                            /*jshint expr:true, maxlen:200, onevar:false */
                            Provides `Plugin.Tree.Lazy`, a plugin for `Tree.Openable` that makes it easy to
                            lazily load and populate the contents of tree nodes the first time they're
                            @module tree
                            @submodule tree-lazy
                            A plugin for `Tree.Openable` that makes it easy to lazily load and populate the
                            contents of tree nodes the first time they're opened.
                            ### Example
                                YUI().use('jsonp', 'tree-openable', 'tree-lazy', function (Y) {
                                    var Tree = Y.Base.create('openableTree', Y.Tree, [Y.Tree.Openable]),
                                        tree = new Tree();
                                    tree.plug(Y.Plugin.Tree.Lazy, {
                                        // Custom function that Plugin.Tree.Lazy will call when it needs to
                                        // load the children for a node.
                                        load: function (node, callback) {
                                            // Request the data for this node's children via JSONP.
                                            Y.jsonp('{callback}', function (data) {
                                                // If we didn't get any data back, treat this as an error.
                                                if (!data) {
                                                    callback(new Error('No data!'));
                                                // Append the children to the node (assume `data.children` is
                                                // an array of child node data for the sake of this example).
                                                // Call the callback function to tell Plugin.Tree.Lazy that
                                                // we're done loading data.
                            @class Plugin.Tree.Lazy
                            @param {Object} config Config object.
                                @param {Function} config.load Custom `load()` function that will be called
                                    when a node's children need to be loaded. This function must call the
                                    provided callback to indicate completion.
                                    @param {Function} config.load.callback Callback function. The custom
                                        `load()` function must call this callback to indicate completion.
                                        @param {Error} [config.load.callback.err] Error object. If provided,
                                            the load action will be considered a failure, and an `error`
                                            event will be fired. Omit this argument (or set it to `null`) to
                                            indicate success.
                            @extends Plugin.Base
                            Fired just before the custom `load()` method is called to load child nodes for a
                            Calling `preventDefault()` on this event's facade will cancel the load action
                            and prevent the `load()` method from being called.
                            @event beforeLoad
                            @param {Tree.Node} node Tree node whose children will be loaded.
                            @preventable _defBeforeLoadFn
                            var EVT_BEFORE_LOAD = 'beforeLoad';
                            Fired when the `load()` method indicates there was an error loading child nodes.
                            @event error
                            @param {Error} error Error provided by the `load()` method.
                            @param {String} src Source of the error (defaults to "load").
                            var EVT_ERROR = 'error';
                            Fired after child nodes have finished loading and have been added to the tree.
                            @event load
                            @param {Tree.Node} node Tree node whose children have been loaded.
                            var EVT_LOAD = 'load';
                            Y.namespace('Plugin.Tree').Lazy = Y.Base.create('lazyTreePlugin', Y.Plugin.Base, [], {
                                // -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
                                initializer: function (config) {
                                    this._host =;
                                    if (config.load) {
                                        this.load = config.load;
                                    // Make sure we've been plugged into a Tree that mixes in the
                                    // Tree.Openable extension.
                                    if (!this._host.openNode) {
                                        Y.log("Plugin.Tree.Lazy was plugged into a Tree that doesn't mix in the Tree.Openable extension. This probably won't do you much good.", 'warn', 'tree-lazy');
                                    this._published = {};
                                // -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
                                load: function (node, callback) {
                                    callback(new Error('Plugin.Tree.Lazy: Please provide a custom `load` method when instantiating this plugin.'));
                                // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
                                _attachEvents: function () {
                                    this.onHostEvent('open', this._onOpen);
                                // -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
                                _onOpen: function (e) {
                                    var node = e.node;
                                    // Nothing to do if this node can't have children or if its children
                                    // have already been (or are already being) loaded.
                                    if (!node.canHaveChildren || node.state.loaded || node.state.loading) {
                                    if (!this._published[EVT_BEFORE_LOAD]) {
                                        this._published[EVT_BEFORE_LOAD] = this.publish(EVT_BEFORE_LOAD, {
                                            defaultFn: this._defLoadingFn
                          , {node: node});
                                // -- Default Event Handlers -----------------------------------------------
                                _defLoadingFn: function (e) {
                                    var node = e.node,
                                        self = this;
                                    node.state.loading = true;
                                    this.load(node, function (err) {
                                        delete node.state.loading;
                                        if (err) {
                                  , {
                                                error: err,
                                                src  : 'load'
                                        node.state.loaded = true;
                              , {node: node});
                            }, {
                                NS: 'lazy'