                             * The Scheduler Component
                             * @module aui-scheduler
                             * @submodule aui-scheduler-view-day
                            var Lang = A.Lang,
                                isBoolean = Lang.isBoolean,
                                isFunction = Lang.isFunction,
                                isNumber = Lang.isNumber,
                                isObject = Lang.isObject,
                                DateMath = A.DataType.DateMath,
                                WidgetStdMod = A.WidgetStdMod,
                                getNodeListHTMLParser = function(selector, sizeCondition) {
                                    return function(srcNode) {
                                        var nodes = srcNode.all(selector);
                                        return (nodes.size() >= sizeCondition) ? nodes : null;
                                roundToNearestMultiple = function(n, multiple) {
                                    return Math.round(n / multiple) * multiple;
                                toNumber = function(v) {
                                    return parseFloat(v) || 0;
                                getCN = A.getClassName,
                                CSS_SVT_TABLE_DATA = getCN('scheduler-view', 'table', 'data'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT = getCN('scheduler-event'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT_DISABLED = getCN('scheduler-event', 'disabled'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT_INTERSECTING = getCN('scheduler-event', 'intersecting'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT_PROXY = getCN('scheduler-event', 'proxy'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_TODAY = getCN('scheduler', 'today'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_TODAY_HD = getCN('scheduler', 'today', 'hd'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_SCROLLABLE = getCN('scheduler-view', 'scrollable'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_COLDATA = getCN('scheduler-view', 'coldata'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_COLGRID = getCN('scheduler-view', 'colgrid'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_CURRENT_TIME = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'current', 'time'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_GRID = getCN('scheduler-view', 'grid'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_GRID_CONTAINER = getCN('scheduler-view', 'grid', 'container'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_COL = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'header', 'col'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'header', 'day'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY_FIRST = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'header', 'day', 'first'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY_NUMBER = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'header', 'day', 'number'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY_WEEKDAY = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'header', 'day', 'weekday'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_TABLE = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'header', 'table'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_VIEW_LABEL = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'header', 'view', 'label'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_ICON_GRIP_HORIZONTAL = getCN('scheduler-view', 'icon', 'grip', 'horizontal'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_MARKER_DIVISION = getCN('scheduler-view', 'marker', 'division'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_MARKERCELL = getCN('scheduler-view', 'markercell'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_MARKERS = getCN('scheduler-view', 'markers'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_RESIZER = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'resizer'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_RESIZER_ICON = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'resizer', 'icon'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'table'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'table', 'col'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL_SHIM = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'table', 'col', 'shim'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLBLANK = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'table', 'colblank'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLDAY = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'table', 'colday'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLTIME = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'table', 'coltime'),
                                CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_TIME = getCN('scheduler-view', 'day', 'table', 'time'),
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_CURRENT_TIME = '<div class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_CURRENT_TIME +
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_RESIZER = '<div class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_RESIZER + '">' +
                                    '<div class="' + [CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_ICON_GRIP_HORIZONTAL, CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_RESIZER_ICON].join(' ') +
                                    '"></div>' +
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_MARKERCELL = '<div class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_MARKERCELL + '">' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_MARKER_DIVISION + '"></div>' +
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE +
                                    '">' +
                                    '<tbody>' +
                                    '<tr class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_COLGRID + '" height="1">' +
                                    '<td height="0" class="' + [CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL, CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLBLANK].join(
                                        ' ') + '"></td>' +
                                    '<td class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_GRID_CONTAINER + '" colspan="1">' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_GRID + '">' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_MARKERS + '"></div>' +
                                    '</div>' +
                                    '</td>' +
                                    '</tr>' +
                                    '<tr class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_COLDATA + '">' +
                                    '<td class="' + [CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL, CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLTIME].join(' ') +
                                    '"></td>' +
                                    '</tr>' +
                                    '</tbody>' +
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLDAY = '<td class="' + [CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL,
                                    CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLDAY].join(' ') + '" data-colnumber="{colNumber}">' +
                                    '<div class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL_SHIM + '">&nbsp;</div>' +
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_TIME = '<div class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_TIME + '">{hour}</div>',
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_TABLE = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="' +
                                    CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_TABLE + '">' +
                                    '<tbody>' +
                                    '<tr class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_COL + '"></tr>' +
                                    '</tbody>' +
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY = '<th class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY +
                                    '" data-colnumber="{colNumber}"><a href="#">&nbsp;</a></th>',
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY_CONTENT = '<span class="' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY_WEEKDAY + '">%a</span> <span class="' +
                                    CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY_NUMBER + '">%d</span>',
                                TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY_FIRST = '<td class="' + [CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY,
                                    CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY_FIRST].join(' ') + '"></td>';
                             * A base class for `SchedulerDayView`.
