                                 * The class allows you to create a Drag & Drop reordered list.
                                 * @module sortable
                                 * The class allows you to create a Drag & Drop reordered list.
                                 * @class Sortable
                                 * @extends Base
                                 * @constructor
                                var Sortable = function() {
                                    Sortable.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
                                CURRENT_NODE = 'currentNode',
                                OPACITY_NODE = 'opacityNode',
                                CONT = 'container',
                                ID = 'id',
                                ZINDEX = 'zIndex',
                                OPACITY = 'opacity',
                                PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',
                                NODES = 'nodes',
                                NODE = 'node';
                                Y.extend(Sortable, Y.Base, {
                                    * @property delegate
                                    * @type DD.Delegate
                                    * @description A reference to the DD.Delegate instance.
                                    delegate: null,
                                    * @property drop
                                    * @type DD.Drop
                                    * @description A reference to the DD.Drop instance
                                    drop: null,
                                    initializer: function() {
                                        var id = 'sortable-' + Y.guid(),
                                            delConfig = {
                                                container: this.get(CONT),
                                                nodes: this.get(NODES),
                                                target: true,
                                                invalid: this.get('invalid'),
                                                dragConfig: {
                                                    groups: [ id ]
                                            }, del;
                                        if (this.get('handles')) {
                                            delConfig.handles = this.get('handles');
                                        del = new Y.DD.Delegate(delConfig);
                                        this.set(ID, id);
                                        del.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy, {
                                            moveOnEnd: false,
                                            cloneNode: true
                                        this.drop =  new Y.DD.Drop({
                                            node: this.get(CONT),
                                            bubbleTarget: del,
                                            groups: del.dd.get('groups')
                                        this.drop.on('drop:enter', Y.bind(this._onDropEnter, this));
                                            'drag:start': Y.bind(this._onDragStart, this),
                                            'drag:end': Y.bind(this._onDragEnd, this),
                                            'drag:over': Y.bind(this._onDragOver, this),
                                            'drag:drag': Y.bind(this._onDrag, this)
                                        this.delegate = del;
                                        Sortable.reg(this, id);
                                    _up: null,
                                    _y: null,
                                    _onDrag: function(e) {
                                        if (e.pageY < this._y) {
                                            this._up = true;
                                        } else if (e.pageY > this._y) {
                                            this._up = false;
                                        this._y = e.pageY;
                                    * @private
                                    * @method _onDropEnter
                                    * @param Event e The Event Object
                                    * @description Handles the DropEnter event to append a new node to a target.
                                    _onDropEnter: function(e) {
                                        var dropNode = e.drop.get(NODE),
                                            dragNode = e.drag.get(NODE);
                                        if (!dropNode.test(this.get(NODES)) &&
                                            !dragNode.get(PARENT_NODE).compareTo(dropNode)) {
                                    * @private
                                    * @method _onDragOver
                                    * @param Event e The Event Object
                                    * @description Handles the DragOver event that moves the object in the list or to another list.
                                    _onDragOver: function(e) {
                                        if (!e.drop.get(NODE).test(this.get(NODES))) {
                                        if (e.drag.get(NODE) === e.drop.get(NODE)) {
                                        // is drop a child of drag?
                                        if (e.drag.get(NODE).contains(e.drop.get(NODE))) {
                                        var same = false, dir, oldNode, newNode, dropsort, dropNode,
                                            moveType = this.get('moveType').toLowerCase();
                                        if (e.drag.get(NODE).get(PARENT_NODE).contains(e.drop.get(NODE))) {
                                            same = true;
                                        if (same && moveType === 'move') {
                                            moveType = 'insert';
                                        switch (moveType) {
                                            case 'insert':
                                                dir = ((this._up) ? 'before' : 'after');
                                                dropNode = e.drop.get(NODE);
                                                if (Y.Sortable._test(dropNode, this.get(CONT))) {
                                                } else {
                                                    dropNode.insert(e.drag.get(NODE), dir);
                                            case 'swap':
                                                Y.DD.DDM.swapNode(e.drag, e.drop);
                                            case 'move':
                                            case 'copy':
                                                dropsort = Y.Sortable.getSortable(e.drop.get(NODE).get(PARENT_NODE));
                                                if (!dropsort) {
                                                    Y.log('No delegate parent found', 'error', 'sortable');
                                                //Same List
                                                if (same) {
                                                    Y.DD.DDM.swapNode(e.drag, e.drop);
                                                } else {
                                                    if (this.get('moveType') === 'copy') {
                                                        //New List
                                                        oldNode = e.drag.get(NODE);
                                                        newNode = oldNode.cloneNode(true);
                                                        newNode.set(ID, '');
                                                        e.drag.set(NODE, newNode);
                                                        dropsort.delegate.createDrop(newNode, [dropsort.get(ID)]);
                                                            top: '',
                                                            left: ''
                                                    e.drop.get(NODE).insert(e.drag.get(NODE), 'before');
                              , { same: same, drag: e.drag, drop: e.drop });
                              'moved', { same: same, drag: e.drag, drop: e.drop });
                                    * @private
                                    * @method _onDragStart
                                    * @param Event e The Event Object
                                    * @description Handles the DragStart event and initializes some settings.
