                             * Provides a class extension which can be used to animate widget visibility
                             * changes.
                             * @module aui-widget-transition
                            var Lang = A.Lang;
                             * Widget extension, which can be used to add toggle visibility support to the
                             * base Widget class, through the [](Base.html#method_build)
                             * method.
                             * @class A.WidgetTransition
                             * @constructor
                            function WidgetTransition() {
                                var instance = this;
                                // Store reference for the host class _uiSetVisible during class creation.
                                instance._uiSetVisibleHost = instance._uiSetVisible;
                             * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration.
                             * @property ATTRS
                             * @type Object
                             * @static
                            WidgetTransition.ATTRS = {
                                 * Determine if the transitions will animate or not.
                                 * @attribute animated
                                 * @default false
                                 * @type Boolean
                                 * @writeOnce
                                animated: {
                                    validator: Lang.isBoolean,
                                    value: false
                                 * Determine the `delay` (in milliseconds) after widget's transition
                                 * animation. By default there's no delay. Can pass as parameter
                                 * a object `{show: value, hide: value}` or a single value 'Number'.
                                 * @attribute delay
                                 * @default { show: 0, hide: 0 }
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @writeOnce
                                delay: {
                                    setter: '_setDelay',
                                    value: {
                                        show: 0,
                                        hide: 0
                                 * Determine the duration of the transition.
                                 * @attribute duration
                                 * @default 0.15
                                 * @type Number
                                duration: {
                                    validator: Lang.isNumber,
                                    value: 0.15
                                 * Determine the opacity.
                                 * @attribute opacity
                                 * @default 1
                                 * @type Number
                                opacity: {
                                    validator: Lang.isNumber,
                                    value: 1
                                 * Determine the duration (in milliseconds) for the widget to stick
                                 * visibility after the trigger element. By default the stick duration is
                                 * not specified.
                                 * @deprecated As of 2.0.0 replaced by attribute `delay`.
                                 * @attribute stickDuration
                                 * @type Number
                                stickDuration: {
                                    lazyAdd: false,
                                    setter: '_setStickDuration',
                                    validator: Lang.isNumber
                            WidgetTransition.prototype = {
                                 * Stores the `Y.later` context object.
                                 * @property _hideTimer
                                 * @type Object
                                 * @protected
                                _hideTimer: null,
                                 * Destructor lifecycle implementation for the `A.WidgetTransition` class.
                                 * @method destructor
                                 * @protected
                                destructor: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                 * Construction logic executed during `A.WidgetTransition` instantiation.
                                 * Lifecycle.
                                 * @method initializer
                                 * @protected
                                initializer: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    A.on(instance._onUiSetVisibleWidgetTranstion, instance, '_uiSetVisible');
                                 * Helper method called to clear the close timer.
                                 * @method _clearHideTimer
                                 * @protected
                                _clearHideTimer: function() {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    if (instance._hideTimer) {
                                        instance._hideTimer = null;
                                 * Maybe hides if `stickDuration` do not prevent.
                                 * @method _maybeHide
                                 * @protected
                                _maybeHide: function() {
                                    var instance = this,
                                        delay = instance.get('delay');
                                    instance._hideTimer = A.later(delay.hide, instance, instance._transition, false);
                                 * Maybe shows if `stickDuration` do not prevent.
                                 * @method _maybeShow
                                 * @protected
                                _maybeShow: function() {
                                    var instance = this,
                                        delay = instance.get('delay');
                                    A.later(, instance, instance._transition, true);
                                 * Set the `delay` attribute.
                                 * @method _setDelay
                                 * @param {Object | Number} val Delay value
                                 * @protected
                                _setDelay: function(val) {
                                    if (Lang.isNumber(val)) {
                                        return {
                                            show: val,
                                            hide: val
                                    return val;
                                 * Set `delay:hide` to `stickDuration` value.
                                 * @method _onStickDurationChange
                                 * @protected
                                _setStickDuration: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    instance.set('delay.hide', val);
                                    return val;
                                 * Fire after `boundingBox` style changes.
                                 * @method _afterUiSetVisible
                                 * @param val
                                 * @protected
                                _onUiSetVisibleWidgetTranstion: function(val) {
                                    var instance = this;
                                    if (instance.get('animated')) {
                                        if (val) {
                                        else {
                                        return new A.Do.Prevent();
                                 * Prepare the widget to be animated.
                                 * @method _prepareTransition
                                 * @param {Boolean} visible When `true`, fade in the element, otherwise
                                 *     fades out.
                                 * @protected
                                _prepareTransition: function(visible) {
                                    var instance = this,
                                        boundingBox = instance.get('boundingBox');
                                    if (visible) {
                                        // when transitioning to visible invoke the host _uiSetVisible implementation...
                                        // then make sure the opacity transition goes from 0 to 1.
                                        boundingBox.setStyle('opacity', 0);
                                 * Shows or hides depending on the passed parameter, when no parameter is
                                 * specified the default behavior is to hide the element.
                                 * @method _transition
                                 * @param {Boolean} visible When `true`, fade in the element, otherwise
                                 *     fades out.
                                 * @protected
                                _transition: function(visible) {
                                    var instance = this,
                                        boundingBox = instance.get('boundingBox');
                                            duration: instance.get('duration'),
                                            opacity: visible ? instance.get('opacity') : 0
                                        function() {
                                            boundingBox.toggleClass('in', visible);
                            A.WidgetTransition = WidgetTransition;