                             * @class A.SchedulerDayView
                             * @extends A.SchedulerView
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                            var SchedulerDayView = A.Component.create({
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
                                 * @property NAME
                                 * @type {String}
                                 * @static
                                NAME: 'scheduler-view-day',
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                 * configuration for the `SchedulerDayView`.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * Determines the content of Scheduler day view's body section.
                                     * @attribute bodyContent
                                     * @default ''
                                     * @type {String}
                                    bodyContent: {
                                        value: ''
                                     * Contains the function that returns the `currentTime` node.
                                     * @attribute currentTimeNode
                                     * return {Node}
                                    currentTimeNode: {
                                        valueFn: function() {
                                            return A.Node.create(TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_CURRENT_TIME);
                                     * Contains the number of day columns this view displays.
                                     * @attribute days
                                     * @default 1
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    days: {
                                        value: 1,
                                        validator: isNumber
                                     * Configures this view's `DD.Delegate`.
                                     * @attribute delegateConfig
                                     * @default {}
                                     * @type {Object}
                                    delegateConfig: {
                                        value: {},
                                        setter: function(val) {
                                            var instance = this;
                                            return A.merge({
                                                    dragConfig: {
                                                        useShim: false
                                                    bubbleTargets: instance,
                                                    container: instance.get('boundingBox'),
                                                    nodes: '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT,
                                                    invalid: 'input, select, button, a, textarea, ' + '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT_DISABLED
                                                val || {}
                                        validator: isObject
                                     * Contains the width of a `SchedulerView` in pixels.
                                     * @attribute eventWidth
                                     * @default 95
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    eventWidth: {
                                        value: 95,
                                        validator: isNumber
                                     * Applies a filter to `SchedulerEvent`s.
                                     * @attribute filterFn
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    filterFn: {
                                        value: function(evt) {
                                            return (evt.get('visible') && evt.getHoursDuration() <= 24 && !evt.get('allDay'));
                                     * Contains the function that formats the header date.
                                     * @attribute headerDateFormatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    headerDateFormatter: {
                                        value: function(date) {
                                            var instance = this;
                                            var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                            return A.DataType.Date.format(
                                                date, {
                                                    format: TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY_CONTENT,
                                                    locale: scheduler.get('locale')
                                        validator: isFunction
                                     * Contains the header view.
                                     * @attribute headerView
                                     * @default true
                                     * @type {Boolean}
                                    headerView: {
                                        value: true,
                                        validator: isBoolean
                                     * Configures the header day view.
                                     * @attribute headerViewConfig
                                     * @default {}
                                     * @type {Object}
                                    headerViewConfig: {
                                        setter: function(val) {
                                            return A.merge({
                                                    displayDaysInterval: 1,
                                                    displayRows: 6,
                                                    filterFn: function(evt) {
                                                        return ((evt.getHoursDuration() > 24) || evt.get('allDay'));
                                                    height: 'auto',
                                                    visible: true
                                                val || {}
                                        value: {}
                                     * Contains the height of an hour in pixels.
                                     * @attribute hourHeight
                                     * @default 52
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    hourHeight: {
                                        value: 52,
                                        validator: isNumber
                                     * Determines the name for this day view.
                                     * @attribute name
                                     * @default 'day'
                                     * @type {String}
                                    name: {
                                        value: 'day'
                                     * Contains the function that formats the navigation date.
                                     * @attribute navigationDateFormatter
                                     * @type {Function}
                                    navigationDateFormatter: {
                                        value: function(date) {
                                            var instance = this;
                                            var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                            return A.DataType.Date.format(
                                                date, {
                                                    format: '%A, %B %d, %Y',
                                                    locale: scheduler.get('locale')
                                        validator: isFunction
                                     * Contains the collection of strings used to label elements of the UI.
                                     * @attribute strings
                                     * @type {Object}
                                    strings: {
                                        value: {
                                            allDay: 'All day'
                                     * Contains the function that returns the `headerTable` node.
                                     * @attribute headerTableNode
                                     * return {Node}
                                    headerTableNode: {
                                        valueFn: function() {
                                            return A.Node.create(TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_TABLE);
                                     * Contains the function that returns the `headerViewLabel` node.
                                     * @attribute headerViewLabelNode
                                     * return {Node}
                                    headerViewLabelNode: {
                                        valueFn: function() {
                                            var instance = this;
                                            var strings = instance.get('strings');
                                            return A.Node.create(
                                                Lang.sub(TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_VIEW_LABEL, {
                                                    label: strings.allDay
                                     * Contains the function that returns the `resizer` node.
                                     * @attribute resizerNode
                                     * return {Node}
                                    resizerNode: {
                                        valueFn: function() {
                                            return A.Node.create(TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_RESIZER);
                                     * Contains the function that returns the `table` node.
                                     * @attribute tableNode
                                     * return {Node}
                                    tableNode: {
                                        valueFn: function() {
                                            return A.Node.create(TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE);
                                     * Contains the function that returns the `colDays` node.
