inline-block styling.
                                 * @property BOUNDING_TEMPLATE
                                 * @type {String}
                                 * @default &lt;span>&lt;/span>
                                BOUNDING_TEMPLATE : '<span></span>',
                                 * Content box template that will contain the Slider's rail and thumb.
                                 * @property CONTENT_TEMPLATE
                                 * @type {String}
                                 * @default &lt;span>&lt;/span>
                                CONTENT_TEMPLATE  : '<span></span>',
                                 * Rail template that will contain the end caps and the thumb.
                                 * {placeholder}s are used for template substitution at render time.
                                 * @property RAIL_TEMPLATE
                                 * @type {String}
                                 * @default &lt;span class="{railClass}">&lt;span class="{railMinCapClass}">&lt;/span>&lt;span class="{railMaxCapClass}">&lt;/span>&lt;/span>
                                RAIL_TEMPLATE     : '<span class="{railClass}">' +
                                                        '<span class="{railMinCapClass}"></span>' +
                                                        '<span class="{railMaxCapClass}"></span>' +
                                 * Thumb template that will contain the thumb image and shadow. &lt;img>
                                 * tags are used instead of background images to avoid a flicker bug in IE.
                                 * {placeholder}s are used for template substitution at render time.
                                 * @property THUMB_TEMPLATE
                                 * @type {String}
                                 * @default &lt;span class="{thumbClass}" tabindex="-1">&lt;img src="{thumbShadowUrl}" alt="Slider thumb shadow" class="{thumbShadowClass}">&lt;img src="{thumbImageUrl}" alt="Slider thumb" class="{thumbImageClass}">&lt;/span>
                                THUMB_TEMPLATE    : '<span class="{thumbClass}" aria-labelledby="{thumbAriaLabelId}" aria-valuetext="" aria-valuemax="" aria-valuemin="" aria-valuenow="" role="slider" tabindex="0">' +   // keyboard access jeff     tabindex="-1"
                                                        '<img src="{thumbShadowUrl}" ' +
                                                            'alt="Slider thumb shadow" ' +
                                                            'class="{thumbShadowClass}">' +
                                                        '<img src="{thumbImageUrl}" ' +
                                                            'alt="Slider thumb" ' +
                                                            'class="{thumbImageClass}">' +
                            }, {
                                // Y.SliderBase static properties
                                 * The identity of the widget.
                                 * @property NAME
                                 * @type String
                                 * @default 'sliderBase'
                                 * @readOnly
                                 * @protected
                                 * @static
                                NAME : 'sliderBase',
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of
                                 * the Widget.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @protected
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS : {
                                     * Axis upon which the Slider's thumb moves.  &quot;x&quot; for
                                     * horizontal, &quot;y&quot; for vertical.
                                     * @attribute axis
                                     * @type {String}
                                     * @default &quot;x&quot;
                                     * @writeOnce
                                    axis : {
                                        value     : 'x',
                                        writeOnce : true,
                                        setter    : '_setAxis',
                                        lazyAdd   : false
                                     * The length of the rail (exclusive of the end caps if positioned by
                                     * CSS).  This corresponds to the movable range of the thumb.
                                     * @attribute length
                                     * @type {String | Number} e.g. "200px" or 200
                                     * @default 150px
                                    length: {
                                        value: '150px',
                                        setter: '_setLength'
                                     * Path to the thumb image.  This will be used as both the thumb and
                                     * shadow as a sprite.  Defaults at render() to thumb-x.png or
                                     * thumb-y.png in the skin directory of the current skin.
                                     * @attribute thumbUrl
                                     * @type {String}
                                     * @default thumb-x.png or thumb-y.png in the sam skin directory of the
                                     *          current build path for Slider
                                    thumbUrl: {
                                        value: null,
                                        validator: Y.Lang.isString