                            A Widget for displaying tabular data.  The base implementation of DataTable
                            provides the ability to dynamically generate an HTML table from a set of column
                            configurations and row data.
                            Two classes are included in the `datatable-base` module: `Y.DataTable` and
                            @module datatable
                            @submodule datatable-base
                            @main datatable
                            @since 3.5.0
                            // DataTable API docs included before DataTable.Base to make yuidoc work
                            A Widget for displaying tabular data.  Before feature modules are `use()`d,
                            this class is functionally equivalent to DataTable.Base.  However, feature
                            modules can modify this class in non-destructive ways, expanding the API and
                            This is the primary DataTable class.  Out of the box, it provides the ability
                            to dynamically generate an HTML table from a set of column configurations and
                            row data.  But feature module inclusion can add table sorting, pagintaion,
                            highlighting, selection, and more.
                            // The functionality of this table would require additional modules be use()d,
                            // but the feature APIs are aggregated onto Y.DataTable.
                            // (Snippet is for illustration. Not all features are available today.)
                            var table = new Y.DataTable({
                                columns: [
                                    { type: 'checkbox', defaultChecked: true },
                                    { key: 'firstName', sortable: true, resizable: true },
                                    { key: 'lastName', sortable: true },
                                    { key: 'role', formatter: toRoleName }
                                data: {
                                    source: '',
                                    type: 'json',
                                    schema: {
                                        resultListLocator: 'results.users',
                                        fields: [
                                            { key: 'role', type: 'number' }
                                recordType: UserModel,
                                pagedData: {
                                    location: 'footer',
                                    pageSizes: [20, 50, 'all'],
                                    rowsPerPage: 20,
                                    pageLinks: 5
                                editable: true
                            ### Column Configuration
                            The column configurations are set in the form of an array of objects, where
                            each object corresponds to a column.  For columns populated directly from the
                            row data, a 'key' property is required to bind the column to that property or
                            attribute in the row data.
                            Not all columns need to relate to row data, nor do all properties or attributes
                            of the row data need to have a corresponding column.  However, only those
                            columns included in the `columns` configuration attribute will be rendered.
                            Other column configuration properties are supported by the configured
                            `view`, class as well as any features added by plugins or class extensions.
                            See the description of DataTable.TableView and its subviews
                            DataTable.HeaderView, DataTable.BodyView, and DataTable.FooterView (and other
                            DataTable feature classes) to see what column properties they support.
                            Some examples of column configurations would be:
                            // Basic
                            var columns = [{ key: 'firstName' }, { key: 'lastName' }, { key: 'age' }];
                            // For columns without any additional configuration, strings can be used
                            var columns = ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age'];
                            // Multi-row column headers (see DataTable.HeaderView for details)
                            var columns = [
                                    label: 'Name',
                                    children: [
                                        { key: 'firstName' },
                                        { key: 'lastName' }
                                'age' // mixing and matching objects and strings is ok
                            // Including columns that are not related 1:1 to row data fields/attributes
                            // (See DataTable.BodyView for details)
                            var columns = [
                                    label: 'Name', // Needed for the column header
                                    formatter: function (o) {
                                        // Fill the column cells with data from firstName and lastName
                                        if ( > 55) {
                                            o.className += ' senior';
                                        return + ', ' +;
                            // Columns that include feature configurations (for illustration; not all
                            // features are available today).
                            var columns = [
                                { type: 'checkbox', defaultChecked: true },
                                { key: 'firstName', sortable: true, resizable: true, min-width: '300px' },
                                { key: 'lastName', sortable: true, resizable: true, min-width: '300px' },
                                { key: 'age', emptyCellValue: '<em>unknown</em>' }
                            ### Row Data Configuration
                            The `data` configuration attribute is responsible for housing the data objects
                            that will be rendered as rows.  You can provide this information in two ways by default:
                            1. An array of simple objects with key:value pairs
                            2. A ModelList of Base-based class instances (presumably Model subclass
                            If an array of objects is passed, it will be translated into a ModelList filled
                            with instances of the class provided to the `recordType` attribute.  This
                            attribute can also create a custom Model subclass from an array of field names
                            or an object of attribute configurations.  If no `recordType` is provided, one
                            will be created for you from available information (see `_initRecordType`).
                            Providing either your own ModelList instance for `data`, or at least Model
                            class for `recordType`, is the best way to control client-server
                            synchronization when modifying data on the client side.
                            The ModelList instance that manages the table's data is available in the `data`
                            property on the DataTable instance.
                            ### Rendering
                            Table rendering is a collaborative process between the DataTable and its
                            configured `view`. The DataTable creates an instance of the configured `view`
                            (DataTable.TableView by default), and calls its `render()` method.
