                             * Provides skin related utlility methods.
                             * @module widget
                             * @submodule widget-skin
                            var BOUNDING_BOX = "boundingBox",
                                CONTENT_BOX = "contentBox",
                                SKIN = "skin",
                                _getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName;
                             * Returns the name of the skin that's currently applied to the widget.
                             * Searches up the Widget's ancestor axis for, by default, a class
                             * yui3-skin-(name), and returns the (name) portion. Otherwise, returns null.
                             * This is only really useful after the widget's DOM structure is in the
                             * document, either by render or by progressive enhancement.
                             * @method getSkinName
                             * @for Widget
                             * @param {String} [skinPrefix] The prefix which the implementation uses for the skin
                             * ("yui3-skin-" is the default).
                             * NOTE: skinPrefix will be used as part of a regular expression:
                             *     new RegExp('\\b' + skinPrefix + '(\\S+)')
                             * Although an unlikely use case, literal characters which may result in an invalid
                             * regular expression should be escaped.
                             * @return {String} The name of the skin, or null, if a matching skin class is not found.
                            Y.Widget.prototype.getSkinName = function (skinPrefix) {
                                var root = this.get( CONTENT_BOX ) || this.get( BOUNDING_BOX ),
                                skinPrefix = skinPrefix || _getClassName(SKIN, "");
                                search = new RegExp( '\\b' + skinPrefix + '(\\S+)' );
                                if ( root ) {
                                    root.ancestor( function ( node ) {
                                        match = node.get( 'className' ).match( search );
                                        return match;
                                    } );
                                return ( match ) ? match[1] : null;