                             * The Palette Utility
                             * @module aui-palette
                            var Lang = A.Lang,
                                UI_SRC = A.Widget.UI_SRC,
                                getClassName = A.getClassName,
                                CSS_PALETTE_CONTAINER = getClassName('palette-container'),
                                CSS_PALETTE_ITEM = getClassName('palette-item'),
                                CSS_PALETTE_ITEM_HOVER = getClassName('palette-item-hover'),
                                CSS_PALETTE_ITEM_INNER = getClassName('palette-item-inner'),
                                CSS_PALETTE_ITEM_SELECTED = getClassName('palette-item-selected'),
                                CSS_PALETTE_ITEMS_CONTAINER = getClassName('palette-items-container'),
                                CSS_PALETTE_ITEMS_CONTAINER_INDEX = getClassName('palette-items-container-{index}'),
                                 * A base class for Palette.
                                 * @class A.Palette
                                 * @extends Widget
                                 * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                                 *     properties.
                                 * @constructor
                                Palette = A.Base.create('palette', A.Widget, [A.WidgetCssClass, A.WidgetToggle], {
                                    CONTAINER_TEMPLATE: '<div class="' + CSS_PALETTE_CONTAINER + '">{content}</div>',
                                    ITEMS_CONTAINER_TEMPLATE: '<ul class="' + CSS_PALETTE_ITEMS_CONTAINER + ' ' +
                                        CSS_PALETTE_ITEMS_CONTAINER_INDEX + '">{content}</ul>',
                                    ITEM_TEMPLATE: '<li class="' + CSS_PALETTE_ITEM +
                                        ' {selectedClassName}" data-column={column} data-index={index} data-row={row} data-value="{value}">' +
                                        '<a href="" class="' + CSS_PALETTE_ITEM_INNER + '" onclick="return false;"></a>' + '</li>',
                                    _items: null,
                                     * Construction logic executed during Palette instantiation. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method initializer
                                     * @protected
                                    initializer: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.after('itemsChange', instance._afterItemsChange, instance);
                                        instance.after('selectedChange', instance._afterSelectedChange, instance);
                                        A.after(instance._bindUIPalette, instance, 'renderUI');
                                            enter: {
                                                defaultFn: instance._defEnterFn
                                            leave: {
                                                defaultFn: instance._defLeaveFn
                                            select: {
                                                defaultFn: instance._defSelectFn
                                            unselect: {
                                                defaultFn: instance._defUnselectFn
                                     * Render the Palette component instance. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method renderUI
                                     * @protected
                                    renderUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Returns an item in the Palette by row and column.
                                     * @method getItem
                                     * @param {Number} row The row in which this item is rendered
                                     * @param {Number} col The column on which this item is rendered
                                     * @return {Object} The found palette item
                                    getItem: function(row, col) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return instance.getItemByIndex(
                                            row * instance.get('columns') + col);
                                     * Returns an item in the Palette by its index.
                                     * @method getItemByIndex
                                     * @param {Number} index The index of the item
                                     * @return {Object} The palette item
                                    getItemByIndex: function(index) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return instance._getIndexedItems().item(index);
                                     * Returns an item in the Palette by its value.
                                     * @method getItemByValue
                                     * @param {Object|Number|String} value If the value is an object, it
                                     *     should contain a property called "value" which will be used to
                                     *     retrieve the item.
                                     * @return {Object} The palette item
                                    getItemByValue: function(value) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            itemIndex = -1,
                                        if (Lang.isObject(value)) {
                                            value = value.value;
                                        items = instance.get('items');
                                            function(item, index) {
                                                if (Lang.isObject(item)) {
                                                    item = item.value;
                                                if (item === value) {
                                                    itemIndex = index;
                                                    return true;
                                        return instance.getItemByIndex(itemIndex);
                                     * Selects an item in the Palette.
                                     * @method select
                                     * @param {Number|Object} valueOrIndex The value or index of the item
                                     *     which should be selected
                                    select: function(valueOrIndex) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.toggleSelection(valueOrIndex, true);
                                     * Toggles the section of an item. The item must be specified by its
                                     * value or index. A second param indicates if the selection should be
                                     * forced.
                                     * @method toggleSelection
                                     * @param {Number|Object} valueOrIndex The value or index of the item
                                     * @param force If true, forces the selection.
                                    toggleSelection: function(valueOrIndex, force) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            item = instance.getItemByIndex(valueOrIndex) ||
                                        if (item) {
                                            item.toggleClass(CSS_PALETTE_ITEM_SELECTED, force);
                                     * Unselects an item. The item must be specified by its value or index.