                            DataTable.TableView, for instance, then creates the `<table>` and `<caption>`,
                            then delegates the rendering of the specific sections of the table to subviews,
                            which can be configured as `headerView`, `bodyView`, and `footerView`.
                            DataTable.TableView defaults the `headerView` to DataTable.HeaderView and the
                            `bodyView` to DataTable.BodyView, but leaves the `footerView` unassigned.
                            Setting any subview to `null` will result in that table section not being
                            @class DataTable
                            @extends DataTable.Base
                            @since 3.5.0
                            // DataTable API docs included before DataTable.Base to make yuidoc work
                            The baseline implementation of a DataTable.  This class should be used
                            primarily as a superclass for a custom DataTable with a specific set of
                            features.  Because features can be composed onto `Y.DataTable`, custom
                            subclasses of DataTable.Base will remain unmodified when new feature modules
                            are loaded.
                            Example usage might look like this:
                            // Custom subclass with only sorting and mutability added.  If other datatable
                            // feature modules are loaded, this class will not be affected.
                            var MyTableClass = Y.Base.create('table', Y.DataTable.Base,
                                                   [ Y.DataTable.Sortable, Y.DataTable.Mutable ]);
                            var table = new MyTableClass({
                                columns: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age'],
                                data: [
                                    { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Zappa', age: 71 },
                                    { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Lloyd Wright', age: 144 },
                                    { firstName: 'Albert', lastName: 'Einstein', age: 132 },
                            // DataTable.Base can be instantiated if a featureless table is needed.
                            var table = new Y.DataTable.Base({
                                columns: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age'],
                                data: [
                                    { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Zappa', age: 71 },
                                    { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Lloyd Wright', age: 144 },
                                    { firstName: 'Albert', lastName: 'Einstein', age: 132 },
                            DataTable.Base is built from DataTable.Core, and sets the default `view`
                            to `Y.DataTable.TableView`.
                            @class Base
                            @extends Widget
                            @uses DataTable.Core
                            @namespace DataTable
                            @since 3.5.0
                            Y.DataTable.Base = Y.Base.create('datatable', Y.Widget, [Y.DataTable.Core], {
                                Pass through to `delegate()` called from the `contentBox`.
                                @method delegate
                                @param type {String} the event type to delegate
                                @param fn {Function} the callback function to execute.  This function
                                             will be provided the event object for the delegated event.
                                @param spec {String|Function} a selector that must match the target of the
                                             event or a function to test target and its parents for a match
                                @param context {Object} optional argument that specifies what 'this' refers to
                                @param args* {any} 0..n additional arguments to pass on to the callback
                                             function.  These arguments will be added after the event object.
                                @return {EventHandle} the detach handle
                                @since 3.5.0
                                delegate: function () {
                                    var contentBox = this.get('contentBox');
                                    return contentBox.delegate.apply(contentBox, arguments);
                                Destroys the table `View` if it's been created.
                                @method destructor
                                @since 3.6.0
                                destructor: function () {
                                    if (this.view) {
                                Returns the `<td>` Node from the given row and column index.  Alternately,
                                the `seed` can be a Node.  If so, the nearest ancestor cell is returned.
                                If the `seed` is a cell, it is returned.  If there is no cell at the given
                                coordinates, `null` is returned.
                                Optionally, include an offset array or string to return a cell near the
                                cell identified by the `seed`.  The offset can be an array containing the
                                number of rows to shift followed by the number of columns to shift, or one
                                of "above", "below", "next", or "previous".
                                <pre><code>// Previous cell in the previous row
                                var cell = table.getCell(, [-1, -1]);
                                // Next cell
                                var cell = table.getCell(, 'next');
                                var cell = table.getCell(e.taregt, [0, 1];</pre></code>
                                This is actually just a pass through to the `view` instance's method
                                by the same name.
                                @method getCell
                                @param {Number[]|Node} seed Array of row and column indexes, or a Node that
                                    is either the cell itself or a descendant of one.
                                @param {Number[]|String} [shift] Offset by which to identify the returned
                                    cell Node
                                @return {Node}
                                @since 3.5.0
                                getCell: function (/* seed, shift */) {
                                    return this.view && this.view.getCell &&
                                        this.view.getCell.apply(this.view, arguments);
                                Returns the `<tr>` Node from the given row index, Model, or Model's
                                `clientId`.  If the rows haven't been rendered yet, or if the row can't be
                                found by the input, `null` is returned.
                                This is actually just a pass through to the `view` instance's method
                                by the same name.
