                            Virtual rollup of the `template-base` and `template-micro` modules.
                            @module template
                            @main template
                            @since 3.8.0
                            Provides a generic API for using template engines such as Handlebars and
                            @module template
                            @submodule template-base
                            @since 3.8.0
                            Provides a generic API for using template engines such as Handlebars and
                            ### Examples
                            Using with `Y.Template.Micro` (the default template engine):
                                YUI().use('template', function (Y) {
                                    var micro = new Y.Template(),
                                        html  = micro.render('<%= data.message %>', {message: 'hello!'});
                                    // ...
                            Using with Handlebars:
                                YUI().use('template-base', 'handlebars', function (Y) {
                                    var handlebars = new Y.Template(Y.Handlebars),
                                        html       = handlebars.render('{{message}}', {message: 'hello!'});
                                    // ...
                            @class Template
                            @param {Mixed} [engine=Y.Template.Micro] Template engine to use, such as
                                `Y.Template.Micro` or `Y.Handlebars`. Defaults to `Y.Template.Micro` if not
                            @param {Object} [defaults] Default options to use when instance methods are
                            @since 3.8.0
                            function Template(engine, defaults) {
                                Default options.
                                @property {Object} defaults
                                @since 3.8.1
                                this.defaults = defaults;
                                Template engine class.
                                @property {Mixed} engine
                                @since 3.8.0
                                this.engine = engine || Y.Template.Micro;
                                if (!this.engine) {
                                    Y.error('No template engine loaded.');
                            Registry that maps template names to revived template functions.
                            @property _registry
                            @type Object
                            @since 3.12.0
                            Template._registry = {};
                            Registers a pre-compiled template into the central template registry with a
                            given template string, allowing that template to be called and rendered by
                            that name using the `Y.Template.render()` static method.
                            For example, given the following simple Handlebars template, in `foo.hbs`:
                            It can be precompiled using the Handlebars CLI, and added into a YUI module
                            in the following way. Alternatively, `locator` can be used to automate this
                            process for you:
                                YUI.add('templates-foo', function (Y) {
                                    var engine = new Y.Template(Y.Handlebars),
                                    precompiled = // Long precompiled template function here //
                                    Y.Template.register('foo', engine.revive(precompiled));
                                }, '0.0.1', {requires: ['template-base', 'handlebars-base']});
                            See the `Y.Template#render` method to see how a registered template is used.
                            @method register
                            @param {String} templateName The template name.
                            @param {Function} template The function that returns the rendered string. The
                                function should take the following parameters. If a pre-compiled template
                                does not accept these parameters, it is up to the developer to normalize it.
                              @param {Object} [] Data object to provide when rendering the
                              @param {Object} [template.options] Options to pass along to the template
                                engine. See template engine docs for options supported by each engine.
                            @return {Function} revivedTemplate This is the same function as in `template`,
                                and is done to maintain compatibility with the `Y.Template#revive()` method.
                            @since 3.12.0
                            Template.register = function (templateName, template) {
                                Template._registry[templateName] = template;
                                return template;
                            Returns the registered template function, given the template name. If an
                            unregistered template is accessed, this will return `undefined`.
                            @method get
                            @param {String} templateName The template name.
                            @return {Function} revivedTemplate The revived template function, or `undefined`
                                if it has not been registered.
                            @since 3.12.0
                            Template.get = function (templateName) {
                                return Template._registry[templateName];
                            Renders a template into a string, given the registered template name and data
                            to be interpolated. The template name must have been registered previously with
                            Once the template has been registered and built into a YUI module, it can be
                            listed as a dependency for any other YUI module. Continuing from the above
                            example, the registered template can be used in the following way:
                                YUI.add('bar', function (Y) {
                                    var html = Y.Template.render('foo', {
                                        tagline: '"bar" is now template language agnostic'
                                }, '0.0.1', {requires: ['template-base', 'templates-foo']});
                            The template can now be used without having to know which specific rendering
                            engine generated it.
                            @method render
                            @param {String} templateName The abstracted name to reference the template.
                            @param {Object} [data] The data to be interpolated into the template.
                            @param {Object} [options] Any additional options to be passed into the template.
                            @return {String} output The rendered result.
                            @since 3.12.0
                            Template.render = function (templateName, data, options) {
                                var template = Template._registry[templateName],
                                    result   = '';
                                if (template) {
                                    result = template(data, options);
                                } else {
                                    Y.error('Unregistered template: "' + templateName + '"');
                                return result;
                            Template.prototype = {
                                Compiles a template with the current template engine and returns a compiled
                                template function.
                                @method compile
                                @param {String} text Template text to compile.
                                @param {Object} [options] Options to pass along to the template engine. See
                                    template engine docs for options supported by each engine.
                                @return {Function} Compiled template function.
                                @since 3.8.0
                                compile: function (text, options) {
                                    options = options ? Y.merge(this.defaults, options) : this.defaults;
                                    return this.engine.compile(text, options);
                                Precompiles a template with the current template engine and returns a string
                                containing JavaScript source code for the precompiled template.
                                @method precompile
                                @param {String} text Template text to compile.
                                @param {Object} [options] Options to pass along to the template engine. See
                                    template engine docs for options supported by each engine.
                                @return {String} Source code for the precompiled template.
                                @since 3.8.0
                                precompile: function (text, options) {
                                    options = options ? Y.merge(this.defaults, options) : this.defaults;
                                    return this.engine.precompile(text, options);
                                Compiles and renders a template with the current template engine in a single
                                step, and returns the rendered result.
                                @method render
                                @param {String} text Template text to render.
                                @param {Object} data Data object to provide when rendering the template.
                                @param {Object} [options] Options to pass along to the template engine. See
                                    template engine docs for options supported by each engine.
                                @return {String} Rendered result.
                                @since 3.8.0
                                render: function (text, data, options) {
                                    options = options ? Y.merge(this.defaults, options) : this.defaults;
                                    if (this.engine.render) {
                                        return this.engine.render(text, data, options);
                                    return this.engine.compile(text, options)(data, options);
                                Revives a precompiled template function into an executable template function
                                using the current template engine. The precompiled code must already have
                                been evaluated; this method won't evaluate it for you.
                                @method revive
                                @param {Function} precompiled Precompiled template function.
                                @param {Object} [options] Options to pass along to the template engine. See
                                    template engine docs for options supported by each engine.
                                @return {Function} Compiled template function.
                                @since 3.8.0
                                revive: function (precompiled, options) {
                                    options = options ? Y.merge(this.defaults, options) : this.defaults;
                                    return this.engine.revive ? this.engine.revive(precompiled, options) :
                            // Copy existing namespaced properties from Y.Template to the Template function
                            // if Y.Template already exists, then make the function the new Y.Template.
                            // This ensures that other modules can safely add stuff to the Y.Template
                            // namespace even if they're loaded before this one.
                            Y.Template = Y.Template ? Y.mix(Template, Y.Template) : Template;