                             * The TabView Component
                             * @module aui-tabview
                            var Lang = A.Lang,
                                isBoolean = Lang.isBoolean,
                                getClassName = A.getClassName;
                            A.TabviewBase._classNames = {
                                selectedPanel: getClassName('active'),
                                selectedTab: getClassName('active'),
                                tab: getClassName('tab'),
                                tabLabel: getClassName('tab', 'label'),
                                tabPanel: getClassName('tab', 'pane'),
                                tabview: getClassName('tabbable'),
                                tabviewList: getClassName('nav'),
                                tabviewListStacked: getClassName('nav', 'stacked'),
                                tabviewPanel: getClassName('tab', 'content')
                            A.TabviewBase._queries = {
                                selectedPanel: '> div ' + '.' + A.TabviewBase._classNames.selectedPanel,
                                selectedTab: '> ul > ' + '.' + A.TabviewBase._classNames.selectedTab,
                                tab: '> ul > li:not(.nav-header)',
                                tabLabel: '> ul > li:not(.nav-header) > a',
                                tabPanel: '> div > div',
                                tabview: '.' + A.TabviewBase._classNames.tabview,
                                tabviewList: '> ul',
                                tabviewPanel: '> div'
                            A.Tab.CSS_PREFIX = getClassName('tab');
                            A.Tab.NAME = 'tab';
                             * A base class for Tab.
                             * Check the [live demo](
                             * @class A.Tab
                             * @extends Tab
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                             * @example
                            <div id="myTab">
                              <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
                                <li><a href="#tab-1">Tab #1</a></li>
                                <li class="active"><a href="#tab-2">Tab #2</a></li>
                                <li><a href="#tab-3">Tab #3</a></li>
                              <div class="tab-content">
                                <div id="tab-1" class="tab-pane">
                                  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus dicta aspernatur beatae fuga neque cupiditate laudantium itaque pariatur deleniti tenetur modi voluptatem animi sunt eligendi nisi corporis expedita quaerat facilis.</p>
                                <div id="tab-2">
                                  <p>Doloremque beatae rem voluptate nulla perspiciatis atque laudantium nihil impedit molestiae fuga veritatis quibusdam nam maiores aliquid. Deserunt dolorum quas temporibus enim ex nihil nemo perspiciatis. Nisi deserunt rem id pariatur in nostrum?</p>
                                <div id="tab-3" class="tab-pane">
                                  <p>Aliquid ipsum asperiores alias temporibus autem impedit soluta ut id iure explicabo veritatis consectetur debitis eaque recusandae odit quas nobis maxime saepe. Incidunt amet obcaecati. Ducimus soluta unde repellat laboriosam fuga modi rem itaque!</p>
                             * @example
                              function(Y) {
                                new Y.TabView(
                                    srcNode: '#myTab'
                            A.Tab = A.Component.create({
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
                                 * @property NAME
                                 * @type String
                                 * @static
                                NAME: 'tab',
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                 * configuration for the Tab.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * Defines if the tabs should be enable or not.
                                     * @attribute disabled
                                     * @type Boolean
                                    disabled: {
                                        validator: isBoolean,
                                        valueFn: '_valueDisabled'
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the CSS prefix.
                                 * @property CSS_PREFIX
                                 * @type String
                                 * @static
                                CSS_PREFIX: getClassName('tab'),
                                 * Static property used to define which component it extends.
                                 * @property EXTENDS
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @static
                                EXTENDS: A.Tab,
                                prototype: {
                                     * Construction logic executed during Tab instantiation. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method initializer
                                     * @protected
                                    initializer: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.on('selectedChange', instance._onTabSelectedChange);
                                        A.after(instance._afterUiSetDisabled, instance, '_uiSetDisabled');
                                     * Fire after `disabled` attribute been set on the UI.
                                     * @method _afterUiSetDisabled
                                     * @param val
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterUiSetDisabled: function(val) { // TODO: move to A.Component?
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.get('boundingBox').toggleClass(getClassName('disabled'), val);
                                     * Fire before `selected` attribute change.
                                     * @method _onTabSelectedChange
                                     * @param event
                                     * @protected
                                    _onTabSelectedChange: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        if (instance.get('disabled')) {
                                     * Render tab panel.
                                     * @method _renderPanel
                                     * @protected
                                    _renderPanel: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            tabPanelNode = instance.get('panelNode'),
                                            tabviewPanelNode = instance.get('parent').get('panelNode');
                                        // Overwrite Y.Tab._renderPanel in order to avoid re-appending tab
                                        // panel nodes if they are already in doc. This operation can
                                        // potentially steal focus of internal elements.
                                        if (!tabviewPanelNode.contains(tabPanelNode)) {
                                     * Determines the value of the `disabled` attribute.
                                     * @method _valueDisabled
                                     * @protected
                                     * @return {Boolean}
                                    _valueDisabled: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        return instance.get('boundingBox').hasClass('disabled');
                            A.TabView.NAME = 'tabbable';
                            A.TabView.CSS_PREFIX = getClassName('tabbable');
                             * A base class for TabView.