                                     * @method unselect
                                     * @param {Number|Object} valueOrIndex The value or index of the item
                                    unselect: function(valueOrIndex) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.toggleSelection(valueOrIndex, false);
                                     * Updates the UI of the Palette after changing an item.
                                     * @method _afterItemsChange
                                     * @param {CustomEvent} event The event fired
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterItemsChange: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance._items = null;
                                     * Unselects the previous item and selects a new one.
                                     * @method _afterSelectedChange
                                     * @param {CustomEvent} event The event fired. Contains the previous
                                     *     selected element as `prevVal` property and the new selected item
                                     *     as `newVal`
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterSelectedChange: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Binds events on the Palette.
                                     * @method _bindUIPalette
                                     * @protected
                                    _bindUIPalette: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            boundingBox = instance.get('boundingBox');
                                        boundingBox.delegate('click', instance._onItemClick, '.' + CSS_PALETTE_ITEM, instance);
                                        boundingBox.delegate('hover', instance._onItemMouseEnter, instance._onItemMouseLeave, '.' +
                                            CSS_PALETTE_ITEM, instance);
                                     * The default function to be executed after `enter` event.
                                     * By default adds HOVER class to the item.
                                     * @method _defEnterFn
                                     * @param {CustomEvent} event The fired event
                                     * @protected
                                    _defEnterFn: function(event) {
                                     * The default function to be executed after `leave` event.
                                     * By default removes HOVER class from the item.
                                     * @method _defLeaveFn
                                     * @param {CustomEvent} event The fired event
                                     * @protected
                                    _defLeaveFn: function(event) {
                                     * The default function which executes after `select` event. By default
                                     * updates the `selected` property with the index of the selected item.
                                     * @method _defSelectFn
                                     * @param {CustomEvent} event The fired event
                                     * @protected
                                    _defSelectFn: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (event.src === UI_SRC) {
                                            instance.set('selected', event.index);
                                     * The default function which executes after `unselect` event.
                                     * By default updates the `selected` property with -1.
                                     * @method _defUnselectFn
                                     * @param event
                                     * @protected
                                    _defUnselectFn: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (event.src === UI_SRC) {
                                            instance.set('selected', -1);
                                     * Generates and retrieves the whole content of the Palette. The
                                     * function uses the Formatter from `formatter` property to format the
                                     * content.
                                     * @method _getContent
                                     * @param {Array} items The items in the Palette
                                     * @param {Array} columns The columns of the Palette
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {String} The generated content
                                    _getContent: function(items, columns) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            formatter = instance.get('formatter'),
                                            selected = instance.get('selected'),
                                            index = 0,
                                            result = '',
                                            total = items.length,
                                            rows = Math.ceil(total / columns);
                                        for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
                                            content = '';
                                            for (column = 0; column < columns; column++) {
                                                index = (row * columns + column);
                                                if (index >= total) {
                                                content +=, items, index, row, column, (selected === index));
                                            result += instance._getRowContent(items, index, row, content);
                                        return instance._getPaletteContent(items, result);
                                     * Returns an Object, which contains the following properties:
                                     * column - The current column
                                     * item - The current item node
                                     * index - The current item index
                                     * row - The current row
                                     * src - UI_SRC
                                     * value - The value of the item.
                                     * @method _getEventsPayload
                                     * @param {CustomEvent} event The fired event
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Object} The event payload
                                    _getEventsPayload: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            items = instance.get('items'),
                                            itemNode = event.currentTarget;
                                        index = Lang.toInt(itemNode.getAttribute('data-index'));
                                        return {
                                            column: Lang.toInt(itemNode.getAttribute('data-column')),
                                            item: itemNode,
                                            index: index,
                                            row: Lang.toInt(itemNode.getAttribute('data-row')),
                                            src: UI_SRC,
                                            value: items[index]
                                     * Returns the items in the Palette as an `NodeList`.
                                     * @method _getIndexedItems
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {NodeList} The indexed items
                                    _getIndexedItems: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (!instance._items) {
                                            instance._items = instance.get('contentBox').all('.' + CSS_PALETTE_ITEM);
                                        return instance._items;
                                     * Replaces the Template of the Container with the content.
                                     * @method _getPaletteContent
                                     * @param {Array} items Palette items
                                     * @param {String} content The generated content
                                     * @protected return {String} The final content of the Palette according
                                     * to the Container Template
                                    _getPaletteContent: function(items, content) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return Lang.sub(
                                            instance.CONTAINER_TEMPLATE, {
                                                className: CSS_PALETTE_CONTAINER,
                                                content: content
                                     * Retrieves the content of a row (the container of the items) in the
                                     * Palette.