                                     * @attribute colDaysNode
                                     * return {Node}
                                    colDaysNode: {
                                        valueFn: '_valueColDaysNode'
                                     * Contains the function that returns the `colHeaderDays` node.
                                     * @attribute colHeaderDaysNode
                                     * return {Node}
                                    colHeaderDaysNode: {
                                        valueFn: '_valueColHeaderDaysNode'
                                     * Contains the function that returns the `markercells` node.
                                     * @attribute markercellsNode
                                     * return {Node}
                                    markercellsNode: {
                                        valueFn: '_valueMarkercellsNode'
                                     * Contains the function that returns the `times` node.
                                     * @attribute timesNode
                                     * return {Node}
                                    timesNode: {
                                        valueFn: '_valueTimesNode'
                                 * Contains an object hash, defining how attribute values are to be parsed
                                 * from markup contained in the widget's bounding box.
                                 * @property HTML_PARSER
                                 * @default defaultName
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @static
                                HTML_PARSER: {
                                    colDaysNode: getNodeListHTMLParser('.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLDAY, 1),
                                    colHeaderDaysNode: getNodeListHTMLParser('.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY, 2),
                                    currentTimeNode: '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_CURRENT_TIME,
                                    headerTableNode: '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_TABLE,
                                    headerViewLabelNode: '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_VIEW_LABEL,
                                    markercellsNode: getNodeListHTMLParser('.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_MARKERCELL, 24),
                                    resizerNode: '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_RESIZER,
                                    tableNode: '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE,
                                    timesNode: getNodeListHTMLParser('.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_TIME, 24)
                                 * Static property used to define which component it extends.
                                 * @property EXTENDS
                                 * @type {Object}
                                 * @static
                                EXTENDS: A.SchedulerView,
                                prototype: {
                                     * Construction logic executed during `SchedulerDayView` instantiation.
                                     * Lifecycle.
                                     * @method initializer
                                     * @protected
                                    initializer: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.colDaysNode = instance.get('colDaysNode');
                                        instance.colHeaderDaysNode = instance.get('colHeaderDaysNode');
                                        instance.currentTimeNode = instance.get('currentTimeNode');
                                        instance.headerTableNode = instance.get('headerTableNode');
                                        instance.markercellsNode = instance.get('markercellsNode');
                                        instance.resizerNode = instance.get('resizerNode');
                                        instance.tableNode = instance.get('tableNode');
                                        instance.timesNode = instance.get('timesNode');
                                        instance.activeColumn = null;
                                        instance.columnData ='.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_COLDATA);
                                        instance.columnDayHeader ='.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_COL);
                                        instance.columnShims = instance.colDaysNode.all('.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL_SHIM);
                                        instance.columnTime ='.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLTIME);
                                        instance.gridContainer ='.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_GRID_CONTAINER);
                                        instance.markersNode ='.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_MARKERS);
                                        if (instance.get('headerView')) {
                                            instance.headerView = new A.SchedulerTableView(
                                     * Destructor implementation. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method destructor
                                     * @protected
                                    destructor: function() {
                                        if (this._eventHandles) {
                                            (new A.EventHandle(this._eventHandles)).detach();
                                     * Renders the `SchedulerDayView` component instance. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method renderUI
                                     * @protected
                                    renderUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (instance.headerView) {
                                            instance.headerView.set('scheduler', instance.get('scheduler'));
                                     * Binds the events on the `SchedulerDayView` UI. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method bindUI
                                     * @protected
                                    bindUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                            'click', A.bind(instance._onClickDaysHeader, instance), '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY);
                                        instance.on('drag:end', instance._onEventDragEnd);
                                        instance.on('drag:start', instance._onEventDragStart);
                                        instance.on('drag:tickAlignY', instance._dragTickAlignY);
                                        instance.on('schedulerChange', instance._onSchedulerChange);
                                        instance.after('drag:align', instance._afterDragAlign);
                                     * Syncs the `SchedulerDayView` UI. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncUI
                                     * @protected
                                    syncUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        SchedulerDayView.superclass.syncUI.apply(this, arguments);
                                        instance.gridContainer.attr('colspan', instance.get('days'));
                                     * Sync SchedulerView StdContent.
                                     * @method syncStdContent
                                    syncStdContent: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                            WidgetStdMod.BODY, instance.tableNode.getDOM());
                                        var headerNodes = A.NodeList.create(instance.headerTableNode);
                                        if (instance.headerView) {
                                        instance.setStdModContent(WidgetStdMod.HEADER, headerNodes);
                                     * Calculates and returns the height of an event based on a given
                                     * `duration`.
                                     * @method calculateEventHeight
                                     * @param {Number} duration The duration of an event.
                                     * @return {Number} The height of an event.
