                            Adds support for a message container to appear in the table.  This can be used
                            to indicate loading progress, lack of records, or any other communication
                            @module datatable
                            @submodule datatable-message
                            @since 3.5.0
                            var Message;
                            _API docs for this extension are included in the DataTable class._
                            Adds support for a message container to appear in the table.  This can be used
                            to indicate loading progress, lack of records, or any other communication
                            Features added to `Y.DataTable`, and made available for custom classes at
                            @class DataTable.Message
                            @for DataTable
                            @since 3.5.0
                            Y.namespace('DataTable').Message = Message = function () {};
                            Message.ATTRS = {
                                Enables the display of messages in the table.  Setting this to false will
                                prevent the message Node from being created and `showMessage` from doing
                                @attribute showMessages
                                @type {Boolean}
                                @default true
                                @since 3.5.0
                                showMessages: {
                                    value: true,
                                    validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean
                            Y.mix(Message.prototype, {
                                Template used to generate the node that will be used to report messages.
                                @property MESSAGE_TEMPLATE
                                @type {String}
                                @default <tbody class="{className}"><td class="{contentClass}" colspan="{colspan}"></td></tbody>
                                @since 3.5.0
                                MESSAGE_TEMPLATE: '<tbody class="{className}"><tr><td class="{contentClass}" colspan="{colspan}"></td></tr></tbody>',
                                Hides the message node.
                                @method hideMessage
                                @return {DataTable}
                                @since 3.5.0
                                hideMessage: function () {
                                        this.getClassName('message', 'visible'));
                                    return this;
                                Display the message node and set its content to `message`.  If there is a
                                localized `strings` entry for the value of `message`, that string will be
                                @method showMessage
                                @param {String} message The message name or message itself to display
                                @return {DataTable}
                                @since 3.5.0
                                showMessage: function (message) {
                                    var content = this.getString(message) || message;
                                    if (!this._messageNode) {
                                    if (this.get('showMessages')) {
                                        if (content) {
                                                '.' + this.getClassName('message', 'content'))
                                        } else {
                                            // TODO: is this right?
                                            // If no message provided, remove the message node.
                                    return this;
                                // Protected methods
                                Updates the colspan of the `<td>` used to display the messages.
                                @method _afterMessageColumnsChange
                                @param {EventFacade} e The columnsChange event
                                @since 3.5.0
                                _afterMessageColumnsChange: function () {
                                    var contentNode;
                                    if (this._messageNode) {
                                        contentNode =
                                            '.' + this.getClassName('message', 'content'));
                                        if (contentNode) {
                                            // FIXME: This needs to become a class extension plus a view or
                                            // plugin for the table view.
                                            contentNode.set('colSpan', this._displayColumns.length);
                                Relays to `_uiSetMessage` to hide or show the message node.
                                @method _afterMessageDataChange
                                @param {EventFacade} e The dataChange event
                                @since 3.5.0
                                _afterMessageDataChange: function () {
                                Removes the message node if `showMessages` is `false`, or relays to
                                `_uiSetMessage` if `true`.
                                @method _afterShowMessagesChange
                                @param {EventFacade} e The showMessagesChange event
                                @since 3.5.0
                                _afterShowMessagesChange: function (e) {
                                    if (e.newVal) {
                                    } else if (this._messageNode) {
                                            this.getClassName('message', 'visible'));
                                        this._messageNode = null;
                                Binds the events necessary to keep the message node in sync with the current
                                table and configuration state.
                                @method _bindMessageUI
                                @since 3.5.0
                                _bindMessageUI: function () {
                                    this.after(['dataChange', '*:add', '*:remove', '*:reset'],
                                        Y.bind('_afterMessageDataChange', this));
                                    this.after('columnsChange', Y.bind('_afterMessageColumnsChange', this));
                                        Y.bind('_afterShowMessagesChange', this));
                                Merges in the message related strings and hooks into the rendering cycle to
                                also render and bind the message node.
                                @method initializer
                                @since 3.5.0
                                initializer: function () {
                                    if (this.get('showMessages')) {
                                        this.after('table:renderBody', Y.bind('_initMessageNode', this));
                                    this.after(Y.bind('_bindMessageUI', this), this, 'bindUI');
                                    this.after(Y.bind('_syncMessageUI', this), this, 'syncUI');
                                Creates the `_messageNode` property from the configured `MESSAGE_TEMPLATE`
                                and inserts it before the `<table>`'s `<tbody>` node.
                                @method _initMessageNode
                                @since 3.5.0
                                _initMessageNode: function () {
                                    if (!this._messageNode) {
                                        this._messageNode = Y.Node.create(
                                            Y.Lang.sub(this.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE, {
                                                className: this.getClassName('message'),
                                                contentClass: this.getClassName('message', 'content'),
                                                colspan: this._displayColumns.length || 1
                                        this._tableNode.insertBefore(this._messageNode, this._tbodyNode);
                                Add the messaging related strings to the `strings` map.
                                @method _initMessageStrings
                                @since 3.5.0
                                _initMessageStrings: function () {
                                    // Not a valueFn because other class extensions will want to add to it
                                    this.set('strings', Y.mix((this.get('strings') || {}),
                                Node used to display messages from `showMessage`.
                                @property _messageNode
                                @type {Node}
                                @value `undefined` (not initially set)
                                @since 3.5.0
                                //_messageNode: null,
                                Synchronizes the message UI with the table state.
                                @method _syncMessageUI
                                @since 3.5.0
                                _syncMessageUI: function () {
                                Calls `hideMessage` or `showMessage` as appropriate based on the presence of
                                records in the `data` ModelList.
                                This is called when `data` is reset or records are added or removed.  Also,
                                if the `showMessages` attribute is updated.  In either case, if the
                                triggering event has a `message` property on the EventFacade, it will be
                                passed to `showMessage` (if appropriate).  If no such property is on the
                                facade, the `emptyMessage` will be used (see the strings).
                                @method _uiSetMessage
                                @param {EventFacade} e The columnsChange event
                                @since 3.5.0
                                _uiSetMessage: function (e) {
                                    if (! {
                                        this.showMessage((e && e.message) || 'emptyMessage');
                                    } else {
                            if (Y.Lang.isFunction(Y.DataTable)) {
                                Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [ Message ]);