                             * Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM
                             * events.
                             * @module event
                             * @submodule event-base
                             * Wraps a DOM event, properties requiring browser abstraction are
                             * fixed here.  Provids a security layer when required.
                             * @class DOMEventFacade
                             * @param ev {Event} the DOM event
                             * @param currentTarget {HTMLElement} the element the listener was attached to
                             * @param wrapper {CustomEvent} the custom event wrapper for this DOM event
                                var ua = Y.UA,
                                EMPTY = {},
                                 * webkit key remapping required for Safari < 3.1
                                 * @property webkitKeymap
                                 * @private
                                webkitKeymap = {
                                    63232: 38, // up
                                    63233: 40, // down
                                    63234: 37, // left
                                    63235: 39, // right
                                    63276: 33, // page up
                                    63277: 34, // page down
                                    25:     9, // SHIFT-TAB (Safari provides a different key code in
                                               // this case, even though the shiftKey modifier is set)
                                    63272: 46, // delete
                                    63273: 36, // home
                                    63275: 35  // end
                                 * Returns a wrapped node.  Intended to be used on event targets,
                                 * so it will return the node's parent if the target is a text
                                 * node.
                                 * If accessing a property of the node throws an error, this is
                                 * probably the anonymous div wrapper Gecko adds inside text
                                 * nodes.  This likely will only occur when attempting to access
                                 * the relatedTarget.  In this case, we now return null because
                                 * the anonymous div is completely useless and we do not know
                                 * what the related target was because we can't even get to
                                 * the element's parent node.
                                 * @method resolve
                                 * @private
                                resolve = function(n) {
                                    if (!n) {
                                        return n;
                                    try {
                                        if (n && 3 == n.nodeType) {
                                            n = n.parentNode;
                                    } catch(e) {
                                        return null;
                                DOMEventFacade = function(ev, currentTarget, wrapper) {
                                    this._event = ev;
                                    this._currentTarget = currentTarget;
                                    this._wrapper = wrapper || EMPTY;
                                    // if not lazy init
                            Y.extend(DOMEventFacade, Object, {
                                init: function() {
                                    var e = this._event,
                                        overrides = this._wrapper.overrides,
                                        x = e.pageX,
                                        y = e.pageY,
                                        currentTarget = this._currentTarget;
                                    this.altKey   = e.altKey;
                                    this.ctrlKey  = e.ctrlKey;
                                    this.metaKey  = e.metaKey;
                                    this.shiftKey = e.shiftKey;
                                    this.type     = (overrides && overrides.type) || e.type;
                                    this.clientX  = e.clientX;
                                    this.clientY  = e.clientY;
                                    this.pageX = x;
                                    this.pageY = y;
                                    // charCode is unknown in keyup, keydown. keyCode is unknown in keypress.
                                    // FF 3.6 - 8+? pass 0 for keyCode in keypress events.
                                    // Webkit, FF 3.6-8+?, and IE9+? pass 0 for charCode in keydown, keyup.
                                    // Webkit and IE9+? duplicate charCode in keyCode.
                                    // Opera never sets charCode, always keyCode (though with the charCode).
                                    // IE6-8 don't set charCode or which.
                                    // All browsers other than IE6-8 set which=keyCode in keydown, keyup, and
                                    // which=charCode in keypress.
                                    // Moral of the story: (e.which || e.keyCode) will always return the
                                    // known code for that key event phase. e.keyCode is often different in
                                    // keypress from keydown and keyup.
                                    c = e.keyCode || e.charCode;
                                    if (ua.webkit && (c in webkitKeymap)) {
                                        c = webkitKeymap[c];
                                    this.keyCode = c;
                                    this.charCode = c;
                                    // Fill in e.which for IE - implementers should always use this over
                                    // e.keyCode or e.charCode.