                                    calculateEventHeight: function(duration) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var hourHeight = instance.get('hourHeight');
                                        return Math.max(duration * (hourHeight / 60), hourHeight / 2);
                                     * Calculates and returns the value needed to get the `top` property
                                     * give a `date`.
                                     * @method calculateTop
                                     * @param {Date} date
                                     * @return {Number} The value needed to get the `top` property give a
                                     *     `date`.
                                    calculateTop: function(date) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return ((date.getHours() * 60) + date.getMinutes() +
                                            (date.getSeconds() / 60)) * (instance.get('hourHeight') / 60);
                                     * Returns the value of the date that follows the day view's current
                                     * date.
                                     * @method getNextDate
                                     * @return {Date}
                                    getNextDate: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var viewDate = instance.get('scheduler').get('viewDate');
                                        return DateMath.toLastHour(DateMath.add(viewDate, DateMath.DAY, 1));
                                     * Returns the value of the date that preceeds the day view's current
                                     * date.
                                     * @method getPrevDate
                                     * @return {Date}
                                    getPrevDate: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var viewDate = instance.get('scheduler').get('viewDate');
                                        return DateMath.toMidnight(DateMath.subtract(viewDate, DateMath.DAY, 1));
                                     * Returns the column `Node` determined by a given `Date`.
                                     * @method getColumnByDate
                                     * @param {Date} date
                                     * @return {Number} The column `Node` determined by a given `Date`.
                                    getColumnByDate: function(date) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return instance.colDaysNode.item(instance.getDateDaysOffset(date));
                                     * Returns the column shim `Node` determined by a given `Date`.
                                     * @method getColumnShimByDate
                                     * @param {Date} date
                                     * @return {Number} The column shim `Node` determined by a given `Date`.
                                    getColumnShimByDate: function(date) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return instance.columnShims.item(instance.getDateDaysOffset(date));
                                     * Returns the `Date` determined by a given column `Node`.
                                     * @method getDateByColumn
                                     * @param colNumber
                                     * @return The `Date` determined by a given column `Node`.
                                    getDateByColumn: function(colNumber) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var viewDate = DateMath.safeClearTime(
                                        return DateMath.add(viewDate, DateMath.DAY, colNumber);
                                     * Returns the number of offset days.
                                     * @method getDateDaysOffset
                                     * @param {Date} date
                                     * @return {Number} The number of offset days.
                                    getDateDaysOffset: function(date) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var viewDate = DateMath.safeClearTime(
                                        return DateMath.countDays(
                                            DateMath.safeClearTime(date), viewDate);
                                     * Returns the time at the Y coordinate from a given top position.
                                     * @method getYCoordTime
                                     * @param {Number} top
                                     * @return {Array}
                                    getYCoordTime: function(top) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var hourHeight = instance.get('hourHeight');
                                        var prop = toNumber((top / hourHeight).toFixed(2));
                                        // Isolate the decimals and convert to minutes: (prop*100)%100*0.6.
                                        var minutes = Math.floor((prop * 100) % 100 * 0.6);
                                        var hours = Math.floor(prop);
                                        return [hours, minutes, 0];
                                     * Plots a given event for the day view.
                                     * @method plotEvent
                                     * @param {A.SchedulerEvent} evt A `Scheduler` event.
                                    plotEvent: function(evt) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var nodeList = evt.get('node');
                                        if (nodeList.size() < 2) {
                                        var node = evt.get('node').item(0);
                                        var paddingNode = evt.get('node').item(1);
                                        var endShim = instance.getColumnShimByDate(evt.get('endDate'));
                                        var startShim = instance.getColumnShimByDate(evt.get('startDate'));
                                        if (startShim) {
                                            if (evt.get('visible')) {
                                        else {
                                        if (endShim) {
                                            if (endShim.compareTo(startShim) || evt.isDayBoundaryEvent()) {
                                            else {
                                                if (evt.get('visible')) {
                                        else {
                                     * Plots all events in the current view.
                                     * @method plotEvents
                                    plotEvents: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                        var filterFn = instance.get('filterFn');
                                        instance.columnShims.each(function(colShimNode, i) {
                                            var columnEvents = scheduler.getEventsByDay(instance.getDateByColumn(i), true);
                                            var plottedEvents = [];
                                            A.Array.each(columnEvents, function(evt) {
                                                if (filterFn.apply(instance, [evt])) {
                                     * Scrolls to given date.
