                             * Adds value support for Slider as a range of integers between a configured
                             * minimum and maximum value.  For use with <code></code> to
                             * add the plumbing to <code>Y.SliderBase</code>.
                             * @module slider
                             * @submodule slider-value-range
                            // Constants for compression or performance
                            var MIN       = 'min',
                                MAX       = 'max',
                                VALUE     = 'value',
                            //     MINORSTEP = 'minorStep',
                            //     MAJORSTEP = 'majorStep',
                                round = Math.round;
                             * One class of value algorithm that can be built onto SliderBase.  By default,
                             * values range between 0 and 100, but you can configure these on the
                             * built Slider class by setting the <code>min</code> and <code>max</code>
                             * configurations.  Set the initial value (will cause the thumb to move to the
                             * appropriate location on the rail) in configuration as well if appropriate.
                             * @class SliderValueRange
                            function SliderValueRange() {
                            Y.SliderValueRange = Y.mix( SliderValueRange, {
                                // Prototype properties and methods that will be added onto host class
                                prototype: {
                                     * Factor used to translate value -&gt; position -&gt; value.
                                     * @property _factor
                                     * @type {Number}
                                     * @protected
                                    _factor: 1,
                                     * Stub for construction logic.  Override if extending this class and
                                     * you need to set something up during the initializer phase.
                                     * @method _initSliderValueRange
                                     * @protected
                                    _initSliderValueRange: function () {},
                                     * Override of stub method in SliderBase that is called at the end of
                                     * its bindUI stage of render().  Subscribes to internal events to
                                     * trigger UI and related state updates.
                                     * @method _bindValueLogic
                                     * @protected
                                    _bindValueLogic: function () {
                                        this.after( {
                                            minChange  : this._afterMinChange,
                                            maxChange  : this._afterMaxChange,
                                            valueChange: this._afterValueChange
                                        } );
                                     * Move the thumb to appropriate position if necessary.  Also resets
                                     * the cached offsets and recalculates the conversion factor to
                                     * translate position to value.
                                     * @method _syncThumbPosition
                                     * @protected
                                    _syncThumbPosition: function () {
                                        this._setPosition( this.get( VALUE ) );
                                     * Calculates and caches
                                     * (range between max and min) / (rail length)
                                     * for fast runtime calculation of position -&gt; value.
                                     * @method _calculateFactor
                                     * @protected
                                    _calculateFactor: function () {
                                        var length    = this.get( 'length' ),
                                            thumbSize = this.thumb.getStyle( this._key.dim ),
                                            min       = this.get( MIN ),
                                            max       = this.get( MAX );
                                        // The default thumb width is based on Sam skin's thumb dimension.
                                        // This attempts to allow for rendering off-DOM, then attaching
                                        // without the need to call syncUI().  It is still recommended
                                        // to call syncUI() in these cases though, just to be sure.
                                        length = parseFloat( length ) || 150;
                                        thumbSize = parseFloat( thumbSize ) || 15;
                                        this._factor = ( max - min ) / ( length - thumbSize );
                                        Y.log("Calculating factor(~" + this._factor.toFixed(3) + " = (max(" + max + ") - min(" + min + ")) / (length(" + length + ") - thumb size(" + thumbSize + "))","info","slider");
                                     * Dispatch the new position of the thumb into the value setting
                                     * operations.
                                     * @method _defThumbMoveFn
                                     * @param e { EventFacade } The host's thumbMove event
                                     * @protected
                                    _defThumbMoveFn: function ( e ) {
                                        // To prevent set('value', x) from looping back around
                                        if (e.source !== 'set') {
                                            this.set(VALUE, this._offsetToValue(e.offset));
                                     * <p>Converts a pixel position into a value.  Calculates current
                                     * thumb offset from the leading edge of the rail multiplied by the
                                     * ratio of <code>(max - min) / (constraining dim)</code>.</p>
                                     * <p>Override this if you want to use a different value mapping
                                     * algorithm.</p>
                                     * @method _offsetToValue
                                     * @param offset { Number } X or Y pixel offset
                                     * @return { mixed } Value corresponding to the provided pixel offset
                                     * @protected
                                    _offsetToValue: function ( offset ) {
                                        var value = round( offset * this._factor ) + this.get( MIN );
                                        Y.log("Offset: " + offset + " => Value: " + value, "info", "slider");
                                        return round( this._nearestValue( value ) );
                                     * Converts a value into a pixel offset for use in positioning
                                     * the thumb according to the reverse of the
                                     * <code>_offsetToValue( xy )</code> operation.
                                     * @method _valueToOffset
                                     * @param val { Number } The value to map to pixel X or Y position
                                     * @return { Number } The pixel offset
                                     * @protected
                                    _valueToOffset: function ( value ) {
                                        var offset = round( ( value - this.get( MIN ) ) / this._factor );
                                        Y.log("Value: " + value + " => Offset: " + offset, "info", "slider");
                                        return offset;
                                     * Returns the current value.  Override this if you want to introduce
                                     * output formatting. Otherwise equivalent to slider.get( "value" );
                                     * @method getValue
                                     * @return {Number}
                                    getValue: function () {
                                        return this.get( VALUE );
                                     * Updates the current value.  Override this if you want to introduce
                                     * input value parsing or preprocessing.  Otherwise equivalent to
                                     * slider.set( "value", v );
                                     * @method setValue
                                     * @param val {Number} The new value
                                     * @return {Slider}
                                     * @chainable
                                    setValue: function ( val ) {
                                        return this.set( VALUE, val );
                                     * Update position according to new min value.  If the new min results
                                     * in the current value being out of range, the value is set to the
                                     * closer of min or max.