                                     * @method _getRowContent
                                     * @param {Array} items The items of the Palette
                                     * @param {Number} index The index of the item
                                     * @param {Number} row The row number
                                     * @param {String} content The content of the row
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {String} The generated content of the row
                                    _getRowContent: function(items, index, row, content) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return Lang.sub(
                                            instance.ITEMS_CONTAINER_TEMPLATE, {
                                                className: CSS_PALETTE_ITEMS_CONTAINER_INDEX,
                                                content: content,
                                                index: row
                                     * Fires `select` or `unselect` events together with the payload.
                                     * @method _onItemClick
                                     * @param {CustomEvent} event The fired event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onItemClick: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            selected = instance.get('selected'),
                                            toggleSelection = instance.get('toggleSelection'),
                                            itemNode = event.currentTarget,
                                            index = Lang.toInt(itemNode.getAttribute('data-index'));
                                        if (index !== selected) {
                                            eventName = 'select';
                                        else if (toggleSelection) {
                                            eventName = 'unselect';
                                        if (eventName) {
                                  , instance._getEventsPayload(event));
                                     * Fires `enter` event.
                                     * @method _onItemMouseEnter
                                     * @param {CustomEvent} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onItemMouseEnter: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                              'enter', instance._getEventsPayload(event));
                                     * Fires `leave` event.
                                     * @method _onItemMouseLeave
                                     * @param {CustomEvent} event The fired event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onItemMouseLeave: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                              'leave', instance._getEventsPayload(event));
                                     * Calculates the needed `columns`, generates the content and adds the
                                     * content of the `contentBox` of the Palette.
                                     * @method _uiSetItems
                                     * @param {Array} val The items of the Palette
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetItems: function(val) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            width = instance.get('width');
                                        if (width) {
                                            columns = val.length;
                                        else {
                                            columns = instance.get('columns');
                                            if (columns === -1) {
                                                columns = val.length;
                                            instance.get('containerNode') || instance._getContent(val, columns));
                                     * Provides a default value (Function) to the `formatter` property.
                                     * @method _valueFormatterFn
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Function} The formatter function
                                    _valueFormatterFn: function() {
                                        return function(items, index, row, column, selected) {
                                            var instance = this;
                                            var item = items[index];
                                            return Lang.sub(
                                                instance.ITEM_TEMPLATE, {
                                                    column: column,
                                                    index: index,
                                                    row: row,
                                                    selectedClassName: selected ? CSS_PALETTE_ITEM_SELECTED : '',
                                                    value: Lang.isObject(item) ? item.value : item
                                }, {
                                     * Object hash, defining how attribute values have to be parsed from
                                     * markup contained in the Palette's content box.
                                     * @property HTML_PARSER
                                     * @type Object
                                     * @static
                                    HTML_PARSER: {
                                        containerNode: '.' + CSS_PALETTE_CONTAINER
                                     * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                     * configuration for the Palette.
                                     * @property ATTRS
                                     * @type Object
                                     * @static
                                    ATTRS: {
                                         * Specifies how many columns should contain the Palette. If the
                                         * value is a positive number, the Palette will generate as many
                                         * columns as specified in this property and it will fit the
                                         * provided `items` in these columns.
                                         * @attribute columns
                                         * @default -1 Value of -1 means the items won't be fit in columns.
                                         *     Otherwise, the items will be rendered in the provided number
                                         *     of columns
                                         * @type Number
                                        columns: {
                                            validator: Lang.isNumber,
                                            value: -1
                                         * Container node of the palette. If found, palette widget will not
                                         * generate content.
                                         * @attribute containerNode
                                         * @type Node
                                        containerNode: {},
                                         * Provides a function, which will be used to format the content
                                         * during Palette creation.
                                         * @attribute formatter
                                         * @type Function
                                        formatter: {
                                            validator: Lang.isFunction,
                                            valueFn: '_valueFormatterFn'
                                         * An array of Palette items. These items will be rendered in the
                                         * Palette according to the specified `columns`.
                                         * @attribute items
                                         * @default []
                                         * @type Array
                                        items: {
                                            validator: Lang.isArray,
                                            value: []
                                         * Provides the index of currently selected item.
                                         * @attribute selected
                                         * @type Number
                                        selected: {
                                            validator: Lang.isNumber,
                                            value: -1
                                         * If true, on user interaction if the user clicks on an already
                                         * selected element, it will be unselected.
                                         * @attribute toggleSelection
                                         * @default true
                                         * @type Boolean
                                        toggleSelection: {
                                            validator: Lang.isBoolean,
                                            value: true
                            A.Palette = Palette;