                                     * @method scrollToDate
                                     * @param {Date} date The date to scroll to
                                    scrollToDate: function(date) {
                                        var scrollNode = this.get('boundingBox').one('.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_SCROLLABLE);
                                        if (this.get('scrollable') && scrollNode) {
                                            scrollNode.set('scrollTop', this.calculateTop(date));
                                     * Syncs the `SchedulerView` `columns` instance. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncColumnsUI
                                    syncColumnsUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var todayDate = instance.get('scheduler').get('todayDate');
                                        instance.colDaysNode.each(function(columnNode, i) {
                                            var columnDate = instance.getDateByColumn(i);
                                                CSS_SCHEDULER_TODAY, !DateMath.isDayOverlap(columnDate, todayDate));
                                     * Syncs the `SchedulerView` current time marker. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncCurrentTimeUI
                                    syncCurrentTimeUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                        var currentTime = scheduler.get('currentTimeFn');
                                        currentTime(A.bind(instance._moveCurrentTimeNode, instance));
                                     * Syncs the `SchedulerView` `daysHeader` instance. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncDaysHeaderUI
                                    syncDaysHeaderUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var viewDate = instance.get('scheduler').get('viewDate');
                                        var formatter = instance.get('headerDateFormatter');
                                        var todayDate = instance.get('scheduler').get('todayDate');
                                            function(columnNode, i) {
                                                var columnDate = DateMath.add(viewDate, DateMath.DAY, i);
                                                    CSS_SCHEDULER_TODAY_HD, !DateMath.isDayOverlap(columnDate, todayDate));
                                                columnNode.html(, columnDate));
                                     * Syncs the `SchedulerView` `eventsIntersection` instance. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncEventsIntersectionUI
                                     * @param {Array} columnEvents
                                    syncEventsIntersectionUI: function(columnEvents) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var insertedNodes = [];
                                        var eventWidth = instance.get('eventWidth');
                                        A.Array.each(columnEvents, function(colEvt) {
                                            var intercessors = instance.findEventIntersections(
                                                colEvt, columnEvents);
                                            var i = 0;
                                            var total = intercessors.length;
                                            var distributionRate = (eventWidth / total);
                                            A.Array.each(intercessors, function(evt) {
                                                var clientId = evt.get('clientId');
                                                var nodeIndex = A.Array.indexOf(insertedNodes, clientId);
                                                if (nodeIndex === -1) {
                                                    nodeIndex = 0;
                                                    if (evt._filtered) {
                                                        nodeIndex = 1;
                                                    var evtNode = evt.get('node').item(nodeIndex);
                                                    var left = distributionRate * i;
                                                    var width = distributionRate * 1.7;
                                                    if (i === (total - 1)) {
                                                        width = eventWidth - left;
                                                    evtNode.setStyle('width', width + '%');
                                                    evtNode.setStyle('left', left + '%');
                                                    if (total > 1) {
                                                    else {
                                                    var evtParentNode = evtNode.get('parentNode');
                                                    if (evtParentNode) {
                                                        evtParentNode.insert(evtNode, i);
                                                    evt._filtered = true;
                                                    i = i + 1;
                                     * Syncs the `SchedulerView` `eventHeight` instance. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncEventHeightUI
                                     * @param {A.SchedulerEvent} evt A `Scheduler` event.
                                    syncEventHeightUI: function(evt) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var endDate = evt.get('endDate');
                                        var startDate = evt.get('startDate');
                                        var maxVisibleDate = DateMath.clone(startDate);
                                        maxVisibleDate.setHours(24, 0, 0);
                                        var minutesOffset = DateMath.getMinutesOffset(
                                            instance.limitDate(endDate, maxVisibleDate), startDate);
                                        evt.get('node').item(0).set('offsetHeight', instance.calculateEventHeight(minutesOffset));
                                        var paddingNode = evt.get('node').item(1);
                                        if (paddingNode.inDoc()) {
                                            var paddingMinutesOffset = DateMath.getMinutesOffset(
                                                endDate, DateMath.toMidnight(evt.getClearEndDate()));
                                            paddingNode.set('offsetHeight', instance.calculateEventHeight(paddingMinutesOffset));
                                     * Syncs the `SchedulerView` `eventTop` instance. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncEventTopUI
                                     * @param {A.SchedulerEvent} evt A `Scheduler` event.
                                    syncEventTopUI: function(evt) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                            'top', instance.calculateTop(evt.get('startDate')) + 'px');
                                        evt.get('node').item(1).setStyle('top', 0);
                                     * Syncs the `SchedulerView` `headerView` instance. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method syncHeaderViewUI
                                    syncHeaderViewUI: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (instance.get('headerView')) {
                                            var headerView = instance.headerView;
                                            var headerNode = instance.headerNode;
                                            if (headerNode) {
                                                headerNode.setStyle('overflowY', 'scroll');
                                            var headerViewBB = headerView.get('boundingBox');
                                            var headerViewData ='.' + CSS_SVT_TABLE_DATA);
                                            var height = Math.max(headerViewData.get('offsetHeight'), 40);
                                            headerView.set('height', height);
                                     * Calculates the Y delta between two XY coordinates.
                                     * @method calculateYDelta
                                     * @param {Array} startXY The starting XY coords
                                     * @param {Array} xy The XY coords to compare to the starting XY coords
                                    calculateYDelta: function(startXY, xy) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return (xy[1] - startXY[1]) / (instance.get('hourHeight') / 2) * 30;
                                     * Returns a collection of `SchedulerEvents` as the parameter `events`
                                     * that intersect with `evt`.