                                    this.which = e.which || e.charCode || c;
                                    // this.button = e.button;
                                    this.button = this.which;
                           = resolve(;
                                    this.currentTarget = resolve(currentTarget);
                                    this.relatedTarget = resolve(e.relatedTarget);
                                    if (e.type == "mousewheel" || e.type == "DOMMouseScroll") {
                                        this.wheelDelta = (e.detail) ? (e.detail * -1) : Math.round(e.wheelDelta / 80) || ((e.wheelDelta < 0) ? -1 : 1);
                                    if (this._touch) {
                                        this._touch(e, currentTarget, this._wrapper);
                                stopPropagation: function() {
                                    this._wrapper.stopped = 1;
                                    this.stopped = 1;
                                stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
                                    var e = this._event;
                                    if (e.stopImmediatePropagation) {
                                    } else {
                                    this._wrapper.stopped = 2;
                                    this.stopped = 2;
                                preventDefault: function(returnValue) {
                                    var e = this._event;
                                    if (returnValue) {
                                        e.returnValue = returnValue;
                                    this._wrapper.prevented = 1;
                                    this.prevented = 1;
                                halt: function(immediate) {
                                    if (immediate) {
                                    } else {
                            DOMEventFacade.resolve = resolve;
                            Y.DOM2EventFacade = DOMEventFacade;
                            Y.DOMEventFacade = DOMEventFacade;
                                 * The native event
                                 * @property _event
                                 * @type {DOMEvent}
                                 * @private
                                The name of the event (e.g. "click")
                                @property type
                                @type {String}
                                `true` if the "alt" or "option" key is pressed.
                                @property altKey
                                @type {Boolean}
                                `true` if the shift key is pressed.
                                @property shiftKey
                                @type {Boolean}
                                `true` if the "Windows" key on a Windows keyboard, "command" key on an
                                Apple keyboard, or "meta" key on other keyboards is pressed.
                                @property metaKey
                                @type {Boolean}
                                `true` if the "Ctrl" or "control" key is pressed.
                                @property ctrlKey
                                @type {Boolean}
                                 * The X location of the event on the page (including scroll)
                                 * @property pageX
                                 * @type {Number}
                                 * The Y location of the event on the page (including scroll)
                                 * @property pageY
                                 * @type {Number}
                                 * The X location of the event in the viewport
                                 * @property clientX
                                 * @type {Number}
                                 * The Y location of the event in the viewport
                                 * @property clientY
                                 * @type {Number}
                                 * The keyCode for key events.  Uses charCode if keyCode is not available
                                 * @property keyCode
                                 * @type {Number}
                                 * The charCode for key events.  Same as keyCode
                                 * @property charCode
                                 * @type {Number}
                                 * The button that was pushed. 1 for left click, 2 for middle click, 3 for
                                 * right click.  This is only reliably populated on `mouseup` events.
                                 * @property button
                                 * @type {Number}
                                 * The button that was pushed.  Same as button.
                                 * @property which
                                 * @type {Number}
                                 * Node reference for the targeted element
                                 * @property target
                                 * @type {Node}
                                 * Node reference for the element that the listener was attached to.
                                 * @property currentTarget
                                 * @type {Node}
                                 * Node reference to the relatedTarget
                                 * @property relatedTarget
                                 * @type {Node}
                                 * Number representing the direction and velocity of the movement of the mousewheel.
                                 * Negative is down, the higher the number, the faster.  Applies to the mousewheel event.
                                 * @property wheelDelta
                                 * @type {Number}
                                 * Stops the propagation to the next bubble target
                                 * @method stopPropagation
                                 * Stops the propagation to the next bubble target and
                                 * prevents any additional listeners from being exectued
                                 * on the current target.
                                 * @method stopImmediatePropagation
                                 * Prevents the event's default behavior
                                 * @method preventDefault
                                 * @param returnValue {string} sets the returnValue of the event to this value
                                 * (rather than the default false value).  This can be used to add a customized
                                 * confirmation query to the beforeunload event).
                                 * Stops the event propagation and prevents the default
                                 * event behavior.
                                 * @method halt
                                 * @param immediate {boolean} if true additional listeners
                                 * on the current target will not be executed