                                @method getRow
                                @param {Number|String|Model} id Row index, Model instance, or clientId
                                @return {Node}
                                @since 3.5.0
                                getRow: function (/* id */) {
                                    return this.view && this.view.getRow &&
                                        this.view.getRow.apply(this.view, arguments);
                                Updates the `_displayColumns` property.
                                @method _afterDisplayColumnsChange
                                @param {EventFacade} e The `columnsChange` event
                                @since 3.6.0
                                // FIXME: This is a kludge for back compat with features that reference
                                // _displayColumns.  They should be updated to TableView plugins.
                                _afterDisplayColumnsChange: function (e) {
                                    this._extractDisplayColumns(e.newVal || []);
                                Attaches subscriptions to relay core change events to the view.
                                @method bindUI
                                @since 3.6.0
                                bindUI: function () {
                                    this._eventHandles.relayCoreChanges = this.after(
                                        Y.bind('_relayCoreAttrChange', this));
                                The default behavior of the `renderView` event.  Calls `render()` on the
                                `View` instance on the event.
                                @method _defRenderViewFn
                                @param {EventFacade} e The `renderView` event
                                _defRenderViewFn: function (e) {
                                Processes the full column array, distilling the columns down to those that
                                correspond to cell data columns.
                                @method _extractDisplayColumns
                                @param {Object[]} columns The full set of table columns
                                // FIXME: this is a kludge for back compat, duplicating logic in the
                                // tableView
                                _extractDisplayColumns: function (columns) {
                                    var displayColumns = [];
                                    function process(cols) {
                                        var i, len, col;
                                        for (i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; ++i) {
                                            col = cols[i];
                                            if (Y.Lang.isArray(col.children)) {
                                            } else {
                                    Array of the columns that correspond to those with value cells in the
                                    data rows. Excludes colspan header columns (configured with `children`).
                                    @property _displayColumns
                                    @type {Object[]}
                                    @since 3.5.0
                                    this._displayColumns = displayColumns;
                                Sets up the instance's events.
                                @method initializer
                                @param {Object} [config] Configuration object passed at construction
                                @since 3.6.0
                                initializer: function () {
                                    this.publish('renderView', {
                                        defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRenderViewFn', this)
                                    // Have to use get('columns'), not config.columns because the setter
                                    // needs to transform string columns to objects.
                                    this._extractDisplayColumns(this.get('columns') || []);
                                    // FIXME: kludge for back compat of features that reference
                                    // _displayColumns on the instance.  They need to be updated to
                                    // TableView plugins, most likely.
                                    this.after('columnsChange', Y.bind('_afterDisplayColumnsChange', this));
                                Relays attribute changes to the instance's `view`.
                                @method _relayCoreAttrChange
                                @param {EventFacade} e The change event
                                @since 3.6.0
                                _relayCoreAttrChange: function (e) {
                                    var attr = (e.attrName === 'data') ? 'modelList' : e.attrName;
                                    this.view.set(attr, e.newVal);
                                Instantiates the configured `view` class that will be responsible for
                                setting up the View class.
                                @method @renderUI
                                @since 3.6.0
                                renderUI: function () {
                                    var self = this,
                                        View = this.get('view');
                                    if (View) {
                                        this.view = new View(
                                                    host     : this,
                                                    container: this.get('contentBox'),
                                        // For back compat, share the view instances and primary nodes
                                        // on this instance.
                                        // TODO: Remove this?
                                        if (!this._eventHandles.legacyFeatureProps) {
                                            this._eventHandles.legacyFeatureProps = this.view.after({
                                                renderHeader: function (e) {
                                                    self.head = e.view;
                                                    self._theadNode = e.view.theadNode;
                                                    // TODO: clean up the repetition.
                                                    // This is here so that subscribers to renderHeader etc
                                                    // have access to this._tableNode from the DT instance
                                                    self._tableNode = e.view.get('container');
                                                renderFooter: function (e) {
                                                    self.foot = e.view;
                                                    self._tfootNode = e.view.tfootNode;
                                                    self._tableNode = e.view.get('container');
                                                renderBody: function (e) {
                                                    self.body = e.view;
                                                    self._tbodyNode = e.view.tbodyNode;
                                                    self._tableNode = e.view.get('container');
                                                // FIXME: guarantee that the properties are available, even
                                                // if the configured (or omitted) views don't create them
                                                renderTable: function () {
                                                    var contentBox = this.get('container');
                                                    self._tableNode = this.tableNode ||
                                              '.' + this.getClassName('table') +
                                                                       ', table');
                                                    // FIXME: _captionNode isn't available until after
                                                    // renderTable unless in the renderX subs I look for
                                                    // it under the container's parentNode (to account for
                                                    // scroll breaking out the caption table).