                                     * @method findEventIntersections
                                     * @param {A.SchedulerEvent} evt A `Scheduler` event.
                                     * @param {Array} Array of intersecting `SchedulerEvent`s.
                                     * @return {Array}
                                    findEventIntersections: function(evt, events) {
                                        var group = [];
                                        A.Array.each(events, function(evtCmp) {
                                            if (evtCmp.get('visible') && evt.intersects(evtCmp)) {
                                        return group;
                                     * Calculates the XY delta between the `event.currentTarget` XY
                                     * coordinates as well as the XY coordinates from the event page.
                                     * @method getXYDelta
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                    getXYDelta: function(event) {
                                        var xy = event.currentTarget.getXY(),
                                            pageXY = [event.pageX, event.pageY];
                                        return, function(val, i) {
                                            return (pageXY[i] - val);
                                     * Returns the nearest multiple of 10 to half the height of this
                                     * `SchedulerView`.
                                     * @method getTickY
                                     * @return {Number} The nearest multiple of 10 to half the height of
                                     * this `SchedulerView`.
                                    getTickY: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return roundToNearestMultiple(
                                            Math.ceil(instance.get('hourHeight') / 2), 10);
                                     * Rounds a given `Date` to a given hour represented as time.
                                     * @method roundToNearestHour
                                     * @param {Date} date
                                     * @param {Array} time Time value used to compute value
                                    roundToNearestHour: function(date, time) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                            roundToNearestMultiple(time[1], instance.getTickY()),
                                     * Handles `dragAlign` events.
                                     * @method _afterDragAlign
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterDragAlign: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var dd =;
                                        if (!instance.startXY) {
                                            instance.startXY = dd.actXY;
                                        dd.actXY[0] = null;
                                     * Binds the events related to the mouse.
                                     * @method _bindMouseEvents
                                     * @protected
                                    _bindMouseEvents: function() {
                                            'gesturemovestart', A.bind(this._onGestureMoveStartTableCol, this), '.' +
                                            'mouseenter', A.bind(this._onMouseEnterEvent, this), '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT);
                                            'mouseleave', A.bind(this._onMouseLeaveEvent, this), '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_EVENT);
                                            A.bind(this._onGestureMoveTableCol, this),
                                            '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLDAY,
                                            {standAlone: true}
                                            'gesturemoveend', A.bind(this._onGestureMoveEndTableCol, this), '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL);
                                     * Fired after the `visible` attribute changes.
                                     * @method _afterVisibleChange
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterVisibleChange: function() {
                                        if (this.get('visible')) {
                                     * Binds the listener that updates the current time marker every minute.
                                     * @method _bindCurrentTimeInterval
                                     * @protected
                                    _bindCurrentTimeInterval: function() {
                                        this._currentTimeInterval = setInterval(A.bind(this.syncCurrentTimeUI, this), 60000);
                                     * Aligns the dragging `SchedulerEvent` to the X axis while bound to the
                                     * Y axis on the `activeColumn`.
                                     * @method _dragTickAlignX
                                     * @param {Node} activeColumn
                                     * @protected
                                    _dragTickAlignX: function(activeColumn) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var draggingEvent = instance.draggingEvent;
                                        if (draggingEvent && !instance.resizing) {
                                            var placeholder = instance.eventPlaceholder;
                                            var delta = toNumber(activeColumn.attr('data-colnumber')) - instance.startColNumber;
                                            instance.draggingEventStartDate = DateMath.add(draggingEvent.get('startDate'), DateMath.DAY, delta);
                                            var startDate = DateMath.clone(instance.draggingEventStartDate);
                                            DateMath.copyHours(startDate, placeholder.get('startDate'));
                                            placeholder.move(startDate, {
                                                silent: true
                                     * Aligns the dragging `SchedulerEvent` to the Y axis by either setting
                                     * the end date if the event is a `resize`, or moves the event
                                     * otherwise.
                                     * @method _dragTickAlignY
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _dragTickAlignY: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var draggingEvent = instance.draggingEvent;
                                        if (draggingEvent) {
                                            var dd ='host');
                                            var placeholder = instance.eventPlaceholder;
                                            var delta = instance.calculateYDelta(instance.startXY, dd.actXY);
                                            if (instance.resizing) {
                                                var endDate = DateMath.add(instance.draggingEventEndDate, DateMath.MINUTES, delta);
                                                if (DateMath.getMinutesOffset(endDate, instance.draggingEventStartDate) < 30) {
                                                placeholder.set('endDate', endDate, {
                                                    silent: true
                                            else {
                                                placeholder.move(DateMath.add(instance.draggingEventStartDate, DateMath.MINUTES, delta), {
                                                    silent: true
                                     * Finds and returns the column related to the given event.
