                             * Provides support for HTML shiv natively on the Alloy DOM methods. The HTML5
                             * shiv just affects IE.
                             * @module aui-node
                             * @submodule aui-node-html5
                            if ( {
                                 * An object that encapsulates util methods for HTML5 shiving.
                                 * **What is a "shiv"?**
                                 * To the world, a shiv is a slang term for a sharp object used as a
                                 * knife-like weapon. To Internet Explorer, a shiv is a script that, when
                                 * executed, forces the browser to recognize HTML5 elements.
                                 * @class A.HTML5
                                var HTML5 = A.namespace('HTML5'),
                                    DOM_create = A.DOM._create;
                                if (!HTML5._fragHTML5Shived) {
                                     * A global DocumentFragment already HTML5 shived, for performance
                                     * reasons. (i.e., all nodes and its HTML5 children appended to this
                                     * fragment iherits the styles on IE).
                                     * @property _fragHTML5Shived
                                     * @type {DocumentFragment}
                                     * @protected
                                    HTML5._fragHTML5Shived = A.html5shiv(
                                    HTML5, {
                                         * Receives a `frag` and a HTML content. This method shivs the HTML5
                                         * nodes appended to a Node or fragment which is not on the document
                                         * yet.
                                         * @method IECreateFix
                                         * @param {Node|DocumentFragment} frag Fragment to be fixed.
                                         * @param {String} content HTML to be set (using innerHTML) on the
                                         *     `frag`.
                                         * @return {Node|DocumentFragment}
                                        IECreateFix: function(frag, content) {
                                            var shivedFrag = HTML5._fragHTML5Shived;
                                            frag.innerHTML = content;
                                            return frag;
                                         * AOP listener to the A.DOM._create method. This method intercepts
                                         * all the calls to the A.DOM._create and append the generated
                                         * fragment to [A.HTML._fragHTML5Shived](A.HTML5.html#property__frag
                                         * HTML5Shived), this fixes the IE bug for painting the HTML5 nodes
                                         * on the HTML fragment.
                                         * @method _doBeforeCreate
                                         * @param {String} html HTML content
                                         * @param {String} doc
                                         * @param {String} tag
                                         * @protected
                                         * @return {DocumentFragment}
                                        _doBeforeCreate: function(html) {
                                            var createdFrag = DOM_create.apply(this, arguments);
                                            var shivedFrag = HTML5.IECreateFix(createdFrag, html);
                                            return new A.Do.Halt(null, shivedFrag);
                                A.Do.before(HTML5._doBeforeCreate, A.DOM, '_create', A.DOM);