                                    _onDragStart: function() {
                                        var del = this.delegate,
                                            lastNode = del.get('lastNode');
                                        if (lastNode && lastNode.getDOMNode()) {
                                            lastNode.setStyle(ZINDEX, '');
                                        del.get(this.get(OPACITY_NODE)).setStyle(OPACITY, this.get(OPACITY));
                                        del.get(CURRENT_NODE).setStyle(ZINDEX, '999');
                                    * @private
                                    * @method _onDragEnd
                                    * @param Event e The Event Object
                                    * @description Handles the DragEnd event that cleans up the settings in the drag:start event.
                                    _onDragEnd: function() {
                                        this.delegate.get(this.get(OPACITY_NODE)).setStyle(OPACITY, 1);
                                        this.delegate.get(CURRENT_NODE).setStyle(ZINDEX, '');
                                            top: '',
                                            left: ''
                                    * @method plug
                                    * @param Class cls The class to plug
                                    * @param Object config The class config
                                    * @description Passthrough to the DD.Delegate.ddplug method
                                    * @chainable
                                    plug: function(cls, config) {
                                        //I don't like this.. Not at all, need to discuss with the team
                                        if (cls && cls.NAME.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() === 'sort') {
                                  , cls, config);
                                        } else {
                                            this.delegate.dd.plug(cls, config);
                                        return this;
                                    * @method sync
                                    * @description Passthrough to the DD.Delegate syncTargets method.
                                    * @chainable
                                    sync: function() {
                                        return this;
                                    destructor: function() {
                                        Sortable.unreg(this, this.get(ID));
                                    * @method join
                                    * @param Sortable sel The Sortable list to join with
                                    * @param String type The type of join to do: full, inner, outer, none. Default: full
                                    * @description Join this Sortable with another Sortable instance.
                                    * <ul>
                                    *   <li>full: Exchange nodes with both lists.</li>
                                    *   <li>inner: Items can go into this list from the joined list.</li>
                                    *   <li>outer: Items can go out of the joined list into this list.</li>
                                    *   <li>none: Removes the join.</li>
                                    * </ul>
                                    * @chainable
                                    join: function(sel, type) {
                                        if (!(sel instanceof Y.Sortable)) {
                                            Y.error('Sortable: join needs a Sortable Instance');
                                            return this;
                                        if (!type) {
                                            type = 'full';
                                        type = type.toLowerCase();
                                        var method = '_join_' + type;
                                        if (this[method]) {
                                        return this;
                                    * @private
                                    * @method _join_none
                                    * @param Sortable sel The Sortable to remove the join from
                                    * @description Removes the join with the passed Sortable.
                                    _join_none: function(sel) {
                                    * @private
                                    * @method _join_full
                                    * @param Sortable sel The Sortable list to join with
                                    * @description Joins both of the Sortables together.
                                    _join_full: function(sel) {
                                    * @private
                                    * @method _join_outer
                                    * @param Sortable sel The Sortable list to join with
                                    * @description Allows this Sortable to accept items from the passed Sortable.
                                    _join_outer: function(sel) {
                                    * @private
                                    * @method _join_inner
                                    * @param Sortable sel The Sortable list to join with
                                    * @description Allows this Sortable to give items to the passed Sortable.
                                    _join_inner: function(sel) {
                                    * A custom callback to allow a user to extract some sort of id or any other data
                                    * from the node to use in the "ordering list" and then that data should be returned from the callback.
                                    * @method getOrdering
                                    * @param Function callback
                                    * @return Array
                                    getOrdering: function(callback) {
                                        var ordering = [];
                                        if (!Y.Lang.isFunction(callback)) {
                                            callback = function (node) {
                                                return node;
                                        return ordering;
                                }, {
                                    NAME: 'sortable',
                                    ATTRS: {
                                        * @attribute handles
                                        * @description Drag handles to pass on to the internal DD.Delegate instance.