                                     * @method _findActiveColumn
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _findActiveColumn: function(event) {
                                        return event.currentTarget;
                                     * Move the red line representing the current time to a specific point,
                                     * determined by the given {Date} object.
                                     * @method _moveCurrentTimeNode
                                     * @param {Date} time
                                     * @protected
                                    _moveCurrentTimeNode: function(time) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var currentTimeNode = instance.get('currentTimeNode');
                                        var todayColumn = instance.colDaysNode.get('parentNode').one('.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_TODAY);
                                        if (todayColumn) {
                                  '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL_SHIM).append(currentTimeNode);
                                            currentTimeNode.setStyle('top', instance.calculateTop(time) + 'px');
                                        else {
                                     * Configures a `DD.Delegate` that handles `DD` events for this
                                     * `SchedulerDayView`.
                                     * @method _setupDragDrop
                                     * @protected
                                    _setupDragDrop: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            placeholder = instance.eventPlaceholder;
                                        if (!placeholder) {
                                            var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                            placeholder = new scheduler.eventModel({
                                                scheduler: scheduler
                                            placeholder.set('visible', false, {
                                                silent: true
                                            instance.eventPlaceholder = placeholder;
                                        if (!instance.delegate) {
                                            instance.delegate = new A.DD.Delegate(
                                        var dd = instance.delegate.dd;
                                        var region = instance.bodyNode.get('region');
                                        region.bottom = Infinity;
                               = -Infinity;
                                        dd.plug(A.Plugin.DDConstrained, {
                                            bubbleTargets: instance,
                                            constrain: region,
                                            stickY: true,
                                            tickY: instance.get('hourHeight') / 2
                                        dd.plug(A.Plugin.DDNodeScroll, {
                                            node: instance.bodyNode,
                                            scrollDelay: 150
                                     * Sets `date` on the UI.
                                     * @method _uiSetDate
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetDate: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Handles `clickDays` events.
                                     * @method _onClickDaysHeader
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onClickDaysHeader: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                        if ('a, a span')) {
                                            var dayView = scheduler.getViewByName('day');
                                            if (dayView) {
                                                var colNumber = toNumber(event.currentTarget.attr('data-colnumber'));
                                                scheduler.set('date', instance.getDateByColumn(colNumber));
                                                scheduler.set('activeView', dayView);
                                     * Handles `eventDrag` events.
                                     * @method _onEventDragEnd
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onEventDragEnd: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var draggingEvent = instance.draggingEvent;
                                        if (draggingEvent) {
                                            var placeholder = instance.eventPlaceholder;
                                            placeholder.set('visible', false, {
                                                silent: true
                                            draggingEvent.set('visible', true, {
                                                silent: true
                                        instance.startXY = null;
                                        instance.draggingEvent = null;
                                     * Handles `eventDrag` events.
                                     * @method _onEventDragStart
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onEventDragStart: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var draggingEvent = instance.draggingEvent =
                                        if (draggingEvent) {
                                            var placeholder = instance.eventPlaceholder;
                                            placeholder.copyPropagateAttrValues(draggingEvent, null, {
                                                silent: true
                                            draggingEvent.set('visible', false, {
                                                silent: true
                                            instance.draggingEventStartDate = DateMath.clone(draggingEvent.get('startDate'));
                                            instance.draggingEventEndDate = DateMath.clone(draggingEvent.get('endDate'));
                                            var startColumn = instance.getColumnByDate(draggingEvent.get('startDate'));
                                            instance.startColNumber = startColumn ? toNumber(startColumn.attr('data-colnumber')) : 0;
                                     * Handles `gesturemoveend` events.
                                     * @method _onGestureMoveEndTableCol
                                     * @protected
                                    _onGestureMoveEndTableCol: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                        var recorder = scheduler.get('eventRecorder');
                                        if (recorder && !scheduler.get('disabled')) {
                                            if (!instance.recorderPlotted) {
                                                var startDate = recorder.get('startDate');
                                                var duration = recorder.get('duration');
                                                var endDate = DateMath.add(startDate, DateMath.MINUTES, duration);
                                                recorder.set('endDate', endDate, {
                                                    silent: true
                                            if (instance.creationStartDate) {
                                        instance.creationStartDate = null;
                                        instance.recorderPlotted = false;
                                        instance.resizing = false;
                                        instance.startXY = null;
                                     * Handles `gestureMoveStart` events.
                                     * @method _onGestureMoveStartTableCol
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onGestureMoveStartTableCol: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var target =;
                                        var scheduler = instance.get('scheduler');
                                        var recorder = scheduler.get('eventRecorder');
                                        if (recorder && !scheduler.get('disabled')) {
                                            if (target.test('.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COL_SHIM)) {
                                                this._prepareEventCreation(event, 30);
                                            else if (target.test(
                                                        ['.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_RESIZER,
                                                         '.' + CSS_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_RESIZER_ICON].join(','))) {
                                                instance.resizing = true;
                                     * Handles `gesturemove` events.