                                     * @method _afterMinChange
                                     * @param e { EventFacade } The <code>min</code> attribute change event.
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterMinChange: function ( e ) {
                                     * Update position according to new max value.  If the new max results
                                     * in the current value being out of range, the value is set to the
                                     * closer of min or max.
                                     * @method _afterMaxChange
                                     * @param e { EventFacade } The <code>max</code> attribute change event.
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterMaxChange: function ( e ) {
                                     * Verifies that the current value is within the min - max range.  If
                                     * not, value is set to either min or max, depending on which is
                                     * closer.
                                     * @method _verifyValue
                                     * @protected
                                    _verifyValue: function () {
                                        var value   = this.get( VALUE ),
                                            nearest = this._nearestValue( value );
                                        if ( value !== nearest ) {
                                            // @TODO Can/should valueChange, minChange, etc be queued
                                            // events? To make dd.set( 'min', n ); execute after minChange
                                            // subscribers before on/after valueChange subscribers.
                                            this.set( VALUE, nearest );
                                     * Propagate change to the thumb position unless the change originated
                                     * from the thumbMove event.
                                     * @method _afterValueChange
                                     * @param e { EventFacade } The <code>valueChange</code> event.
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterValueChange: function ( e ) {
                                        var val = e.newVal;
                                        Y.log("Positioning thumb after set('value',x)","info","slider");
                                        this._setPosition( val, { source: 'set' } );
                                     * Positions the thumb and its ARIA attributes in accordance with the
                                     * translated value.
                                     * @method _setPosition
                                     * @param value {Number} Value to translate to a pixel position
                                     * @param [options] {Object} Details object to pass to `_uiMoveThumb`
                                     * @protected
                                    _setPosition: function ( value, options ) {
                                        this._uiMoveThumb( this._valueToOffset( value ), options );
                                        this.thumb.set('aria-valuenow', value);
                                        this.thumb.set('aria-valuetext', value);
                                     * Validates new values assigned to <code>min</code> attribute.  Numbers
                                     * are acceptable.  Override this to enforce different rules.
                                     * @method _validateNewMin
                                     * @param value {Any} Value assigned to <code>min</code> attribute.
                                     * @return {Boolean} True for numbers.  False otherwise.
                                     * @protected
                                    _validateNewMin: function ( value ) {
                                        return Y.Lang.isNumber( value );
                                     * Validates new values assigned to <code>max</code> attribute.  Numbers
                                     * are acceptable.  Override this to enforce different rules.
                                     * @method _validateNewMax
                                     * @param value { mixed } Value assigned to <code>max</code> attribute.
                                     * @return { Boolean } True for numbers.  False otherwise.
                                     * @protected
                                    _validateNewMax: function ( value ) {
                                        return Y.Lang.isNumber( value );
                                     * Restricts new values assigned to <code>value</code> attribute to be
                                     * between the configured <code>min</code> and <code>max</code>.
                                     * Rounds to nearest integer value.
                                     * @method _setNewValue
                                     * @param value { Number } Value assigned to <code>value</code> attribute
                                     * @return { Number } Normalized and constrained value
                                     * @protected
                                    _setNewValue: function ( value ) {
                                        if ( Y.Lang.isNumber( value ) ) {
                                            return round( this._nearestValue( value ) );
                                        return Y.Attribute.INVALID_VALUE;
                                     * Returns the nearest valid value to the value input.  If the provided
                                     * value is outside the min - max range, accounting for min > max
                                     * scenarios, the nearest of either min or max is returned.  Otherwise,
                                     * the provided value is returned.
                                     * @method _nearestValue
                                     * @param value { mixed } Value to test against current min - max range
                                     * @return { Number } Current min, max, or value if within range
                                     * @protected
                                    _nearestValue: function ( value ) {
                                        var min = this.get( MIN ),
                                            max = this.get( MAX ),
                                        // Account for reverse value range (min > max)
                                        tmp = ( max > min ) ? max : min;
                                        min = ( max > min ) ? min : max;
                                        max = tmp;
                                        return ( value < min ) ?
                                                min :
                                                ( value > max ) ?
                                                    max :
                                 * Attributes that will be added onto host class.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @static
                                 * @protected
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * The value associated with the farthest top, left position of the
                                     * rail.  Can be greater than the configured <code>max</code> if you
                                     * want values to increase from right-to-left or bottom-to-top.
                                     * @attribute min
                                     * @type { Number }
                                     * @default 0
                                    min: {
                                        value    : 0,
                                        validator: '_validateNewMin'
                                     * The value associated with the farthest bottom, right position of
                                     * the rail.  Can be less than the configured <code>min</code> if
                                     * you want values to increase from right-to-left or bottom-to-top.
                                     * @attribute max
                                     * @type { Number }
                                     * @default 100
                                    max: {
                                        value    : 100,
                                        validator: '_validateNewMax'
                                     * amount to increment/decrement the Slider value
                                     * when the arrow up/down/left/right keys are pressed
                                     * @attribute minorStep
                                     * @type {Number}
                                     * @default 1
                                    minorStep : {
                                        value: 1
                                     * amount to increment/decrement the Slider value
                                     * when the page up/down keys are pressed
                                     * @attribute majorStep
                                     * @type {Number}
                                     * @default 10
                                    majorStep : {
                                        value: 10
                                     * The value associated with the thumb's current position on the
                                     * rail. Defaults to the value inferred from the thumb's current
                                     * position. Specifying value in the constructor will move the
                                     * thumb to the position that corresponds to the supplied value.
                                     * @attribute value
                                     * @type { Number }
                                     * @default (inferred from current thumb position)
                                    value: {
                                        value : 0,
                                        setter: '_setNewValue'
                            }, true );