                                                    self._captionNode = this.captionNode ||
                                                    if (!self._theadNode) {
                                                        self._theadNode =
                                                            '.' + this.getClassName('columns') + ', thead');
                                                    if (!self._tbodyNode) {
                                                        self._tbodyNode =
                                                            '.' + this.getClassName('data') + ', tbody');
                                                    if (!self._tfootNode) {
                                                        self._tfootNode =
                                                            '.' + this.getClassName('footer') + ', tfoot');
                                        // To *somewhat* preserve table.on('renderHeader', fn) in the
                                        // form of table.on('table:renderHeader', fn), because I couldn't
                                        // figure out another option.
                                Fires the `renderView` event, delegating UI updates to the configured View.
                                @method syncUI
                                @since 3.5.0
                                syncUI: function () {
                                    if (this.view) {
                              'renderView', { view: this.view });
                                Verifies the input value is a function with a `render` method on its
                                prototype.  `null` is also accepted to remove the default View.
                                @method _validateView
                                @since 3.5.0
                                _validateView: function (val) {
                                    // TODO support View instances?
                                    return val === null || (Y.Lang.isFunction(val) && val.prototype.render);
                            }, {
                                ATTRS: {
                                    The View class used to render the `<table>` into the Widget's
                                    `contentBox`.  This View can handle the entire table rendering itself
                                    or delegate to other Views.
                                    It is not strictly necessary that the class function assigned here be
                                    a View subclass.  It must however have a `render()` method.
                                    When the DataTable is rendered, an instance of this View will be
                                    created and its `render()` method called.  The View instance will be
                                    assigned to the DataTable instance's `view` property.
                                    @attribute view
                                    @type {Function}
                                    @default Y.DataTable.TableView
                                    @since 3.6.0
                                    view: {
                                        value: Y.DataTable.TableView,
                                        validator: '_validateView'
                                    Configuration object passed to the class constructor in `view`
                                    during render.
                                    @attribute viewConfig
                                    @type {Object}
                                    @default undefined (initially unset)
                                    @since 3.6.0
                                    viewConfig: {}
                                    If the View class assigned to the DataTable's `view` attribute supports
                                    it, this class will be used for rendering the contents of the
                                    `<thead>`&mdash;the column headers for the table.
                                    Similar to `view`, the instance of this View will be assigned to the
                                    DataTable instance's `head` property.
                                    It is not strictly necessary that the class function assigned here be
                                    a View subclass.  It must however have a `render()` method.
                                    @attribute headerView
                                    @type {Function|Object}
                                    @default Y.DataTable.HeaderView
                                    @since 3.5.0
                                    headerView: {
                                        value: Y.DataTable.HeaderView,
                                        validator: '_validateView'
                                    Configuration object passed to the class constructor in `headerView`
                                    during render.
                                    @attribute headerConfig
                                    @type {Object}
                                    @default undefined (initially unset)
                                    @since 3.6.0
                                    //headConfig: {},
                                    If the View class assigned to the DataTable's `view` attribute supports
                                    it, this class will be used for rendering the contents of the `<tfoot>`.
                                    Similar to `view`, the instance of this View will be assigned to the
                                    DataTable instance's `foot` property.
                                    It is not strictly necessary that the class function assigned here be
                                    a View subclass.  It must however have a `render()` method.
                                    @attribute footerView
                                    @type {Function|Object}
                                    @since 3.5.0
                                    footerView: {
                                        validator: '_validateView'
                                    Configuration object passed to the class constructor in `footerView`
                                    during render.
                                    @attribute footerConfig
                                    @type {Object}
                                    @default undefined (initially unset)
                                    @since 3.6.0
                                    //footerConfig: {},
                                    If the View class assigned to the DataTable's `view` attribute supports
                                    it, this class will be used for rendering the contents of the `<tbody>`
                                    including all data rows.
                                    Similar to `view`, the instance of this View will be assigned to the
                                    DataTable instance's `body` property.
                                    It is not strictly necessary that the class function assigned here be
                                    a View subclass.  It must however have a `render()` method.
                                    @attribute bodyView
                                    @type {Function}
                                    @default Y.DataTable.BodyView
                                    @since 3.5.0
                                    bodyView: {
                                        value: Y.DataTable.BodyView,
                                        validator: '_validateView'
                                    Configuration object passed to the class constructor in `bodyView`
                                    during render.
                                    @attribute bodyConfig
                                    @type {Object}
                                    @default undefined (initially unset)
                                    @since 3.6.0
                                    //bodyConfig: {}
                            // The DataTable API docs are above DataTable.Base docs.
                            Y.DataTable = Y.mix(
                                Y.Base.create('datatable', Y.DataTable.Base, []), // Create the class
                                Y.DataTable); // Migrate static and namespaced classes