                                     * @method _onGestureMoveTableCol
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onGestureMoveTableCol: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var activeColumn = this._findActiveColumn(event);
                                        var recorder = instance.get('scheduler').get('eventRecorder');
                                        if (instance.activeColumn !== activeColumn) {
                                            instance.activeColumn = activeColumn;
                                        var creationStartDate = instance.creationStartDate;
                                        if (creationStartDate) {
                                            var delta = roundToNearestMultiple(
                                                instance.calculateYDelta(instance.startXY, [event.pageX, event.pageY]),
                                            var down = (delta >= instance._delta);
                                            if (instance._delta !== delta) {
                                                if (delta > 0) {
                                                    var newDelta = down ? Math.max(delta, recorder.get('duration')) : delta;
                                                    recorder.set('endDate', DateMath.add(creationStartDate, DateMath.MINUTES, newDelta), {
                                                        silent: true
                                                else {
                                                    recorder.set('startDate', DateMath.add(creationStartDate, DateMath.MINUTES, delta), {
                                                        silent: true
                                                instance.recorderPlotted = true;
                                                instance._delta = delta;
                                     * Handles `mouseEnter` events.
                                     * @method _onMouseEnterEvent
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onMouseEnterEvent: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var target = event.currentTarget;
                                        var evt = target.getData('scheduler-event');
                                        if (evt && !evt.get('disabled')) {
                                     * Handles `mouseLeave` events.
                                     * @method _onMouseLeaveEvent
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onMouseLeaveEvent: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (!instance.resizing) {
                                     * Handles `scheduler` value change.
                                     * @method _onSchedulerChange
                                     * @param {EventFacade} event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onSchedulerChange: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (instance.headerView) {
                                            instance.headerView.set('scheduler', event.newVal);
                                     * Prepares for the creation of a new scheduler event.
                                     * @method _prepareEventCreation
                                     * @protected
                                    _prepareEventCreation: function(event, duration) {
                                        var clickLeftTop = this.getXYDelta(event),
                                            colNumber = toNumber(event.currentTarget.attr('data-colnumber')),
                                            startDate = this.getDateByColumn(colNumber),
                                            recorder = this.get('scheduler').get('eventRecorder');
                                        this.startXY = [event.pageX, event.pageY];
                                        this.roundToNearestHour(startDate, this.getYCoordTime(clickLeftTop[1]));
                                        if (!duration) {
                                            duration = recorder.get('duration');
                                        endDate = DateMath.add(startDate, DateMath.MINUTES, duration);
                                        recorder.move(startDate, {
                                            silent: true
                                            allDay: false,
                                            endDate: endDate
                                        }, {
                                            silent: true
                                        this.creationStartDate = startDate;
                                     * Removes the `SchedulerView`'s resizer `Node` from the DOM.
                                     * @method _removeResizer
                                     * @protected
                                    _removeResizer: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                     * Returns the value of `colDaysNode`.
                                     * @method _valueColDaysNode
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Node} The value of `colDaysNode`.
                                    _valueColDaysNode: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var days = instance.get('days');
                                        var buffer = [],
                                            colNumber = 0;
                                        while (days--) {
                                                A.Lang.sub(TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_COLDAY, {
                                                    colNumber: colNumber++
                                        return A.NodeList.create(buffer.join(''));
                                     * Returns the `colHeaderDaysNode` value.
                                     * @method _valueColHeaderDaysNode
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Node} The `colHeaderDaysNode` value.
                                    _valueColHeaderDaysNode: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var days = instance.get('days');
                                        var buffer = [],
                                            colNumber = 0;
                                        while (days--) {
                                                A.Lang.sub(TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_HEADER_DAY, {
                                                    colNumber: colNumber++
                                        return A.NodeList.create(buffer.join(''));
                                     * Returns the `markercellsNode` value.
                                     * @method _valueMarkercellsNode
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Node} The `markercellsNode` value.
                                    _valueMarkercellsNode: function() {
                                        var buffer = [],
                                        for (i = 0; i <= 23; i++) {
                                        return A.NodeList.create(buffer.join(''));
                                     * Returns the `timesNode` value.
                                     * @method _valueTimesNode
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Node} The `timesNode` value.
                                    _valueTimesNode: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        var isoTime = instance.get('isoTime');
                                        var buffer = [],
                                        for (hour = 0; hour <= 23; hour++) {
                                                    TPL_SCHEDULER_VIEW_DAY_TABLE_TIME, {
                                                        hour: isoTime ? DateMath.toIsoTimeString(hour) : DateMath.toUsTimeString(hour, false,
                                        return A.NodeList.create(buffer.join(''));
                            A.SchedulerDayView = SchedulerDayView;