                             * Check the [live demo](
                             * @class A.TabView
                             * @extends TabView
                             * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying widget configuration
                             *     properties.
                             * @constructor
                            A.TabView = A.Component.create({
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
                                 * @property NAME
                                 * @type String
                                 * @static
                                NAME: 'tabbable',
                                 * Static property provides a string to identify the CSS prefix.
                                 * @property CSS_PREFIX
                                 * @type String
                                 * @static
                                CSS_PREFIX: getClassName('tabbable'),
                                 * Constants for available tab view types.
                                TYPE_TABS: 'tabs',
                                TYPE_LIST: 'list',
                                TYPE_PILLS: 'pills',
                                 * Static property used to define the default attribute
                                 * configuration for the TabView.
                                 * @property ATTRS
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @static
                                ATTRS: {
                                     * Determine the orientation of tabs.
                                     * Can be stacked (vertical) or not (horizontal).
                                     * @attribute stacked
                                     * @default false
                                     * @type {Boolean}
                                    stacked: {
                                        validator: isBoolean,
                                        value: false
                                     * Determine the type of tabs.
                                     * @attribute type
                                     * @default tabs
                                     * @type {String}
                                    type: {
                                        validator: function(val) {
                                            return val === A.TabView.TYPE_LIST ||
                                                val === A.TabView.TYPE_TABS ||
                                                val === A.TabView.TYPE_PILLS;
                                        value: 'tabs'
                                 * Static property used to define the UI attributes.
                                 * @property UI_ATTRS
                                 * @type Array
                                 * @static
                                UI_ATTRS: ['stacked', 'type'],
                                 * Static property used to define which component it extends.
                                 * @property EXTENDS
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @static
                                EXTENDS: A.TabView,
                                 * Static property used to define the augmented classes.
                                 * @property AUGMENTS
                                 * @type Array
                                 * @static
                                AUGMENTS: [A.WidgetCssClass],
                                prototype: {
                                     * Construction logic executed during TabView instantiation. Lifecycle.
                                     * @method initializer
                                     * @protected
                                    initializer: function() {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.after(instance._afterSyncUI, instance, 'syncUI');
                                        instance.after('typeChange', instance._afterTypeChange);
                                     * Disable tab based on its index.
                                     * @method disableTab
                                     * @param i
                                    disableTab: function(i) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.item(i).set('disabled', true);
                                     * Enable tab based on its index.
                                     * @method enableTab
                                     * @param i
                                    enableTab: function(i) {
                                        var instance = this;
                                        instance.item(i).set('disabled', false);
                                     * Get the active tab.
                                     * @method getActiveTab
                                    getActiveTab: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            _queries = A.TabviewBase._queries;
                                        return instance.get('contentBox').one(_queries.selectedTab);
                                     * Get the tabs.
                                     * @method getTabs
                                    getTabs: function() {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            _queries = A.TabviewBase._queries;
                                        return instance.get('contentBox').all(;
                                     * Fire after selected tab changes.
                                     * @method _afterSelectionChange
                                     * @param event
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterSelectionChange: function(event) {
                                        var newVal = event.newVal,
                                            prevVal = event.prevVal,
                                            selectedTabClassName = A.TabviewBase._classNames.selectedTab;
                                        A.TabView.superclass._afterSelectionChange.apply(this, arguments);
                                        if (newVal) {
                                        if (prevVal) {
                                     * Fire after `type` attribute changes.
                                     * @method _afterTypeChange
                                     * @param event
                                     * @protected
                                    _afterTypeChange: function(event) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            listNode = instance.get('listNode');
                                        if (event.prevVal) {
                                            listNode.removeClass(getClassName('nav', event.prevVal));
                                     * Check if the child is already inDoc to avoid be appended to the
                                     * renderTo node.
                                     * @method _renderChildren
                                     * @protected
                                    _renderChildren: function() { // TODO: file issue on YUI.
                                        var instance = this,
                                            renderTo = instance._childrenContainer || instance.get('contentBox');
                                        instance._childrenContainer = renderTo;
                                        instance.each(function(child) {
                                            if (child.get('boundingBox').inDoc()) {
                                                renderTo = null;
                                     * Set the `type` attribute on the UI.
                                     * @method _uiSetType
                                     * @param val
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetType: function(val) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            listNode = instance.get('listNode');
                                        // Stacked tab views can't have the 'nav-tabs' class, they need
                                        // to only have 'nav-stacked' instead.
                                        if (val !== A.TabView.TYPE_TABS || !this.get('stacked')) {
                                            listNode.addClass(getClassName('nav', val));
                                     * Toggle `stacked` attribute on the UI.
                                     * @method _uiSetStacked
                                     * @param val
                                     * @protected
                                    _uiSetStacked: function(val) {
                                        var instance = this,
                                            listNode = instance.get('listNode');
                                            A.TabviewBase._classNames.tabviewListStacked, val);
                                        if (this.get('type') === A.TabView.TYPE_TABS) {
                                            listNode.toggleClass(getClassName('nav', A.TabView.TYPE_TABS), !val);