                                        * @type Array
                                        handles: {
                                            value: false
                                        * @attribute container
                                        * @description A selector query to get the container to listen for mousedown events on. All "nodes" should be a child of this container.
                                        * @type String
                                        container: {
                                            value: 'body'
                                        * @attribute nodes
                                        * @description A selector query to get the children of the "container" to make draggable elements from.
                                        * @type String
                                        nodes: {
                                            value: '.dd-draggable'
                                        * @attribute opacity
                                        * @description The opacity to change the proxy item to when dragging.
                                        * @type String
                                        opacity: {
                                            value: '.75'
                                        * @attribute opacityNode
                                        * @description The node to set opacity on when dragging (dragNode or currentNode). Default: currentNode.
                                        * @type String
                                        opacityNode: {
                                            value: 'currentNode'
                                        * @attribute id
                                        * @description The id of this Sortable, used to get a reference to this Sortable list from another list.
                                        * @type String
                                        id: {
                                            value: null
                                        * @attribute moveType
                                        * @description How should an item move to another list: insert, swap, move, copy. Default: insert
                                        * @type String
                                        moveType: {
                                            value: 'insert'
                                        * @attribute invalid
                                        * @description A selector string to test if a list item is invalid and not sortable
                                        * @type String
                                        invalid: {
                                            value: ''
                                    * @static
                                    * @property _sortables
                                    * @private
                                    * @type Object
                                    * @description Hash map of all Sortables on the page.
                                    _sortables: {},
                                    * @static
                                    * @method _test
                                    * @param {Node} node The node instance to test.
                                    * @param {String|Node} test The node instance or selector string to test against.
                                    * @description Test a Node or a selector for the container
                                    _test: function(node, test) {
                                        var ret;
                                        if (test instanceof Y.Node) {
                                            ret = (test === node);
                                        } else {
                                            ret = node.test(test);
                                        return ret;
                                    * @static
                                    * @method getSortable
                                    * @param {String|Node} node The node instance or selector string to use to find a Sortable instance.
                                    * @description Get a Sortable instance back from a node reference or a selector string.
                                    getSortable: function(node) {
                                        var s = null,
                                            id = null;
                                        node =;
                                        id = node.get(ID);
                                        if(id && Y.Sortable._sortables[id]) {
                                            return Y.Sortable._sortables[id];
                                        Y.Object.each(Y.Sortable._sortables, function(v) {
                                            if (Y.Sortable._test(node, v.get(CONT))) {
                                                s = v;
                                        return s;
                                    * @static
                                    * @method reg
                                    * @param Sortable s A Sortable instance.
                                    * @param String id (optional) The id of the sortable instance.
                                    * @description Register a Sortable instance with the singleton to allow lookups later.
                                    reg: function(s, id) {
                                        if (!id) {
                                            id = s.get(ID);
                                        Y.Sortable._sortables[id] = s;
                                    * @static
                                    * @method unreg
                                    * @param Sortable s A Sortable instance.
                                    * @param String id (optional) The id of the sortable instance.
                                    * @description Unregister a Sortable instance with the singleton.
                                    unreg: function(s, id) {
                                        if (!id) {
                                            id = s.get(ID);
                                        if (id && Y.Sortable._sortables[id]) {
                                            delete Y.Sortable._sortables[id];
                                        Y.Object.each(Y.Sortable._sortables, function(v, k) {
                                            if (v === s) {
                                                delete Sortable._sortables[k];
                                Y.Sortable = Sortable;
                                * @event copy
                                * @description A Sortable node was moved with a copy.
                                * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object
                                * @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
                                * @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
                                * @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.
                                * @event move
                                * @description A Sortable node was moved with a move.
                                * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:
                                * @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
                                * @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
                                * @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.
                                * @event insert
                                * @description A Sortable node was moved with an insert.
                                * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:
                                * @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
                                * @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
                                * @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.
                                * @event swap
                                * @description A Sortable node was moved with a swap.
                                * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:
                                * @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
                                * @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
                                * @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.
                                * @event moved
                                * @description A Sortable node was moved.
                                * @param {EventFacade} event An Event Facade object with the following specific property added:
                                * @param {Boolean} event.same Moved to the same list.
                                * @param {DD.Drag} event.drag The drag instance.
                                * @param {DD.Drop} event.drop The drop instance.